(تم التحويل من 1938م)

تحويل 1-1-1938م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | تحويل 31-12-1938م الى هجري  (وصلة خارجية)  | ابحث في الموسوعة عن مواضيع متعلقة بسنة 1938

الألفية: الألفية 2
القرون: القرن 19 - القرن 20 - القرن 21
العقود: عقد 1900  عقد 1910  عقد 1920  - عقد 1930 -  عقد 1940  عقد 1950  عقد 1960
السنوات: 1935 1936 1937 - 1938 - 1939 1940 1941
1938 حسب الموضوع:
حسب البلد
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات
تصنيفات تأسيسات وانحلالات
تصنيفات أعمال وأطروحات
1938 في التقاويم الأخرى
التقويم الگريگوري1938
آب أوربه كونديتا2691
التقويم الأرمني1387
التقويم الآشوري6688
التقويم البهائي94–95
التقويم البنغالي1345
التقويم الأمازيغي2888
سنة العهد البريطانيجو. 6 – 3 جو. 6
التقويم البوذي2482
التقويم البورمي1300
التقويم البيزنطي7446–7447
التقويم الصيني丁丑(النار الثور)
4634 أو 4574
    — إلى —
戊寅年 (التراب النمر)
4635 أو 4575
التقويم القبطي1654–1655
التقويم الديسكوردي3104
التقويم الإثيوپي1930–1931
التقويم العبري5698–5699
التقاويم الهندوسية
 - ڤيكرام سامڤات1994–1995
 - شاكا سامڤات1860–1861
 - كالي يوگا5039–5040
تقويم الهولوسين11938
تقويم الإگبو938–939
التقويم الإيراني1316–1317
التقويم الهجري1356–1357
التقويم اليابانيShōwa 13
تقويم جوچى27
التقويم اليوليوسيالگريگوري ناقص 13 يوم
التقويم الكوري4271
تقويم مينگووجمهورية الصين 27
التقويم الشمسي التايلندي2481

سنة 1938 (MCMXXXVIII) كانت سنة بسيطة تبدأ يوم السبت (الرابط يعرض التقويم كاملاً) التقويم الگريگوري، السنة 1938 بعد الميلاد (م)، السنة 938 في الألفية 2، السنة 38 في القرن 20، والسنة 9 في عقد 1930.

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January 16: Benny Goodman in New York City
January 27: Niagara Bridge collapses in ice.



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  • September – The European crisis over German demands for annexation of the Sudeten borderland of Czechoslovakia heats up.
  • September 2 – Soviet Ambassador to Britain Ivan Maisky calls on Winston Churchill, to tell him that Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov has expressed to the French chargé d'affaires in Moscow that the Soviet Union is willing to fight over the territorial integrity of Czechoslovakia.
  • September 4 – During the ceremony marking the unveiling of a plaque at Pointe de Grave, France celebrating Franco-American friendship, American Ambassador William Bullitt in a speech states, "France and the United States were united in war and peace", leading to much speculation in the press that if war did break out over Czechoslovakia, then the United States would join the war on the Allied side.
  • September 5Czechoslovakian President Edvard Beneš invites mid-level representatives of the Sudeten Germans to the Hradčany palace, to tell them he will accept whatever demands they care to make, provided the Sudetenland remains part of the Republic of Czechoslovakia.
  • September 6 – What eventually proves to be the last of the "Nuremberg Rallies" begins. It draws worldwide attention because it is widely assumed Hitler, in his closing remarks, will signal whether there will be peace with or war over Czechoslovakia.
  • September 7The Times publishes a lead article which calls on Czechoslovakia to cede the Sudetenland to Germany.
  • September 9 – U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt disallows the popular interpretation of Bullitt's speech at a press conference at the White House. Roosevelt states it is "100% wrong" the U.S. would join a "stop-Hitler bloc" under any circumstances and makes it quite clear that in the event of German aggression against Czechoslovakia, the U.S. would remain neutral.
  • September 10Hermann Göring, in a speech at Nuremberg, calls the Czechs a "miserable pygmy race" who are "harassing the human race." That same evening, Edvard Beneš, President of Czechoslovakia, makes a broadcast in which he appeals for calm.
  • September 12Hitler makes his much-anticipated closing address at Nuremberg, in which he vehemently attacks the Czech people and President Beneš. American news commentator Hans von Kaltenborn begins his famous marathon of broadcast bulletins over the CBS Radio Network with a summation of Hitler's address.
  • September 13 – The followers of Konrad Henlein begin an armed revolt against the Czechoslovak government in Sudetenland. Martial law is declared and after much bloodshed on both sides order is temporarily restored. Neville Chamberlain personally sends a telegram to Hitler urgently requesting that they both meet.
  • September 15Neville Chamberlain arrives in Berchtesgaden to begin negotiations with Hitler over the Sudetenland.
  • September 16Lord Runciman is recalled to London from Prague in order to brief the British government on the situation in the Sudetenland.
  • September 17Neville Chamberlain returns temporarily to London to confer with his cabinet. The U.S.S.R. Red Army masses along the Ukrainian frontier. Rumania agrees to allow Soviet soldiers free passage across her territory to defend Czechoslovakia.
  • September 18
    • During a meeting between Neville Chamberlain, the recently elected Premier of France, Édouard Daladier, and Daladier's Foreign Minister, Georges Bonnet, it becomes apparent neither the British nor the French governments are prepared to go to war over the Sudetenland. The Soviet Union declares it will come to the defence of Czechoslovakia only if France honours her commitment to defend Czechoslovak independence.
    • Mussolini makes a speech in Trieste, Italy where he indicates that Italy is supporting Germany in the Sudeten crisis.
  • September 21
    • In the early hours of the day, representatives of the French and British governments call on Czechoslovak President Edvard Beneš to tell him France and Britain will not fight Hitler if he decides to annex the Sudetenland by force. Late in the afternoon the Czechoslovak government capitulates to the French and British demands.
    • Winston Churchill warns of grave consequences to European security if Czechoslovakia is partitioned. The same day, Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov makes a similar statement in the League of Nations.
    • The 1938 New England hurricane strikes Long Island and southern New England, killing over 300 along the Rhode Island shoreline and 600 altogether.
    • Following the capitulation of the Czech government to Germany's demands, both Poland and Hungary demand slices of Czech territory where their nationals reside.
  • September 22
    • Unable to survive the previous day's capitulation to the demands of the English and French governments, Czechoslovak premier Milan Hodža resigns. General Jan Syrový takes his place.
    • Neville Chamberlain arrives in the city of Bad Godesberg for another round of talks with Hitler over the Sudetenland crisis. Hitler raises his demands to include occupation of all German Sudeten territories by October 1. That night after a telephone conference, Chamberlain reverses himself and advises the Czechoslovaks to mobilize.
    • Olsen and Johnson's musical comedy revue Hellzapoppin begins its 3-year run on Broadway.
  • September 23
    • The Czechoslovak army mobilizes.
    • As the Polish army masses along the Czech border the Soviet Union warns Poland if it crosses the Czech frontier Russia will regard the 1932 non-aggression pact between the two countries void.
  • September 24
    • Sir Eric Phipps, British Ambassador to France, reports to London, "all that is best in France is against war, almost at any price", being opposed only by a "small, but noisy and corrupt, war group". Phipps's report creates major doubts about the ability and/or willingness of France to go to war.
    • At 1:30 AM, Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain conclude their talks on the Sudetenland. Chamberlain agrees to take Hitler's demands, codified in the Godesberg Memorandum, personally to the Czech Government. The Czech Government rejects the demands, as does Chamberlain's own cabinet. The French Government also initially rejects the terms and orders a partial mobilization of the French army.
  • September 26 – In a vitriolic speech at Berlin's Sportpalast, Hitler defies the world and implies war with Czechoslovakia will begin at any time.
  • September 28 – As his self-imposed October 1 deadline for occupation of the Sudetenland approaches, Adolf Hitler invites Italian Duce Benito Mussolini, French Premier Edourd Deladier and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to one last conference in Munich. The Czechs themselves are not invited.
  • September 29
  • September 30 – Neville Chamberlain returns to Britain from meeting with Adolf Hitler and declares "Peace for our time".




مجهولة التاريخ














Peter Snell, 1964 Olympic gold medalist

مجهولة التاريخ











Reverend Andrew Breen




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Nobel Prizes

Nobel medal.png


  1. ^ "Nederlandse Spoorwegen". 2011-06-12. Retrieved 2011-12-27.
  2. ^ "Daily Pilot - Serving Newport Beach & Costa Mesa, California". Archived from the original on May 20, 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-18. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ Bowers, Q. David (2007). A Guide Book of Buffalo and Jefferson Nickels. Atlanta, Ga.: Whitman Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7948-2008-4.
  4. ^ أ ب Nazi Germany and the Jews: 1938 – “The Fateful Year” on the Yad Vashem website
  5. ^ It Came From Within... 71 Years Since Kristallnacht - Online exhibition from Yad Vashem, including survivor testimonies, archival footage, photos and stories.
  6. ^ Albert Hofmann; translated from the original German (LSD Ganz Persönlich) by J. Ott. MAPS-Volume 6, Number 69, Summer 1969.
  7. ^ Ives, Herbert E.; Stilwell, G. R. (1938). "An Experimental Study of the Rate of a Moving Atomic Clock". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 28 (7): 215–19. Bibcode:1938JOSA...28..215I. doi:10.1364/JOSA.28.000215. Retrieved 2011-09-23.

وصلات خارجية
