سرگي شويگو
سرگي شويگو | |
Сергей Шойгу | |
![]() الپورتريه الرسمي، 2014. | |
وزير الدفاع | |
في المنصب 6 نوفمبر 2012 – 12 مايو 2024 | |
الرئيس | ڤلاديمير پوتن |
رئيس الوزراء | |
سبقه | أناتولي سرديوكوڤ |
خلـَفه | أندري بلوسوڤ |
رئيس مجلس وزراء دفاع دول الكومنولث المستقلة | |
تولى المنصب 11 ديسمبر 2012 | |
سبقه | أناتولي سرديوكوڤ |
حاكم أوبلاست موسكو | |
في المنصب 11 مايو 2012 – 6 نوفمبر 2012 | |
النائب | رسلان صالحوڤ |
سبقه | بوريس گروموڤ |
خلـَفه | رسلان صالحوڤ (بالإنابة) |
زعيم روسيا المتحدة | |
في المنصب 1 ديسمبر 2001 – 27 نوفمبر 2004 يخدم with يوري لوژكوڤ ومنتيمر شايمييڤ | |
سبقه | الحزب مستحدث |
خلـَفه | بوريس گريزلوڤ |
نائب رئيس وزراء روسيا | |
في المنصب 10 يناير 2000 – 18 مايو 2000 | |
رئيس الوزراء |
زعيم حزب الوحدة | |
في المنصب 15 أكتوبر 1999 – 1 ديسمبر 2001 | |
وزير الأزمات الطارئة | |
في المنصب 17 أبريل 1991 – 11 مايو 2012 | |
الرئيس | |
رئيس الوزراء | قائمة
سبقه | منصب مستحدث |
خلـَفه | ڤلاديمير پتشكوڤ |
عضو مجلس الأمن الروسي | |
تولى المنصب نوفمبر 2012 | |
تفاصيل شخصية | |
وُلِد | سرگي كوژوگيتوڤيتش شويگو 21 مايو 1955 چادان، الاتحاد السوڤيتي روسيا حالياً) |
الحزب |
الزوج | إرينا شويگو |
الأنجال |
الأب | كوژگت شويگو |
الأقارب | لارسيا شويگو (شقيقته) |
المدرسة الأم | معهد كراسنويارسك پوليتكنيك |
الجوائز | |
التوقيع | ![]() |
الخدمة العسكرية | |
الولاء | روسيا |
الفرع/الخدمة | المجلس العسكري لقوات الدفاع المدنية |
سنوات الخدمة | 1991–الحاضر |
الرتبة | جنرال جيش |
المعارك/الحروب | الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا (قائد) |
سرگي كوژوگيتوڤيتش شويگو[1][أ][ب] (بالروسية: Серге́й Кужуге́тович Шойгу́]]؛ بالإنگليزية: Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu، و. 21 مايو 1955)، هو سياسي وضابط عسكري روسي ووزير الدفاع الروسي من 2012 حتى 2024. كان شويگو رئيساً لمجلس وزراء دفاع دول الكومنولث المستقلة منذ 2012.[3][4]
كان شويگو وزيراً للأزمات الطارئة من 1991 حتى 2012. وتولى لفترة وجيزة منصب حاكم أوبلاست موسكو عام 2012. كأحد المقربين والحليف المقرب من ڤلاديمير پوتن، ينتمي شويگو إلى سيلوڤيك، الدائرة المقربة من پوتن.[3][4] أوكلت إليه مهمة الإشراف على غزو أوكرانيا 2022. وكان شويگو سبباً رئيسياً في التمرد الذي تزعمه زعيم مجموعة ڤاگنر يڤگني پريگوژين في يونيو 2023.
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السنوات المبكرة والتعليم
ولد سرگي شويگو يوم 21 مايو 1955 في مدينة تشادان بجمهورية توڤا الروسية في عائلة مسؤول حكومي رفيع المستوى. وكان والده نائبا لرئيس الحكومة في جمهورية توڤا السوڤيتية. وتخرج سرگي شويگو عام 1977 من المعهد التكنولوجي في مدينة كراسنويارسك بتخصص مهندس معماري. ثم عمل خلال 15 عاماً في المشاريع الكبرى بمنطقة سيبيريا. وفي عام 1990 تم تعيين سرگي شويگو ، وكان آنذاك عضوا حديث العهد في الحزب الشيوعي السوفيتي، نائبا لرئيس لجنة الفن المعماري والإنشاءات لدى حكومة جمهورية روسيا الاتحادية الاشتراكية السوڤيتية. لكن القيادي الشاب مل سريعا من العمل البيروقراطي في موسكو فقرر العودة إلى كراسنويارسك حيث ولع بدراسة طرق تصفية آثار الكوارث الطبيعية. وعرض عليه بعد فترة أن يترأس فيلق الطوارئ. فوافق شويگو على تولي هذا المنصب. وفي عام 1991 اتخذ شويگو قرارا بتشكيل فرق طوارئ في كافة اقاليم روسيا. وذلك بهدف زيادة سرعة وفاعلية معالجة حالات الطوارئ في عموم روسيا. وجرى في عام 1994 دمج قوات الدفاع المدني بفيلقه للطواريء وتشكيل وزارة اطلق عليها "وزارة الطوارئ والدفاع المدني وازالة آثار الكوارث الطبيعية في روسيا الاتحادية". وبعد ذلك ظهرت هيئات للطوارئ في أوروبا اقتدت بخبرات وزارة الطوارئ الروسية. ومن أهم أفضال شويگو هو قيامه بتشكيل فريق من أنصاره يتطلع دوما إلى تطوير عمل وزارته.
وقام الرئيس الروسي دميتري مدڤييدڤ يوم 30 مارس 2012 بترشيح سرگي شويگو لتولي منصب محافظ مقاطعة موسكو. ووافق مجلس الدوما بمقاطعة موسكو بالإجماع على تعيين شويگو محافظا لأوبلاست موسكو. وتولى سرگي شويگو في 11 مايو/أيار عام 2012 منصب المحافظ في المقاطعة.
وفي 6 نوفمبر 2012 أصدر الرئيس الروسي ڤلاديمير پوتن مرسوما رئاسيا بتعيين الفريق أول سرگي شويگو وزيرا للدفاع في روسيا.
وزارة الأزمات الطارئة

In 1991, Yeltsin appointed him head of the newly established Russian Rescue Corps, responsible for the rescue and disaster response system. The Rescue Corps replaced the previous Soviet civil defense system and soon absorbed the 20,000-strong militarized Civil Defense Troops of the Ministry of Defense, with Shoigu being appointed chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations, and Disaster Response. Civil Defense remained a quasi-military organization in continuation of Soviet practice and Shoigu was politically involved, such as an unsuccessful attempt to evacuate Russian-backed Afghan President Mohammad Najibullah in 1992 and the intended distribution of weapons from the Civil Defense stocks to Yeltsin supporters during the October 1993 coup. In keeping with the militarized nature of Russian civil defense, Shoigu received the rank of major general in 1993,[5] and was promoted swiftly to lieutenant general in 1995,[6] colonel general in 1998,[7] and to army general, in practice the highest Russian military rank, in 2003.[8] The committee was renamed the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MChS) in 1994, making Shoigu a government minister. He became popular because of his hands-on management style and high visibility during emergency situations, such as floods, earthquakes and acts of terrorism.[9] Under Shoigu, the responsibilities of the ministry were expanded to take over the Russian State Fire Service in 2002, making the MChS Russia's third-largest force structure.[10]
In 1999 he became one of the leaders of the Russian pro-government party Unity, created by the Kremlin in opposition to the anti-Yeltsin elites of the Fatherland – All Russia alliance. Unity allowed for the rise of Vladimir Putin to President and in 2001 was combined into the ruling United Russia party, although Shoigu was the only delegate to vote against the merger.[9] In 1999, Shoigu was awarded Russia's most prestigious state award: Hero of the Russian Federation.[11]
حاكم أوبلاست موسكو
With over twenty years of service as Minister of Emergency Situations, Shoigu established a close relationship with Vladimir Putin, and was rewarded by being appointed Governor of Moscow Oblast in 2012,[12] taking office on 11 May of that year.[13]
وزير الدفاع (2012–2024)
On 6 November 2012, Shoigu was appointed Minister of Defence by Putin, succeeding Anatoly Serdyukov, who had implemented sweeping reforms of the Russian Armed Forces in response to performance in the Russo-Georgian War. According to expert Sergey Smirnov, the so called "Petersburg group" of siloviki (Sergei Ivanov, Sergey Chemezov and Viktor Ivanov) had wanted one of its associates to succeed Serdyukov, but Putin was reluctant to strengthen the clan and opted for the neutral Shoigu.[14] As defence minister, Shoigu on multiple occasions has accompanied Putin during weekend breaks that the pair would spend at undisclosed locations in the Siberian countryside.[15]
Serdyukov was unpopular with senior military leaders and seen by them as a civilian with no military background, something that Shoigu attempted to address by symbolically tying himself to the military through wearing an army general's uniform, reviving historical units dissolved under the reforms, and reinstating officials dismissed by Serdyukov. Furthermore, Shoigu appealed for support for reform within the army rather than taking a confrontational stance, appointed deputy ministers of defense from the military, and removed Serdyukov-appointed civilian tax service officials from the top echelons of the Ministry of Defense.[16]
As defence minister, Shoigu continued aspects of Serdyukov's attempts at modernizing the Russian Armed Forces through reform. This included the creation of the Special Operations Forces Command to facilitate rapid intervention in conflicts within the perceived Russian sphere of influence and counterterrorism efforts. Serdyukov's goals of increasing the share of the Russian Armed Forces made up of professional contract servicemen rather than conscripts continued under Shoigu. However, the demographic challenge of a decreasing pool of military-aged and -eligible males forced him to increase national conscription quotas in early 2013, including even North Caucasians perceived as a security risk by authorities such as Chechens. This followed on from Serdyukov's initiatives of reducing available draft exemptions.[16]
In November 2012, Shoigu decided to resurrect the tradition of Suvorov and Nakhimov cadets participating in the 9 May parade.[17]
In July 2013 Shoigu ordered commanders to begin every morning in the barracks with a rendition of the Russian anthem, to compile an obligatory military-patriotic book reading list and to take responsibility for the preparation of demobilization albums (a type of memento scrapbook, which in Russian military tradition is given to conscripts upon completion of their service).[18] In August 2013 he ordered all Defense Ministry civilian workers, other staff and management employees to wear uniforms.[19]
In February 2014, Shoigu said Russia was planning to sign agreements with Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, the Seychelles, Singapore, and several other countries either to house permanent military bases and/or to house airplane refueling stations in those countries.[20] Over the next year, only an agreement with Vietnam was effectively signed.[21]
أنشطة متعلقة بالمعاهدات والتدريبات العسكرية
From early 2013 the Shoigu ministry made use of snap exercises as a means to ensure combat readiness of the Eastern Military District, the Western Military District, and the Central Military District. Already in 2015 western observers mentioned the Vienna Document while they spoke of "the deteriorating European security environment.. producing an action-reaction cycle involving Russia, NATO and other European countries, all seeking to demonstrate the readiness of their armed forces."[22]
In March 2015 Russia under Shoigu's defence ministry halted all activities related to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.[23]
In October 2016 Shoigu hosted 56 representatives from 31 different OSCE nations, with Shoigu stating that the observers "had a chance to see with their own eyes that Russia had fully implemented its obligations on ensuring confidence and security in Europe". The observers were also shown new weapons deployed to the Russian Aerospace Force, Ground and Airborne Forces. The previous visit of the OSCE observers took place in 2011.[24]
أنشطة متعلقة بالثورة في أوكرانيا

In July 2014, Ukraine opened a criminal case against Shoigu. He was accused of helping to form "illegal military groups" in Eastern Ukraine who at the time fought against the Ukrainian army.[25] The Ukrainian authorities alleged that Shoigu coordinated all of DPR Supreme Commander Igor Girkin's actions, supplying him and "other terrorist leaders" with "the most destructive weapons" since May and instructing him directly, with Putin's approval.[26]
In July 2016 Shoigu said that he had "deployed more air defense systems in the southwest [of Russia]" and "also deployed a 'self-sufficient' contingent of troops in Crimea", adding "Since 2013 ... we have formed four divisions, nine brigades and 22 regiments. They include two missile brigades armed with Iskander missile complexes, which has allowed to boost fire power to destroy the potential adversary."[27]
In July 2018 Shoigu warned that the Poroshenko administration of Ukraine was not fulfilling the Minsk agreements which were signed in order to end the war in Donbas.[28]
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أنشطة متعلقة بسوريا

On 30 September 2015, Russia began a military operation in Syria. The operation was carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces, with the support of the Russian Navy and Bashar al-Assad's Syrian Armed Forces.
On 16 December 2015, speaking to the members of the State Duma behind closed doors, Shoigu mentioned the possibility of the Russian forces "reaching the Euphrates" in Syria.[29]
In June 2016, Russia Today, while reporting minister Shoigu's visit to Hmeymim air base, showed RBK-500 ZAB-2.5SM incendiary cluster bombs being loaded onto Russian airplanes. After this information was discovered to be inconsistent with official Russian statements, the video was removed. It was later reinstated. An editorial note below the video made no mention of the weapon, saying a frame in the video has caused "concern for personnel safety" because of a pilot's close-up. "Upon re-evaluation it was deemed that the frame did not pose any risks; it had since been restored and the video is up in its original cut," the RT statement said.[30][31]
On 11 December 2017, days after declaring Syria had been "completely liberated" from ISIL and with the campaign liberating the western bank of the Euphrates in its final days, Putin visited the Russian base in Syria, where he announced that he had ordered the partial withdrawal of the forces deployed to Syria.[32][33][34] Several hours later, Shoigu said the troops had already begun to return.[35]
On 26 December 2017, Shoigu said that Russia had set about "forming a permanent grouping" at the Tartus naval facility and the Hmeymim airbase, after Putin approved their structure and personnel strength.[36][37] On the same day, the upper chamber of parliament approved the ratification of an agreement between Russia and Syria on expanding the Tartus naval facility, which envisages turning it into a full-fledged naval base.[38]
On 17 September 2018, during multiple missile strikes by Israeli F-16 jets at targets in western Syria, Russia′s Il-20 ELINT reconnaissance plane returning to Khmeimim Air Base, with 15 Russian servicemen on board, was inadvertently downed by a Syrian S-200 surface-to-air missile. Russia′s defence minister the following day blamed Israel′s military for the accident[39][40] and re-affirmed its stance in a minute-by-minute report presented on 23 September.[41][42] Early on 20 September, Russia′s government-run news agency reported Russia had announced multiple areas of eastern Mediterranean ″near Syria, Lebanon, and Cyprus" shut for air and sea traffic until 26 September, due to the Russian Navy′s drills in the area.[43] Following the shoot down incident, Shoigu on 24 September said that within two weeks, the Syrian army would receive S-300 air-defense missile systems to strengthen Syria′s combat air defence capabilities; a series of other military measures were announced such as radio-electronic jamming of "satellite navigation, onboard radars and communications systems used by military aircraft attacking targets in Syrian territory", in the areas of the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast.[44][45][46]

Shoigu said in August 2021 that Russia had tested 320 new weapons over the course of its campaign in Syria.[47]
في حكومة مدڤييدڤ
Shoigu was reappointed as defence minister in 2018 in the Medvedev second government.[48]
في حكومة ميشوستين

Shoigu was reappointed as defence minister in 2020 in the Mishustin government.[49]
In an August 2021 "Solovyov Live" YouTube channel interview, Shoigu said referring to his tenure in the Ministry that "The requirements for fulfilling the defense procurement plan have risen dramatically. Over the past nine years, we have received 15,500 weapon systems for the ground forces. In 1999–2002, we had gotten 10 or 19 aircraft at best, that is, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft all together. That's why now that we receive 140–150 aircraft annually, this is quite a different story."[47]
In August 2021, Shoigu praised military cooperation between Russia and China.[50]
أنشطة متعلقة بغزو أوكرانيا 2022
On 29 August 2021, Shoigu was recorded as saying that "Russia doesn't consider Ukraine as threat," while he expressed the hope that the situation in Ukraine would ultimately change and the "nationalist mayhem" would be stopped. Shoigu said that the Ukrainians "are not just our neighbors, we are a single people."[51]
On 11 February 2022, Shoigu met UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace. Shoigu denied that Russia was planning an invasion of Ukraine.[52] Wallace agreed at the meeting which also included General Valery Gerasimov[53] that it was important to implement the Minsk agreements "as a clear way forward".[54]

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine.[55] Shoigu said the purpose of the invasion "is to protect the Russian Federation from the military threat posed by Western countries, who are trying to use the Ukrainian people in the fight against our country."[56] The sources say the decision to invade Ukraine was made by Putin and a small group of war hawks in Putin's inner circle, including Sergei Shoigu and Putin's national security adviser Nikolai Patrushev.[57] In a 11 March video conference with Putin, Shoigu claimed that "everything is going to plan."[58]
On 24 April, Putin decided to broadcast with English subtitles an 11-minute long Siege of Mariupol situation report meeting with Shoigu.[59]
On 13 May, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin initiated a telephone conversation with Shoigu, the first call since 18 February. The call lasted about an hour with Austin urging an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine.[60][61]
Also on 13 May, former FSB officer and former DPR Supreme Commander Igor Girkin harshly criticized Shoigu, accusing him of "criminal negligence" in conducting the invasion.[62]
On 16 August, Shoigu said that Russia does not need to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, as "its main purpose is to deter a nuclear attack. Its use is limited to extraordinary circumstances."[63]

Shoigu and Putin attended the Vostok-2022 military exercise in the Russian Far East. Beyond Russian troops, the exercises also included military forces from China, India, Mongolia and several post-Soviet states, among others.[64]
After large Ukrainian counteroffensives in September 2022, Igor Girkin said that Shoigu should be executed by firing squad.[65] The Russia-installed governor of Ukraine's Kherson region Kirill Stremousov said in a video shared on social media that "Many are saying that the Defense Minister — who allowed things to come to this — should simply shoot himself like a [real] officer."[66]
On 21 September 2022, Shoigu said in a televised speech that Russia was not so much at war with Ukraine and the Ukrainian army as with the "collective West" and NATO.[67]
In September 2022, Shoigu claimed that 5,397 Russian soldiers had been killed in the war in Ukraine.[68][69] He said that the 2022 Russian mobilization is being carried out to control "already liberated territories" in Ukraine. According to Shoigu, it is planned to mobilize 300,000 reservists.[70] Shoigu said the mobilized people could only be sent to combat zones after "training and combat coordination."[71] However, some of the mobilized Russian men were killed less than two weeks after being drafted, meaning conscripted civilians are being sent to a combat zone without basic military training.[72] On 28 October, Shoigu said that 82,000 mobilized reservists had already been deployed in the combat zone.[73]

On 12 October 2022, the independent Russian media project iStories reported that more than 90,000 Russian soldiers had been killed, seriously wounded or gone missing in Ukraine, citing sources close to the Kremlin.[68]
On 23 October 2022, Shoigu said, without providing evidence, that Ukraine could escalate the war with a dirty bomb—or an explosive that contains radioactive waste material. The UK, US and French governments rejected what they called "Russia's transparently false allegations" against Ukraine,[75] adding: "The world would see through any attempt to use this allegation as a pretext for escalation."[76]
On 1 November 2022, Shoigu admitted that the Russian military was destroying Ukrainian energy facilities.[77] On 6 December 2022, he said that Russian forces are "inflicting massive strikes" on Ukraine.[78]
On 21 December 2022, Shoigu said that the war in Ukraine would continue in 2023 "until the tasks are completed".[79] He declared that victory was "inevitable" and claimed that Russian troops were fighting what he called "neo-Nazism and terrorism".[80]
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On 23 February 2022, the European Union considered Shoigu responsible for actively supporting and implementing actions and policies that undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine as well as the stability or security in Ukraine. Therefore the European Union added Shoigu to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 269/2014.[81]
On 25 February 2022, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the United States added Shoigu to the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.[82]
On 28 February 2022, the Government of Canada "further amended its Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations to add eighteen members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation responsible for" Russian actions in the Ukraine, "including President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Defence Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Justice Konstantin Chuychenko, and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov."[83]
حياته الشخصية
الأب — كوژوگت سرييڤتش شويگو[84] (1921–2010) (وُلِد Shoygu Seree oglu Kuzhuget, ترتيب كلمات اسمه تغير بسبب خطأ في جواز السفر)، محرر الصحيفة المحلية، ولاحقاً عمل في الحزب وفي السلطات السوڤيتية، وكان أمين لجنة الحزب بتوڤا وتقاعد برتبة نائب أول رئيس مجلس وزراء توڤا ج.ا.ا.س.. كما ترأس أرشيف الدولة في توڤا، وأمضى ست سنوات محرراً في صحيفة پراڤدا؛ وكتب روايات "الزمن والناس", "ريشة العقاب الأسود" (2001), "تنو توڤا: بلد البحيرات والأنهار الزرقاء" (2004).

يستمتع سرگي شويگو بدراسة تاريخ روسيا لفترة پطرس الأكبر وفترة 1812–1825 (الغزو الفرنسي لروسيا والثورة الديسمبرية).[85]
Shoigu is fond of sports and is a fan of the CSKA Moscow hockey team. He enjoys football and is a fan of Spartak Moscow. In March 2016, together with Sergey Lavrov, Shoigu presented the Russia People's Soccer League, with aims to unite fans of the sport from all over Russia.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Shoigu collects Indian, Chinese, and Japanese swords and daggers. He enjoys bard songs and plays the guitar. He does water color paintings and graphics. He enjoys carpentry, and has shown some of his work to Putin.[86][87][88]
He is fluent in 9 languages that include Russian, English, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Turkish.[89]
Shoigu stated in 2008 that he was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church at the age of five, rebutting rumors that he was a practitioner of shamanism or Buddhism like many Tuvans.[90]
الأوسمة والتكريم

- بطل الاتحاد الروسي
- Order of Merit for the Fatherland 2nd class
- Order of Merit for the Fatherland 3rd class
- Order of Honour
- Order for Personal Courage (USSR)
- Medal Defender of a Free Russia
- Medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow"
- Medal "In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg"
- Medal "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan"
- Three Medals "For Strengthening Military Cooperation" (وزارة الدفاع)
- Medal "For Diligence in Engineering Tasks" (وزارة الدفاع)
- Medal "200 Years of the Ministry of Defence" (وزارة الدفاع)
- Medal "200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" (MVD)
- Medal "For Merit of the Stavropol Territory"
- Honoured Rescue Worker of the Russian Federation
- Order of "Merit of the Altai Territory"
- Honorary Citizen of the Kemerov Oblast
- Medal of the Order of Courage (Abkhazia)
- First Class of the Order of Friendship (Kazakhstan)[91]
- Medal of the Order "Danaker" (Kyrgyzstan)
- Military Class of the Order pro Merito Melitensi
- Medal of the Order of the Red Banner (Mongolia)
- Grand Commander of the Order of the Union of Burma (Myanmar) Sithu class[92]
- Grand Cross with silver star of the Order of Ruben Dario (Nicaragua)
- First Class of the Order of the Serbian Flag (Serbia)
- Medal of the Uatsamonga Order (South Ossetia)
- Military Commonwealth Medal (Syria)
- Medal of the Friendship Order (Vietnam)
صور من زيارة وزير الدفاع الروسي سيرغي شويغو لخطوط انتاج المسيرات العسكرية (فبراير 2024) |
- ^ Also transliterated as Shoygu؛ روسية: Сергей Кужугетович Шойгу، IPA: [sʲɪrˈɡʲej kʊʐʊˈɡʲetəvʲɪtɕ ʂɐjˈɡu]؛ توڤا: Сергей Күжүгет оглу Шойгу، IPA: [siɾˈɡɛj kyʒyˈɣɛt ɔˈɣlu ʃɔjˈɣu].
- ^ The correct name should be Sergei Shoiguevich Kuzhuget as the Soviet official swapped the name of his father, Shoigu Kuzhuget to Kuzhuget Shoigu.[2]
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مناصب سياسية | ||
سبقه منصب مستحدث |
وزير الظروف الطارئة 1991–2012 |
تبعه ڤلاديمير پوتشكوڤ |
سبقه بوريس گروموڤ |
حاكم اوبلاست موسكو 2012 |
تبعه رسلان صالحوڤ بالإنابة |
سبقه أناتولي سرديوكوڤ |
وزير الدفاع 2012–الآن |
الحالي |
مناصب حزبية | ||
منصب حديث | زعيم روسيا المتحدة 2001–2005 |
تبعه بوريس گريزلوڤ |
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