براءة المسلمين

براءة المسلمين
Innocence of Muslims
Innocence of Muslims.png
لقطة من الفيلم يتحدث فيها النبي محمد إلى حمار، بعد أن نزل عليه الوحي.
اخراجسام باسيلي
انتاجنقولا باسيلي نقولا، أبانوب باسيلي
طول الفيلم120 دقيقة[1]
البلدالولايات المتحدة

براءة المسلمين بالإنجليزية: Innocence of Muslims كما عرف سابقا باسم براءة بن لادن بالإنجليزية: Innocence of Bin Laden وأخرج باسم محاربو الصحراء بالإنجليزية: Desert Warriors، هو فيلم أمريكي معادي للإسلام اشتهر لانه أدى الى احتجاجات أمام السفارات الأمريكية في العديد من الدول الإسلامية منها مصر وتونس واليمن[2] و العراق [3] [4]وأدى هجوم آخر في ليبيا إلى مقتل 4 دبلوماسيين أمريكيين منهم السفير الأمريكي كريستوفر ستيڤنز.

لا تعرف هوية منتج الفيلم ومخرجه غير أن الشبهات تحوم حول نقولا باسيلي نقولا، وهو أمريكي من أصل مصري قبطي مدان سابقا بتهم احتيال، وشخص أمريكي يدعى ألن روبرتس.[5]

ويصور الفيلم النبي محمد كزير نساء ويصفه بالشذوذ الجنسي وأن القرآن الكريم ما هو إلا خليط من آيات التوراة، وضعها راهب مسيحى.[6]

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قام باخراج وانتاج الفيلم نقولا باسيلي، وهو مطور عقاري أمريكي إسرائيلي. وفقا لباسيلي، فقد أنتج الفيلم للفت الانتباه إلى ما يحتوي الدين الإسلامى من نفاق.[7] وفقا لواي نت، قال باسيلي جمعت مبلغ 5 ملايين دولار من الجهات المانحة وهم حوالي 100 يهودي ، وقال انه رفض تحديد. العمل مع الجهات الفاعلة ونحو 60 من أفراد الطاقم 45، وقال انه قدم فيلما لمدة ساعتين في ثلاثة أشهر في العام الماضي في ولاية كاليفورنيا. وقد تم الترويج للفيلم من قبل الدكتور القس تيري جونز من فلوريدا الذي حرق المصحف وقد أثار أعمال شغب مميتة في السابق في جميع أنحاء العالم، حيث قال الثلاثاء انه يخطط لعرض مقدمة مدتها 13 دقيقة تلك الليلة في كنيسته في غينسفيل بولاية فلوريدا. "وهو انتاج، ليس موجها لمهاجمة المسلمين ولكن لإظهار الفكر المدمر للإسلام،" وقال في بيان. "الفيلم يكشف بطريقة ساخرة حياة محمد."[8]

في يوليو 2012، تم نشر مقتطفات مدتها 14 دقيقة من الفيلم باللغة الإنجليزية على يوتيوب. وفى سبتمبر كان الفيلم قد تمت دبلجته إلى العربية، وفى ذلك الوقت الذي كان قد جذب انتباه المسلمين الذين انتقدوا تصوير شخصية الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. [9] و ديلي تلغراف ذكرت أنه يصور محمد كداعية للاعتداء الجنسي على الأطفال ومثلي الجنس، والذى تظهره يمارس الجنس .[10]

ردود الفعل

A protest against an anti-Islamic film.JPG

عرض الشيخ خالد عبد الله على قناة الناس المصرية، في برنامج أذيع في 8 سبتمبر 2012، نقد لفيلم يصف النبي محمد.[11] وطالب الرئيس المصري محمد مرسي الحكومة الأمريكية لمحاسبة منتجي الفيلم.[12] قامت مظاهرات أمام السفارة الأمريكية بالقاهرة تنادي "بمحاسبة المسئولين عن انتاج الفيلم وايذاء مشاعر المسلمين"، في اشارة للفيلم.[13]

أدى عرض مشاهد من الفيلم على يوتيوب إلى إندلاع احتجاجات ووقوع عشرات القتلى ومئات المصابين في مختلف مدن العالم.[14] أعلنت حكومة پاكستان عطلة وطنية تكريما للدعوى وطالبت بسلمية المظاهرات التي قام بها المحتجين على الفيلم.[15] في 17 سبتمبر، احتج حوالي 500.000 شخص في بيروت في مسيرة دعا إليها حسن نصر الله زعيم حزب الله، وظهر فيها للعامة مطالباً بمواصلة الاحتجاجات ودعا المحتجين إلى "البدء في حرجة جادة للدفاع عن النبوة." بدأ الدبلوماسيون الأمريكيون في بالسفارة الأمريكية في بيروت بتدمير الأوراق السرية كاجراء أمني.[16]

في بنغازي، ليبيا، قام مسلحون بالهجوم على مبنى السفارة الأمريكية، مما أدى لمقتل السفير كريستوفر ستيڤنز وثلاثة أمريكان آخرون في 11 سبتمبر 2012. بعض المصادر الرسمية الأمريكية، اعتقدت أن هجوم بنغازي كان مدبر، وليس بسبب الاحتجاجات على الفيلم.[17] أعلنت القاعدة مسئوليتها عن الهجوم وقالت أنه رداً على غارة أمريكية بطائرة بدون طيار تسببت في مقتل زعيم القاعدة في ليبيا أبو يحيى الليبي.[18]

في 12 سبتمبر، أعلنت يوتيوب أنها "علقت مؤقتاً" الدخول على الفيلم في مصر وليبيا.[19] وقررت أفغانستان فرض الرقابة على يوتيوب ووصف الرئيس حامد كرزاي صنع الفيلم "بالعمل الشيطني".[20] وأذاعت عدة وكالات إخبارية أن "باسيلي" مختبئ خوفاً من الأحداث الحالية،[8] وأنه مستمبر في الدفاع عن الفيلم.[21] قائلاً انه يأسف على وفاة السفير الأمريكي، وألقى باسيلي باللوم على نظام الأمن بالقنصلية.[22] ورفض توجيه أي لوم للفيلم باعتباره المسئول عن وقوع أحداث العنف، قائلاً، "هل أشعر بالذنب لسقوط هؤلاء الأشخاص؟ خمن؟ أنا لم أحرضهم على ذلك. انهم محرضون من قبل ومبرمجون على فعل ذلك."[23]

في 18 سبتمبر، فجرت إمرأة نفسها أثناء قيادتها سيارة محملة بالمتفجرات في حافلة صغيرة تحمل عمال طيران أجانب في أفغانستان، مما أدى إلى مقتل 10 أشخاص على الأقل. ادعت جماعة حزب الإسلام الاسلامية المسلحة مسئوليتها عن الهجوم، وكان هذا أول حادث تفجير تقوم به إمرأة في البلاد، وقالت الجماعة أنها قامت بذلك رداً على الفيلم.[24] صرحت طالبان بأن الهجوم الذي قامت به على القاعدة العسكرية البريطانية في 14 سبتمبر، والذي أسفر عن مقتل جنديين أمريكيين، كان رداً على لافيلم، وفيما بعد ادعت أنها كانت ستقوم بالهجوم لتواجد الأمير هاري بالقاعدة.[25]

أدانت الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية الفيلم.[26] الأسقف سرابيون أسقف الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية بالولايات المتحدة، صرح في خطاب له "عن رفضه لجر أقباط المهجر في انتاج فيلم انتقد الإسلام وأدى لاشعال الأحداث الأخيرة.. يجب عدم ربط أبناء الرعية المباركة في أفعال مجهولة قوم بها آخرون"[27] بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فقد أعلن مجلس الكنائس العالمي أن الفيلم كان "اهانة لقلب العقيدة الإسلامية" و"لجميع العقائد الأخرى".[28][29]

قال عادل أبراهام فوكسمان، "نحن نأسف بشدة لما أذيع عن ضلوع يهودي إسرائيلي و100 من ممول إسرائيلي ورد انتاج الفيلم.[30]


البلد معلومات
 نيجريا Top Muslim Nigerian clerics condemned the film, but advised against demonstrations. "Such actions are orchestrated by the enemies of peace to bring about chaos which must be condemned by religious leaders all over the world". Nevertheless security forces around the country were on alert for trouble.[31] Protests were held in Jos and Sokoto.[32]
 النيجر The Niger Islamic Council has repudiated the film that has caused mass riots and called for Christian churches to be spared in the protests.[33] However, hundreds of protesters stormed and ransacked Catholic cathedral in Zinder and burned American and British flags. One policeman was injured and about a dozen protesters were arrested.[33][34]
 الصومال Nearly a thousand people protested the film in Mogadishu, Somalia.[35]
 السودان Several hundred protesters from a group called "Sudanese Youth" gathered outside of the U.S. embassy in Khartoum on September 12. The embassy met with three protesters, who delivered written demands asking for an apology and the removal of the YouTube video.[36]


البلد المعلومات
 كندا More than 100 people held demonstrations at Calgary's City Hall. Mahdi Qasqas with the Muslim Council of Calgary says that the protest does not only concern about the latest anti-Islam film. "This is not the only hate-filled, hate-speech video that’s out there — there are many," Quaqas said. "Hate is not just a phenomena that’s related to Muslims. It’s related to all minorities all non-dominant population groups and we’re here to stop all of that.”[37]


البلد المعلومات
 أفغانستان A demonstration of about 1,000 people was held against the film in Jalalabad. The protesters burned an effigy of U.S. President Barack Obama.[38][39]
 بنگلادش 1,000 members of the Bangladesh Khilafat Andolan group demonstrated and attempted to march on the U.S. embassy in Dhaka, though they were stopped from approaching the embassy by police. There were no reports of violence.[40]
 الهند Demonstrations were held in Srinagar, Kashmir, as local imams denounced the film saying "It is our right to protest against this heinous act aimed at hurting the sentiments of the Muslims. However, we should not indulge in vandalism as we will causing harm to our own property. We shall remain peaceful." During a protest started on September 14 and continued for three days, U.S. consulate at Chennai was pelted with stones breaking some window panes, allegely by members of the Islamist Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazagham and as a result, issuing of Visa by the consulate was cancelled for two days.[41][42]
 إندونيسيا An anti-American and anti-Israeli demonstration was held outsite the embassy in Jakarta by about 200 protesters.[43]
 ماليزيا A protest was held by a group of about 30 Muslims representing various Islamic organizations at the American embassy in Kuala Lumpur. Protests were also held at Batu Caves and in the northern city of Ipoh.[44]
 المالديڤ Protests were held against the film.[38]
 پاكستان Protests were held at the U.S. embassy in Islamabad and in Peshawar, Karachi and Swat by the Jamaat-e-Islami, while demonstration were held in Lahore by the Tehreek-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool and in Multan by Jamiat Talba Arbia and Shehri Mahaz. On September 13, Altaf Hussain, chief of Mutahidda Qaumi Movement, the third largest political party of Pakistan) sent a telegram to President of United States Barrack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary General of United Nations Ban Ki-moon and Secretary General of OIC Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in which he demanded that the movie should be banned immediately as it has hurt the feelings of over one billion Muslims throughout the world.[45][46] About 10,000 people protested in Lahore against the film, despite a ban on rallies. One Pakistani, Abdullah Ismail, died from smoke inhalation eminating from burning American flags at the rally.[47]
 الفلپين On September 15, more than 300 protesters organized in Marawi, Lanao del Sur over the film and burned American flags. There were threats to kill Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who is believed to be behind the controversial film. American interest remained unharmed in the province. The largest Muslim insurgent group Moro Islamic Liberation Front urged Filipino Muslims not to resort to violence.[48] More than 3,000 protesters organized another demonstrations in Marawi, Lanao del Sur over the film and burned American flags on September 17.[49]
 سنغافورة On Thursday, 20th of September 2012, Google started blocking access of the video on Youtube from Singaporean IP addresses at the request of the government of Singapore. Attempts to view the video will result in the message "This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request.".[50]
 سريلانكا Protests were held in eastern Sri Lanka against the film.[38]
 تايلند On September 17, 2012, the U.S. Embassy in Thailand indicated on its website that Royal Thai Police had informed it that an anti-film demonstration was scheduled to take place in front of the it on September 18. Violence was not expected but the embassy was closed for precautionary purposes.

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البلد معلومات
 بلجيكا Demonstrations were held in Antwerp in response to the anti-Islam film on September 16. The protestors chanted anti-U.S. slogans and burned an American flag. The Belgian police arrested 230 people, a leader of the Islamist group Sharia4Belgium is among those arrested.[51]
 الدنمارك Demonstrations were held by members of Hizb ut-Tahrir in front of the U.S. embassy in Copenhagen.[52]
 فرنسا Over 100 arrested in protest of anti-Islam film outside U.S. embassy in باريس. On Saturday afternoon September 15, 2012, up to 250 protesters gathered around the U.S. embassy in Paris responding to a call put out on Facebook, police officer Pierre Coric said.[53]

In addition, the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published caricatures of Muhammad, several of which depicted him as naked,[54] causing the French government to increase security at certain French embassies and close the embassies in about 20 countries, and riot police surrounded the offices of the magazine to protect against possible attacks. The magazine was firebombed in 2011 after an edition mocked radical Islam.[54][55][56]

 هولندا The American consulate in Amsterdam closed earlier than usual on September 14 in anticipation of a protest. A peaceful demonstration of around 30 people took place on the Dam Square in the center of Amsterdam. Dutch politician Geert Wilders linked the Youtube video Innocence of Muslims to his website. Shortly after it became known that Wilders had put the video online, his own website and that of the Party for Freedom became unreachable. Geert Wilders motivated his action by stating "defending freedom of expression is the greatest good. Everyone should do that as a signal that violence is not accepted and is not working."[57]


 المملكة المتحدة A demonstration of 200 people gathered outside the U.S. embassy in London, burning the U.S. and Israeli flags. The Daily Mail reported Anjem Choudary was leading the flag-burning protests. No reports of violence.[38][59][60]

A smaller protest involving around 100 people was also reported in Birmingham outside the Bullring shopping centre on September 21.[61]

الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا

البلاد معلومات
 الجزائر A demonstration of about 60 people were held in the town of Kouba. The protesters chanted slogans praising Islam and Prophet Muhammad and rejected Islamophobia and insults to religious symbols.[62]
 البحرين A demonstration of 2,000 protesters was held in Diraz, a focal point for Shiite opposition to the Sunni monarchy.[63]
 مصر Egypt requested that the international organization Interpol issue an international wanted persons alert for eight people who were linked to the film, on charges of "harming the unity of the nation and defamation of the Islamic religion."[64]
 إيران Protests occurred outside the Swiss embassy in Tehran which represents American interests in the Islamic Republic. Iranian police prevented the protesters from reaching the embassy gates, and no injuries were reported. The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the film as "an insult to sacred Muslim figures" while criticizing the response of the United States government.[65] In response to the film, Ayatollah Hassan Sanei, the leader of the state-linked religious foundation that originally placed a bounty on Salman Rushdie's head, increased the reward by $500,000 to whoever kills Rushdie. This increases the reward to $3.3 million, despite Rushdie having nothing to do with Innoncence of Muslims and even actually condemning it.[66][67][68]
 العراق Reuters reported that hundreds protested against the film in Baghdad's Sadr City and in Basra. A smaller crowd protested in Najaf. Protesters burned American flags, chanted "Death to America" and called on the Iraqi government to expel the American diplomats. The protests were organized by Shi'ite leader Moqtada al-Sadr and, at least in Basra, included both Sunni and Shi'ite clerics. In Hilla in the Shiite-dominated southern region, American and Israeli flags were burned. In Samarra clerics demanded a boycott of American goods.[69][70]
 إسرائيل About 50 members of the Islamic Movement in Israel protested in front the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv, alleging that the United States' government sponsors "little people" who hurt Islam and Muslims. There were no clashes or disturbances. In Acre, Arab protestors said that "only Islamic rule throughout the world will make peace. Jews and Christians can live without fear under the wings of Islam." Some chanted support for Osama bin Laden as well.[71][72][73]
 الأردن In Amman, 200 Salafis demonstrated at the U.S. embassy while 1,400 Muslim Brotherhood supporters in central Amman.[74]
 لبنان Protestors torched a KFC and a Hardee's in Tripoli.[75]
 الكويت An anti-American demonstration was held outside the U.S. embassy in Kuwait by about 200 protesters.[43]
 موريتانيا Protests were held in the capital, Nouakchott.[76]
 المغرب Agence France Press reported that 300 to 400 protesters had gathered outside the U.S. Consulate in Casablanca on September 12, amid a heavy presence of Moroccan police. The protest was non-violent, organized via social media and did not appear to be organized by a specific group. Around 200 hardline Islamists gathered in Salé, twin town to the Moroccan capital Rabat, shouting anti-U.S. slogans and burning U.S. flags.[77][78]
 فلسطين Protests were reported in the Gaza Strip as being called for by the Hamas government's Ministry of Religious Endowments in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council building in Gaza city. Dozens of Palestinians protested, while some burned American and Israeli flags, chanting, "Death to America! Death to Israel!" International agencies closed their offices in Gaza for a day as a precautionary measure. The following day, several hundred Palestinians across the Gaza strip protested the film, with Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad faction encouraging protests. In Gaza city several hundred took to the streets, burned American and Israeli flags along with an effigy of the film's producer. Several hundred people protested in Nablus in the northern West Bank and burned an American flag.[72][79][80]
 السعودية A protest was held outside of McDonald's in Buraidah.[81]
 سوريا A demonstration of 200 people march on the empty U.S. embassy in Damascus.[63]
 تونس Irish Times reports that 200 protesters demonstrated in front of the United States embassy in Tunis, throwing rocks, burning the American flag and chanting slogans. They were dispersed by police with teargas and rubber bullets.[82]
 تركيا Hundreds gathered at Beyazit Square in Istanbul in a peaceful demonstration against the film called by the Turkish Felicity Party (aka as Saadet Party), a marginal conservative party not represented in the Turkish parliament.[63]

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on the international community to recognize Islamophobia as a crime against humanity.[83] He also said: "Legal and peaceful protest by Muslims is a useful and correct thing; but a protest cannot envisage any kind of violence or terrorism”.[84]

 الإمارات العربية المتحدة The Telecommunication and Regulatory Authority of the UAE commanded Etisalat and Du to block the video on Youtube and mirror sites on the September 17, 2012 as a violation of cultural norms.[85]

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البلد معلومات
 أستراليا On September 15, 2012, up to 500 people gathered to protest the film outside the United States Consulate General in Martin Place, Sydney, New South Wales. Demonstrators, including children,[86] carried signs saying "Behead all those who insult the Prophet" and chanted pro-Islamic and pro-Osama bin Laden sentiments. Police attempted to form a line in front of the protesters however the line broke which caused the demonstration to become mobile. Police used pepper spray and deployed police dogs amid violent confrontations with protesters. Six police officers, several protesters and civilians were injured, two police vehicles were also damaged in the protest. Protesters directly attacked police by throwing projectiles and assaulting officers with banners, the latter led to one officer being knocked unconscious.[87][88]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Associated Press. "Muhammad film: Israeli director goes into hiding after protests". Guardian. Retrieved 2012-09-12.
  2. ^ مراسل فرانس 24 في تونس "تجمع للسلفيين أمام مقر السفارة الأمريكية احتجاجا على فيلم مسيء للإسلام، فرانس 24
  3. ^ تظاهرات للتيار الصدري في العراق احتجاجا على فيلم مسيء للاسلام
  4. ^ تظاهرات عنيفة تعم العالم الاسلامي احتجاجا على الفيلم المسيء للاسلام
  5. ^ http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/anti-islam-film-producer-wrote-script-prison-authorities/story?id=17230609
  6. ^ اليوم في أمريكا.. عرض الفيلم المسىء للرسول والصحابة، جريدة الوطن
  7. ^ "U.S. Missions Stormed in Libya, Egypt". Wall Street Journal.
  8. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة ynet
  9. ^ "Obscure Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-U.S. Protests in Egypt and Libya". New York Times.
  10. ^ Richard Spencer and Barney Henderson (12 September 2012). "US ambassador to Libya 'killed in attack on Benghazi consulate". Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 12 September 2012.
  11. ^ "Obscure Film Mocking Muslim Prophet Sparks Anti-U.S. Protests in Egypt and Libya". New York Times.
  12. ^ Kirkpatrick, David D. (September 12, 2012). "U.S. Envoy to Libya Is Killed in Attack". New York Times.
  13. ^ "American killed in Libya attack; Israeli filmmaker in hiding".
  14. ^ Press, Associated (May 16, 2010). "Anti-Islam YouTube video, 'Innocence of Muslims', sparks violent protests". Abc15.com. Retrieved September 15, 2012.
  15. ^ Pakistan declares national holiday – Khaleej Times
  16. ^ Goldman, Yoel (September 17, 2012). "Nasrallah, in rare public address, hails 'start of a serious movement in defense of the prophet'". The Times of Israel; Associated Press. The Times of Israel. Retrieved September 18, 2012.
  17. ^ Pentagon to review video of Libya attack – CNN.com blogs
  18. ^ Shmulovich, Michal (September 15, 2012). "Al-Qaeda indicates responsibility for killing US envoy in Libya, urges more attacks". The Times of Israel. Retrieved September 15, 2012.
  19. ^ Associated Press (September 12, 2012). "YouTube blocks video inciting Middle East violence in Egypt and Libya". The Washington Post. Retrieved September 14, 2012.
  20. ^ Arghandiwal, Miriam. "Afghanistan bans YouTube to censor anti-Muslim film". News.yahoo.com. Retrieved September 12, 2012.
  21. ^ "Anti-Islam Filmmaker In Hiding After Attacks". NPR. Associated Press. September 12, 2012.
  22. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة what we know
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