نزاع جزر سن‌كاكو

خريطة توضح نزاع جزر سينكاكاو.
إحدى جُزيرات المجموعة–دياويو داو/اووتسوري جيما، صورة جوية التقطها وزارة الأراضي، البنية التحتية، النقل والسياحة اليابانية، عام 1978.
جزء من خريطة توضح جزر سن‌كاكو في أطلس العالم نُشرت في الصين عام 1960.

نزاع جزر سن‌كاكو Senkaku Islands dispute، هو نزاع أراضي حول مجموعة جزر سن‌كاكو الغير مأهولة، وتُعرف في الصين باسم جزر دياويو[1] أو جزر تياويوتاي في تايوان.[2] تسيطر اليابان على الأرخبيل، وتطالب به أيضاً كل من الصين[3] وتايوان.[4] وتتيح السيادة على الجزر ملكية حقوق النفط، المعادن، والصيد في المياه المحيطة.[5]

احتلت الولايات المتحدة هذه الجزر من عام 1945 حتى 1972.[6] أشارت اليابان والصين بمطالبتها بملكية الجزر إلى مجلس الأمن عندما نقلت الولايات المتحدة سلطات ادارة الجزر إلى اليابان.[7] على الرغم من أن الولايات المتحدة ليس لها موقف رسمي من مطالبات السيادة المتنافسة،[8] فإن الجزر متضمنة في معاهدة الأمن الأمريكية اليابانية، مما يعني أن دفاع اليابان عن الجزر قد يجبر الولايات المتحدة على تقديم دعم عسكري لها.[9]

ترتبط الولايات المتحدة في نزاع جزر آخر له صلة بالصين. هذه هي جزر سپراتلي، الواقعة في بحر الصين الجنوبي. وتتنازع عليها كل من: بروناي، الصين، ماليزيا، الفلپين، تايوان وڤيتنام. وكل واحدة من هذه الدول (ما عدا بروناي) تحتل جزيرة أو أكثر من هذه الجزر التي يزيد عددها عن عشرين. وفي سنة 1945 مع نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية، حررت الولايات المتحدة هذه الجزر من السيطرة اليابانية. لكن، لم تكن الجزر جزءا من أي معاهدة أمريكية مع اليابان أو أي دولة أخرى.

مؤخرا، زاد اهتمام دول المنطقة بهذه الجزر بعد أخبار عن وجود احتياطيات كبيرة من النفط والغاز الطبيعي. كما أنها ظلت من أهم مناطق صيد الأسماك في العالم. وتعتبر نقاط اتصالات وملاحة بحرية. وتعتبر امتدادا للجرف القاري للدول التي تسيطر عليها. لكن، بعض الدول، مثل الصين وتايوان وڤيتنام، تقول إنها تريد الجزر ليس لأي اعتبارات اقتصادية أو استراتيجية، ولكن لاعتبارات تاريخية.[10]

في سبتمبر 2012، قام الحكومة اليابانية بشراء ثلاثة من الجزر المتنازع عليها من ملاكها، مما أدى إلى إندلاع مظاهرات واسعة النطاق.[11]

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تقع جزر سن‌كاكو في بحر الصين الشرقي، بين اليابان والصين، وتايوان. يضم الأرخبيل خمس جزر غير مأهولة وثلاث صخور ضحلة، باجمالي مساحة من 800 م2 - 4.32 كم2.

حقوق الصيد

تم التحايل على قضية السيادة بمهارة في اتفاقيات الصيد الثنائية. في اتفاقية الصيد لعام 1997، اُستبعدت جزر سن‌كاكو رسمياً عن المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة الصينية، لكن اليابان أعربت في خطاب عن نيتها عدم منع قوارب الصيد الصينية من الصيد هناك. فيما بعد، ادعت اليابان أنه تم التنازل لها عن حقوق الصيد الخالصة حول الجزر.[12]

نزاع الأراضي


في أعقاب استعادة ميجي، ضمت حكومة ميجي اليابانية ما كان يعرف سابقاً بمملكة ريوكيو تحت محافظة أوكيناوا عام 1879. جزر سن‌كاكو التي تقع بين مملكة ريوكيو وامبراطورية تشينگ، أصبحت الحدود الصينية-اليابانية للمرة الأولى.[بحاجة لمصدر]

عام 1885، قدم الحاكم الياباني لمحافظة أوكيناوا، نيشيمورا سوتزو، التماساً لحكومة ميجي، يطلب فيه السيطرة الرسمية على الجزر.[13] ومع ذلك، فقد علق إنويه كاورو، وزير الشئون الخارجية الياباني، أن الجزر تقع بالقرب من منطقة الحدود مع امبراطورية تشينگ وأنهم تم منح الجزر أسماء صينية. واستشهد أيضاً بمقال في صحيفة صينية كانت قد زعمت سابقاً أن اليابان كانت تحتل الجزر الشرقية المقابلة للساحل الصيني. أعرب إنويه عن قلقه إذا ما شرعت اليابان في أخذ خطوة عملية تعلن فيها مطالبتها بالجزر، سوف يؤدي ذلك إلى الشك في وجود امبراطورية تشينگ.[13] في أعقاب نصيحة إنويه، رفض ياماگاتا أريتومو، وزير الداخلية، طلب إدراج الجزر، مصراً على أن المسألة يجب ألا "يتم الكشف عنها في وسائل الإعلام".[13]

في 14 يناير 1895، أثناء الحرب الصينية اليابانية الأولى، أدرجت اليابان الجزر تحت ادارة أوكيناوا، معلنة أن أجرت مسوحات منذ عام 1884 وأن الجزر كانت terra nullius (غير مأهولة)، مما يعني عدم وجود دليل على أنها كانت تحت حكم امبراطورية تشينگ.[بحاجة لمصدر]

بعد أن خسرت الصين الحرب، وقع كلا البلدين معاهدة شيمونوسكي في أبريل 1895، والتي نصت على، أن الصين يجب أن تتنازل لليابان عن "جزيرة فوموزا وجميع الجزر التي تتعلق أو تنتمي لجزيرة فورموزا (تايوان)".[14]

إلا أنه تم إلغاء المعاهدة بعدما خسرت اليابان في الحرب العالمية الثانية عام 1945، ووقعت [[معاهدة سان فرانسيسكو]، والتي وقعتها اليابان مع جزء من قوى المحور عام 1951. ألغت الوثيقة المعاهدات السابقة لها واحتفظت لليابان بوضعها الحالي الذي تحتفظ بها بقواتها العسكرية التي هي في الواقع قوات دفاعية.[بحاجة لمصدر]

كان هناك خلاف بين الحكومات اليابانية، الصينية، والتايوانية عما اذا كانت جزر سن‌كاكو جزءاً من "الجزر المتعلقة أو التي تنتمي لجزيرة فورموزا" حسب ما جاء في معهدة شيمونوسكي.[13] تنازعت الصين وتايوان على الادعاء الياباني الذي استشهد بأسباب ياماگاتا أريتومو وقرارات رفض طلب ادراج الجزر عام 1885.[15] وأكدت الصين وتايوان سيادتهما على الجزيرة.[16]

في 15 مايو 1972، انتهى الاحتلال الأمركي لأوكيناوا وسلسلة جزر ريوكيو، والتي تضم جزر سن‌كاكو.[17]

حجج الصين وتايوان

A 1785 Japanese map, the Sangoku Tsūran Zusetsu (三国通覧図説) by Hayashi Shihei adopted the Chinese kanji (釣魚臺 Diaoyutai) to annotate the Senkaku Islands, which were painted in the same color as China.[13][18] The primary text itself can be found here.[19]

The two governments of China first made their claims during the mid-1970s after a 1968 study by experts discovered that oil reserves might be found under the sea near the Senkaku Islands.[20] They argue that the sovereignty dispute is a legacy of Japanese invasion of China and complicated by the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) over control of China. The PRC's and ROC's claims include the following arguments:

  1. Discovery and early recording in maps and travelogues[21]
  2. The islands were China's frontier off-shore defence against wokou (Japanese pirates) during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). A Chinese map of Asia, as well as a map compiled by a Japanese cartographer[22] in the 18th century,[21] shows the islands as a part of China.[21][23]
  3. Japan took control of the islands during the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895, to whom they were formally ceded by the Treaty of Shimonoseki. A letter of the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1885, warning against annexing the islands due to anxiety about China's response, shows that Japan knew the islands were not terra nullius.[15][21][23]
  4. The Potsdam Declaration stated that "Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine", and "we" referred to the victors of the Second World War who met at Potsdam, the USA, the UK and the Republic of China. Japan accepted the terms of the Declaration when it surrendered.[23][24][25]
  5. Both the PRC and ROC governments never endorsed the transfer of control of the islands to Japan in 1970s.[بحاجة لمصدر]

According to Chinese claims,[21] the islands, known to China at least since 1372,[26] had been repeatedly referred to as part of Chinese territory since 1534,[26] and later controlled by the Qing Dynasty along with Taiwan.[21] The earliest written record of Diaoyutai dates back to 1403 in a Chinese book Voyage with the Tail Wind (zh:順風相送),[27] which recorded the names of the islands that voyagers had passed on a trip from Fujian to the Ryukyu Kingdom.[13]

By 1534, all the major islets of the island group were identified and named in the book Record of the Imperial Envoy's Visit to Ryukyu (使琉球錄).[23] and were the Ming Dynasty's (16th-century) sea-defense frontier.[23][26] One of the islands, Chihweiyu, marked the boundary of the Ryukyu Islands. This is viewed by the PRC and ROC as meaning that these islands did not belong to the Ryukyu Islands.[26]

The First Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1894. After the Qing dynasty of China lost the war, both countries signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki on 17 April 1895. In Article 2(b) the Treaty stated that "the island of Formosa, together with all islands appertaining or belonging to the said island of Formosa" should be ceded to Japan.[28] Although the Treaty did not specifically name every ceded island, the PRC and ROC argue that Japan did not include the islands as part of Okinawa Prefecture prior to 1894, and that the eventual inclusion occurred only as a consequence of China's cession of Taiwan and the Pescadores to Japan after the Sino-Japanese War.[26]

The Japanese government argues that the islands were not ceded by this treaty but the claim is disputed by Chinese governments, quoting the documents of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1884. In that year, the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs objected to the annexation of those islands by stating that those islands were "near to the Qing's (China's) border", "had Chinese names", and Japanese activity "in the offshore's coast of Qing Dynasty had already raised the attention of Chinese newspapers and were warned by China". Following this advice, the Japanese interior minister, Yamagata Aritomo, turned down the request for incorporating those islands into Japanese territory. The Chinese governments see it as evidence to disprove the Japanese claim that those islands were terra nullius when they decided to incorporate them in 1895.[15][21][23]

The Japanese government kept postponing the issue and it was only in 1895, when Japan's victory in the Sino-Japanese War was manifested, that the application was finally accepted in a Cabinet meeting.[26] They also claim that the Japanese reference to these islands did not appear in Japanese government documents before 1884.[26]

After World War II, there was renewed civil war between the Chinese Communist Party and Kuomintang. The two parties formed competing governments, the PRC and ROC respectively. Both governments held undefined positions on the sovereignty and administration on the islands until 1971, when the U.S. expressed its intention to hand over the islands to Japan. Both the PRC[29] and ROC[30] governments protested and claimed sovereignty over the islands as a part of Taiwan.

The PRC and ROC governments claim that during negotiations with China over the Ryukyu Islands after the First Sino-Japanese War, the islands were not mentioned at all in a partition plan suggested by US ex-President Grant.[26] The lease of the islands in 1896 and subsequent purchase in 1930 by the Koga family were merely domestic arrangements made by the Japanese government which had no bearing on the legal status of the islands."[26]

China has protested since the US announced the Okinawa reversion in 1971.[26]

In April 2012, Taiwan declined an invitation from the PRC to work together to resolve the territorial dispute with Japan. Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) Minister Lai Shin-yuan said, "The ROC and Mainland China will not deal with the [Tiaoyutai Islands] disputes together. Mainland China said the two sides should solve these issues together, but that is not the approach we are taking because [Taiwan and Mainland China] already have sovereignty disputes. We insist on our sovereignty."[31]

الموقف الياباني

The Washington Times states that this is a classified PRC government map from 1969 and that it lists the "Senkaku islands" as Japanese territory.[32]

The Japanese stance is that there is no territorial issue that needs to be resolved over the Senkaku.[33] It has stated the following points as claim for the islands and counter-argument against China's claim.

  1. The islands had been uninhabited and showed no trace of having been under the control of China prior to 1895.[34]
  2. The islands were neither part of Taiwan nor part of the Pescadores Islands, which were ceded to Japan by the Qing Dynasty of China in Article II of the May 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki,[34] thus were not later renounced by Japan under Article II of the San Francisco Peace Treaty.[35]
  3. Though the islands were controlled by the United States as an occupying power between 1945 and 1972, Japan has since 1972 exercised administration over the islands.
  4. Japanese allege that Taiwan and China only started claiming ownership of the islands in 1971, following a May 1969 United Nations report that a large oil and gas reserve may exist under the seabed near the islands.[36][37][38]

During a private visit 9 years after stepping down from office, former President of Republic of China, Lee Teng-hui, once said that the Senkaku Islands are part of Okinawa.[39]

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government conducted surveys of the islands beginning in 1885, which found that the islands were terra nullius and that there was no evidence to suggest that they had ever been under Chinese control.[36] At the time of this survey, however, Yamagata Aritomo, the minister of interior of the Meji government, took a cautious approach and put off the request to incorporate the islands.

Japan erected a marker on Kubajima and Uotsurijima to incorporate the islands as its territory,[40][المصدر لا يؤكد ذلك] a decision it publicized in 1950.[41] Four of the islands were subsequently developed by Koga Tatsushirō (古賀 辰四郎) and his family, with the permission of the Japanese government.[42][unreliable source?]

Japan claims that neither China nor Ryukyu had recognized sovereignty over the uninhabited islands. Therefore, they claim that Chinese documents only prove that Kumejima, the first inhabited island reached by the Chinese, belonged to Okinawa. Kentaro Serita (芹田 健太郎) of Kobe University points out that the official history book of the Ming Dynasty compiled during the Qing Dynasty, called the History of Ming (明史), describes Taiwan in its "Biographies of Foreign Countries" (外国列传) section. Thus, China did not control the Senkaku Islands or Taiwan during the Ming Dynasty.[43][unreliable source?]

A letter from the Republic of China (中華民國) consul to Nagasaki written on May 20, 1921. The letter referred to "Senkaku Islands, Yaeyama District, Okinawa Prefecture, the Empire of Japan".[44]
An article published by the Renmin Ribao in 1953. It listed "Senkaku Islands" as part of the (then) U.S.-occupied Ryuku Islands (Okinawa).[45]
Partial image of headline and 1st paragraph of newspaper article: "Struggle of the people of the Ryukyu Islands against U.S. occupation" (琉球群岛人民反对美国占领的斗争), People's Daily (人民日報), January 8, 1953.

After a number of Chinese were rescued from a shipwreck in 1920, a letter purportedly sent to Japanese fishermen by the Chinese Consul Feng Mien (冯冕/馮冕) in Nagasaki on behalf of the Republic of China (中華民國) on May 20, 1921, made reference to "Senkaku Islands, Yaeyama District, Okinawa Prefecture, the Empire of Japan". The letter is on exhibition at Yaeyama museum.[44]

The People's Daily, a daily newspaper, which is the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), had written in 1953 that Senkaku Islands was a part of Japanese territory.[45][46][47][48][49][50][51]

The Washington Times stated that they obtained a classified map made by the PRC's map authority in 1969 apparently listing the "Senkaku Islands" as Japanese territory.[32]

A World Atlas published in October 1965 by the National Defense Research Academy and the China Geological Research Institute of Taiwan records the Diaoyu Islands with Japanese names: Gyochojima (Diaoyu Islands), Taishojima (Chiwei Island), and Senkaku Gunto.[52] In the late 1970s, the government of ROC began to recall these books, but it was too late.[52]

A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory.[53] A state-prescribed textbook published in 1970 in Taiwan treated the islands as Japanese territories.[54][55]

From 1895 to 1940, there was a Katsuobushi factory and about 200 Japanese residents on the islands.[56] In 1978, a Japanese nationalist group, Nihonseinensha built a lighthouse on Uotsuri Jima, which was subsequently handed over to the Japanese government in 2005.[57][58]

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حلول بديلة

When PRC-Japan diplomatic relations were established in 1972, both nations found reasons to set aside this territorial dispute.[59] According to negotiator Deng Xiaoping, "It does not matter if this question is shelved for some time, say, 10 years. Our generation is not wise enough to find common language on this question. Our next generation will certainly be wiser. They will certainly find a solution acceptable to all."[60]

In 1969, the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE) identified potential oil and gas reserves in the vicinity of the Senkaku Islands.[37] During subsequent decades, several rounds of bilateral talks considered joint-development of sub-seabed resources in disputed territorial waters. Such efforts to develop a cooperative strategy were unsuccessful.[61]

In 2008, a preliminary agreement on joint development of resources was reached but the agreement only includes the area far from these islands.[62]

نزاعات حول الأسباب

There are disputes about the causes of controversy involving the Senkaku Islands.[63] For example, some use the term "territorial dispute"; however, the Japanese government has consistently rejected this framing since the early 1970s.[64] An analysis of incidents and issues require distinguishing between disputes which are primarily over territory and those which merely have a territorial component.[65]

The real importance of the islands lies in the ... implications for the wider context of the two countries’ approaches to maritime and island disputes, as well as in the way in which those issues can be used by domestic political groups to further their own objectives.] — Zhongqi Pan.[66][67][بحاجة لمصدر أفضل]

Other nations are closely monitoring developments,[68] e.g.,

  • Senkakus described as a proxy. According to China Daily, the Senkaku Islands are a disruptive mine planted by the United States into Sino-Japanese relations.[69]
  • Senkakus characterized as a pretext. According to the New York Times, some analysts frame all discussion about the islands' status within a broader pattern of Chinese territorial assertions.[70]
  • Senkakus identified as a tactic. According to the Christian Science Monitor, the Senkakus may represent a tactical distraction from China's internal power struggle over who will replace the current leadership of the Communist Party in 2012.[71]

The historical record is a backdrop for each new incident in the unfolding chronology of these islands.[72]

ردود الفعل

الولايات المتحدة

وزير الدفاع الصيني ليانگ گوانگ لي أثناء استقبلاله لوزير الدفاع الأمريكي ليون بانيتا، 19 سبتمبر 2012.

في حرصها على عدم الإضرار بعلاقاتها الاقتصادية مع الصين، وحرصها على حليفتها اليابان، تسعى الولايات المتحدة إلى إيجاد حل دبلوماسي للنزاع الياباني-الصيني على مجموعة الجزر، باعتبار اليابان الحليف الأقرب للولايات المتحدة في منطقة آسيا، فيما الصين شريك ضروري وحيوي في القضايا الاقتصادية والدفاعية في المدى الأبعد.

وفي وقت أرسلت الصين سفن مراقبة إلى منطقة جزر تتنازع عليها مع اليابان، لوّح وزير الدفاع الصيني ليانگ گوانگ لي في 17 سبتمبر 2012، باتخاذ «المزيد من الإجراءات» في حال عدم نجاح السبل السلمية في حل مشكلة الجزر. جاء هذا التصريح في أعقاب استقبال الصين لوزير الدفاع الأمريكي ليون بانيتا الذي جدد دعوته البلدين إلى ضبط النفس في نزاعهما على السيادة على الجزر غير المأهولة في بحر الصين الشرقي. وقال بانيتا للصحافيين في بكين: «في ما يتعلق بالتوترات الراهنة ندعو إلى الهدوء وضبط النفس من جانب الطرفين ونشجعهما على فتح قنوات الاتصال لحسم هذه النزاعات ديبلوماسياً وسلمياً».[73]

ونقلت صحيفة وول ستريت جورنال عن مسؤولين في وزارة الدفاع الأميركية استبعادهم «انجرار الجيش الأميركي إلى معركة في شرق الصين» واعتقادهم بأن «الأزمة ستحل ديبلوماسياً». في الوقت ذاته، عبر المسؤولون عن مخاوف من أن «تؤدي التشنجات إلى هز استقرار المنطقة في المدى الأبعد»، مشيرين إلى أن زيارة بانيتا للمنطقة كانت للدفع بالحل التفاوضي بين الجانبين.

وتقف واشنطن في موقع حساس وحرج حيال الأزمة بحيث أن ممارستها ضغوطاً كبيرة على اليابان قد يضعف حليفها الأقوى في آسيا، والتي لديها معاهدة دفاعية مع واشنطن.

وفي المقابل تأتي المصالح الاقتصادية والدفاعية مع الصين في صلب الاستراتيجية الأميركية في المدى الأبعد. وحاولت واشنطن اتخاذ موقع وسط من الأزمة وعدم الانحياز إلى أي من الطرفين، غير أن مراقبين يخشون من تصعيد في التطورات الميدانية قد يرغم واشنطن على الانجرار عسكرياً للدفاع عن اليابان.

وأشار وزير الدفاع الصيني لدى استقباله بانيتا إلى أن طوكيو تتحمل اللوم في إثارة قضية الجزر المتنازع عليها، بعدما قررت الحكومة اليابانية شراء الجزر.

وأضاف الوزير ليانگ أن الصين تعارض بإصرار خطة الحكومة اليابانية تأميم الجزر، واصفاً الأمر بأنه «غير قانوني إطلاقاً».

التطور التاريخي

  • 1532: On the 8th of the 5th month (lunar calendar), Chen Kan, leading the envoy on behalf of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty of China to Ryukyu, recorded the islands as landmarks en route.[74]
  • 1561: Ming envoy Kuo Ju-lin, following Chen Kan, set sail from Fuzhou on the 29th of the 5th month and recorded passing the islands as landmarks.[74]
  • 1785: A Japanese map by Hayashi Shihei indicated the islands in the same color of that of China, and different from that of Ryukyu.[13]
  • 1909: Japanese population of the islands became 248.[56][75]
  • December 1971: The People's Republic of China (PRC) first officially claimed (via People's Daily) sovereignty when Japan made known its official standpoint with the signing of the Okinawa Reversion Treaty.[26]
  • 23 April 2004: a member of a Japanese right-wing group rammed a bus into the Chinese consulate in Osaka, to protest Chinese claims.[37]
  • July 2004: Japan started exploring for natural gas in what it considers its own exclusive economic zone in the East China Sea as a step to counter China's building of a natural gas complex nearby. Japan plans to survey a 30-kilometer-wide band stretching between latitudes 28 and 30 degrees North, just inside the border demarcated by Japan. China disputes Japan's rights to explore the area east of the median line between the two countries, which Japan has proposed as the demarcation line for their exclusive economic zones.[37]
  • July 2004: a group of Chinese held a demonstration outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing afternoon to protest Japan's "illegal" oil exploration activities in a disputed area of the East China Sea. The protesters, organized by Beijing-based organization called the Patriots Alliance Network.[37]
  • 17 March 2006: Kyodo News reported the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Thomas Schieffer, presented that he considered "the Islands as territory of Japan" in his talk in Tokyo.[76]
  • 27 October 2006: A group of activists from the Hong Kong-based Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyu Islands approached the islands to show the support for Chinese claims to the Diaoyu Islands. They were stopped from landing on the islands by the Japan Coast Guard.[77] Later on, the PLAN conducted a military exercise in the area.[78]


  • يونيو:
    • On 10 June 2008, the 270 ton sport fishing vessel Lien Ho (聯合號) of Taiwan suffered a collision with the Japanese patrol vessel Koshiki. The vessel sank while in the disputed territorial waters that have been claimed by Japan and Taiwan (ROC).[79] The Taiwanese crew who were aboard the vessel claims that the larger Japanese frigate deliberately crashed into them; Japanese coast guard initially claimed that the Taiwanese boat had crashed into the patrol ship.[80] While releasing the passengers, Japan initially detained the captain and sought reparations.[81][82]
    • On 13 June, the captain was released.[83]
    • On 16 June, a boat carrying activists from Taiwan, defended by five Republic of China Coast Guard vessels, approached to within 0.4 nautical miles (740 m) of the main island, from which position they circumnavigated the island in an assertion of sovereignty of the islands. This demonstration prompted Taiwanese politicians to cancel a planned trip on-board Republic of China Navy vessels to demonstrate sovereignty.[84] The Taiwanese vessels were followed by Japanese Coast Guard vessels, but no attempt was made to intercept them.
    • On 20 June, upon releasing the video taken by people on board the Taiwanese boat, Japan apologized for the incident[85] and agreed to pay NT$10 million (US$311,000) as compensation to the owner of the boat.[86] Liu Chao-shiuan, Premier of the Republic of China, has refused to rule out the use of force to defend the islands against Japanese advances.[87] The ROC government recalled its chief representative to Japan in protest.[88] On June 20, the de-facto Japanese ambassador to Taiwan apologized, in person, to the captain of the Taiwanese boat Lien Ho.[89]


  • سبتمبر:
    • On 7 September 2010, a Chinese fishing trawler collided with two Japanese Coast Guard patrol boats in disputed waters near the islands. The collisions occurred after the Japanese Coast Guard ordered the trawler to leave the area. After the collisions, Japanese sailors boarded the Chinese vessel and arrested the captain Zhan Qixiong.[90]
    • On 18 September, the 79th anniversary of the Mukden Incident, widespread anti-Japanese protests were held in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Shenyang.[91]
    • On 22 September, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao threatened further action if the captain of the Chinese fishing trawler was not released.[92]
    • On 24 September, Japan released the Chinese captain, and stated that keeping the captain in custody would not be appropriate and it would raise considerable impact on Sino-Japanese relations.[93]
    • On 25 September, China demanded an apology and compensation from Japan for holding the Chinese boat captain in the collision incident. Japan rejected the Chinese demand.[33]
    • On 27 September, Japan said that it would counter-claim against China for damage to their patrol boats in the collision.[94]
  • October:
    • On 2 October, large scale anti-Chinese protests occurred in Tokyo and six other cities in Japan.[95][96]
    • On 3 October, a group of right wing Japanese protesters marched to the Ikebukuro mall specializing in Chinese food demanding that the islands be defended against the Chinese.[97]
    • On 6 October, a joint USA/Japan drill is planned, based on the defense of Okinawa in December,[98][99] though Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto told parliament that the joint military exercise was not planned specifically with the islands in mind.[100]
    • On 14 October, Japan's Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, along with other members of the LDP party filed a complaint against Google Maps demanding the removal of the Chinese name "Diaoyutai" from the interactive map services. Google refused, stating that they wish to remain neutral.[101]

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  • June - On 29 June 2011, a fishing boat from Taiwan, named "Tafa 268", with some activists aboard, navigated to waters some 23 nautical miles off the disputed Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands in the morning. The Japanese coast guard immediately mobilized four patrol vessels to block the “Tafa 268”, and a Japanese helicopter was also dispatched to monitor the Taiwanese boat. The Coast Guard Agency (CGA) Keelung office of Taiwan sent five patrol vessels there and managed to break the Japanese blockade to sail close to the Taiwanese fishing boat. Both sides of coast guard vessels reiterated the disputed islands were their own territory but no collision happened, and "Tafa 268" set off for home escorted by the CGA vessels after a 25-minute standoff.[102][103]
  • July: On 3~4 July, nine Japanese fishing boats, including one owned by a senior official of a Japanese nationalist group, were fishing near the islands. Beijing lodged a stern remonstration with Tokyo on July 4, 2011, over such Japanese fishing activities. Chinese Foreign Ministry demands that Japanese fishing vessels be immediately withdrawn.[104][105][106] On the morning of 3 July, the Japan Coast Guard found that Chinese fishery patrol vessel “Fishery 201″ in waters near the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. Japanese patrol vessels issued a warning “Do not enter Japanese territorial waters “. China “Fishery 201″ then responded it was conducting legitimate task in that the waters around the Diaoyu Islands under the jurisdiction of China.[107] Also on July 4, two Chinese military aircraft approached the disputed islands. When the planes came within 37 miles of the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, the Japan Air Self-Defence Force (JASDF) immediately scrambled an F-15 to intercept them.[108]
  • نوفمبر:
    • Apparently influenced by the dispute with China over the Senkakus, Japan vocally supported the United States at the November 2011 East Asia Summit in declaring that the South China Sea, much of which China claims, is under the jurisdiction of international maritime law and any disputes over the area must be resolved through multi-national cooperation and dialogue. China, in contrast, declared that any disputes over possession of the South China Sea should be resolved bilaterally, not through multi-nationational forums or talks.[109]
    • In advance of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's planned December 2011 state visit to the PRC, the PRC government requested that the two countries begin negotiations over national boundaries in the East China Sea. According to Kyodo News, the proposal by China appeared to be an effort to get Japan to acknowledge that a territorial dispute over the Senkaku Islands existed.[110]


  • يناير:
    • On 1 January, four members of the Ishigaki municipal assembly visited Uotsuri Island. Ishigaki's mayor, however, stated that the four may have acted without proper authority and people wishing to visit the island should first obtain permission from the Japanese central government.[111] In response, a group of Chinese activists from Hong Kong attempted to sail to the islands to protest the Japanese actions, but were blocked by Hong Kong-based coast guard authorities and forced to return to port.[112][113]
    • On 16 January, Japan announced that it would name 39 previously unnamed, uninhabited islets that it claims in the East China Sea, including four in the Senkaku Island chain. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin stated: "Our stance is very clear on the issue of the Diaoyu Islands. China has indisputable sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands that have been an inherent part of China since ancient times."[114][بحاجة لمصدر أفضل] Japan completed naming all the islands by 3 March 2012, including Hokusei Kojima and three other islets near the Senkakus.[115] In response, China gave its own names to the previously unnamed islets and PRC foreign minister Yang Jiechi urged Japan to "'fully recognise' the complexity and sensitivity of issues concerning history and the Diaoyu Islands" and "'properly handle these sensitive issues' based on the overall interests of the China-Japan relationship."[116][117][بحاجة لمصدر أفضل] Taiwan responded by disagreeing with both the PRC's and Japan's naming of the islands, with foreign minister Timothy Yang stating that Taiwan would handle the matter according to its own national interests.[118]
    • On 21 January, Diet lawmakers Koichi Mukoyama and Yoshitaka Shindō surveyed the islands by ship and later stated that the islands, several of which are still private property of Japanese citizens, needed to be fully nationalized. Their visit was the first by national politicians since 1997.[119]
  • مارس: On 16 March, the PRC sent maritime patrol boats Haijian 50 and Haijian 66 to patrol near the Senkaku Islands, with foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin announcing that the move was to help safeguard the PRC's territory and that the islands were part of PRC's territory. The crew of a nearby Japanese coast guard vessel stated that the Haijian 50 entered Japanese territorial waters for 25 minutes and warned the ship to leave. A Japanese government spokesman later stated that the ship had not actually entered Japanese waters, but the Japanese government lodged an official protest with the Chinese ambassador to Japan, Cheng Yonghua.[120][121] According to the People's Daily 21 March 2012, an unnamed official of the State Oceanic Administration stated that the PRC intends to patrol the Diaoyu Islands in order to challenge a potential future Japanese claim to the islands based on the international 50-year standard "statute of limitations" for claiming possession of a territory.[122]
  • يوليو:

في 4 يوليو 2012، أبحر بالقرب من الجزر، قارب الصيد التايواني،[123] وعلى متنه ناشطون من "التحالف الصيني العالمي للدفاع عن جزر دياويو" ،[124] برفقة خمس سفن من ادارة حرس السواحل التايواني.[123][125] أعلن النشطاء الثلاثة[126] أن الجزر صينية، رافعين العلم الصيني.[127][128] لم يكن العلم علم تايوان. وأثنت الصين على هذا وانتقدته تايوان.[123] صرح هوانگ شي-لين، عضو في المجموعة، أن هذا كان قرار تنظيم الناشطين،[123] وأنهم كانوا يخططون لرفع العلم التايواني أيضاً، لكنهم "نسوا احضاره مع أقراص علاج دوار البحر."[123] تمنى قائد السفن التايوانية مهاجمة السفن اليابانية بمدفع عادة ما يستخدم لردع الدلافين، لكنه لم يفعل ذلك بعد تحذير ضباط حرس السواحل التايواني.[123] حاول حرس السواحل الياباني اقتحام السفينة، لكن حرس السواحل التايواني منعه من القيام بذلك. بقيت سفينة حرس السواحل التايواني عدة ساعات بعدما ذهبت السفن الأربعة الأخرى، واصطدمت مع احدى سفن حرس السواحل الياباني.[126]

  • أغسطس

في 15 أغسطس 2012، وصلت سفينة تحمل ناشطين من هونگ كونگ إلى جزر سن‌كاكو. ألقى الناشطون البطاريات والحجارة على سفن حرس السواحل الياباني في محاولة للتصدي لهم،[129] ونزل 5 من مجموع 14 ناشط على جزيرة أوتسوري. قامت قوات السلاحة البحرية الاقليمية الياباني باعتقالهم بتهمة انتهاك قانون الهجرة واللاجئين.[130][131] في هذا الحادث، رفعت كلاً من الأعلام الصينية والتايوانية. عاد 14 ناشط إلى هونگ كونگ بدون أي اتهامات، في خطوة وصفها الكثيرون بأنها تجنباً لإثارة غضب الصين. أُرسل سبعة نشطاء بالطائرة، وسبعة آخرون على سفينة.[132] عند وصولهم هونگ كونگ استقبلهم أنصارهم استقبال الأبطال.[133]

بعد اقامة الصلاة، سبح 10 أشخاص إلى الشاطئ، خمسة من جماعة گان‌باره نيپون والخمسة الآخرون من أعضاء المجلس المحلي من طوكيو، محافظة هيوگو، سوگينامي وأركاوا بطوكيو، وتوريد، بمحافظة إيباراكي. بعد وصولهم للبر قاموا برفع أعلام مختلفة لهينومارو.[135][136] صرح توشيو تاموگامي: "كان وصول النشطاء الصينيون للبر، الوسيلة لنخبرهم أنه ليس من المسموح التجول هنا. نأمل أن يصل هذا للشعبين الصيني والتايواني، عن طريق الاعلام، أو بأي وسيلة أخرى، سن‌كاكو هي أرضنا".[137] أدى وصول الأسطيل للأرخبيل إلى اندلاع مسيرات مناهضة لليابان في أكثر من 25 مدينة صينية،[138][139] احتج المتظاهرون الصينيون محطمين السيارات وواجهات الشركات اليابانية.[140][141]

  • سبتمبر
    • في 13 سبتمبر 2012، قامت سفينتان تابعتان لحرس السواحل الصيني بدخول المياه الاقليمية الصينية بالقرب من جزر سن‌كاكو. وجه حرس السواحل الياباني تحذير للسفن الصينية وأمرهم بالخروج من المياه الاقليمية، ولم تستجب السفن الصينية للتحذير.[142]
    • في 24 سبتمبر: دخلت ثلاث سفن مراقبة صينية قرب جزر سن‌كاكو، مما دفع اليابان لتقديم احتجاج رسمي للسفير الصيني بطوكيو. وكانت سفينتان صينيتان على بعد عشرين كم من الجزر ثم شوهدت بعد قليل أربع دوريات صينية أخرى على الحدود التي تحد المياه الإقليمية اليابانية. وردت الصين أن السفن كان تقوم بدورية دفاع عن الحقوق قرب الجزر حسب قوانين الصين. [143]

المظاهرات الصينية المناهضة لليابان


  1. ^ Ogura, Junko (2010-10-14). "Japanese party urges Google to drop Chinese name for disputed islands". CNN World. US. CNN.
  2. ^ Kristof, Nicholas (Sept. 10, 2010). "Look Out for the Diaoyu Islands". New York Times. Retrieved Aug. 15, 2012. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  3. ^ Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS). (2000). International Organizations and the Law of the Sea, pp. 107-108., p. 107, في كتب گوگل
  4. ^ Lee, Seokwoo et al. (2002). Territorial disputes among Japan, Taiwan and China concerning the Senkaku Islands, pp. 11-12., p. 11, في كتب گوگل
  5. ^ "Japanese nationals land on disputed Senkaku islands". Zeenews.india.com. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  6. ^ By JOHN W. FINNEYSpecial to The New York Times (1971-11-11). "SENATE ENDORSES OKINAWA TREATY - Votes 84 to 6 for Island's Return to Japan - Rioters There Kill a Policeman Senate, in 84 to 6 Vote, Approves the Treaty Returning Okinawa to Japan - Front Page - NYTimes.com". Select.nytimes.com. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  7. ^ http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~worldjpn/documents/texts/JPCH/19720520.O1C.html
  8. ^ Philip J. Crowley, Remarks to the Press United States Department of State, 23 September 2010
  9. ^ "U.S. says Senkaku Islands fall within scope of Japan-U.S. security treaty". Kyodo News. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  10. ^ "نزاع الجزر". جريدة الشرق الأوسط. 2012-09-21. Retrieved 2012-09-23.
  11. ^ "Anti-Japan protesters rally in Beijing". Agence France-Presse.
  12. ^ http://blogos.com/article/46928/
  13. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ Unryu Suganuma (2000). Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 89–97. ISBN 0-8248-2493-8.
  14. ^ [Article II{b}], Treaty of Shimonoseki
  15. ^ أ ب ت Japan's action off Diaoyu raises concern, China Daily, Sept 10, 2010
  16. ^ Durdin, Tillman. "Peking Claims Disputed Oil-Rich Isles," New York Times. December 6, 1970.
  17. ^ Durdins, Tillman. "Okinawa Islands Returned by U.S. to Japanese Rule; Agnew, in Tokyo, Declares 'Last Major Issue' of the Pacific War Is Resolved U.S. Returns Okinawa to Japanese Rule," New York Times. May 15, 1972. See also, Reversion to Japan of the Ryukyu and Daito Islands, official text
  18. ^ Title: Sangoku tsūran zusetsu.三國通覧圖說. Sŏul : Kyŏngin Munhwasa, 1982.Hayashi, Shihei, 1738-1793.Reprint.Preface by Katsuragawa Hoshū dated Tenmei kinotouma [sic]; introd. by Hayashi Shihei, the author, dated Tenmei 5 [1785].
  19. ^ [1] 三国通覧図説 (Sangoku Tsuran Zusetsu), 林子平(Hayashi Shihei)
  20. ^ Lee, Seokwoo. Territorial Disputes among Japan, China and Taiwan concerning the Senkaku Islands (Boundary & Territory Briefing Vol.3 No.7). IBRU. p. 10-11. ISBN 1897643500. For a long time following the entry into force of the San Francisco Peace Treaty China/Taiwan raised no objection to the fact that the Senkaku Islands were included in the area placed under US administration in accordance with the provisions of Article of the treaty, and USCAP No. 27. In fact, neither China nor Taiwan had taken up the question of sovereignty over the islands until the latter half of 1970 when evidence relating to the existence of oil resources deposited in the East China Sea surfaced. All this clearly indicates that China/Taiwan had not regarded the Senkaku Islands as a part of Taiwan. Thus, for Japan, none of the alleged historical, geographical and geological arguments set forth by China/Taiwan are acceptable as valid under international law to substantiate China's territorial claim over the Senkaku Islands.
  21. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ On the sovereignty of Diaoyu Islands (论钓鱼岛主权的归属), Fujian Education Department
  22. ^ "[2]"
  23. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح "China's Diaoyu Islands Sovereignty is Undeniable", People's Daily, 25-05-2003. Retrieved 24-02-2007.
  24. ^ "Koji Taira". Japan Focus. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  25. ^ Potsdam Declaration(full text), East Asian Studies Documents, UCLA Asia institute
  26. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز Lee, p. 10., p. 10, في كتب گوگل
  27. ^ Title: Liang zhong hai dao zhen jing / [Xiang Da jiao zhu].Imprint: Beijing : Zhonghua shu ju : Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing, 2000 reprint edition. Contents: Shun feng xiang song--Zhi nan zheng fa. (順風相送--指南正法). ISBN: ISBN 7-101-02025-9. pp96 and pp253. The full text is available on wikisource.
  28. ^ [ Displaying Abstract ] (2012-06-10). "THE JAPAN-CHINA TREATY - Full Text of the Shimonoseki Peace Convention. HOW THE INDEMNITY IS TO BE PAID Corea's Autonomy Is Assured - Japan Treats China as a Semi-Civilized Nation - The Cession Clause Opposed by Russia. - Article - NYTimes.com". New York Times. Retrieved 2012-08-20.
  29. ^ People's Daily, Beijing, China, 1971-12-31, Page 1, "An Declaration of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, 1971-12-30"
  30. ^ "中華民國外交部關於琉球群島與釣魚台列嶼問題的聲明, 1971-6-11". Mofa.gov.tw. 2012-04-02. Retrieved 2012-08-20.[dead link]
  31. ^ Radio Taiwan International, "Taipei Declines Beijing's Invitation To Solve Disputed Territory Issues Together", 26 April 2012, [wire service report].
  32. ^ أ ب "China-Japan tensions". The Washington Times. Retrieved 2010-09-18.
  33. ^ أ ب "Japan refuses China demand for apology in boat row". Reuter. September 25, 2010. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/5t0QZuVJb )
  34. ^ أ ب The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
  35. ^ Satoru Sato, Press Secretary, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Clarifying the Senkaku Islands Dispute The Wall Street Journal Letter to the Editor 2010-09-21
  36. ^ أ ب Ito, Masami (18 May 2012). "Jurisdiction over remote Senkakus comes with hot-button dangers". Japan Times.
  37. ^ أ ب ت ث ج "Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands". Globalsecurity.org.
  38. ^ "The Basic View on the Sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
  39. ^ "Lee Teng-hui arrives in Japan". Taipei Times. 2009-09.05. Retrieved 2009-09-22. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  40. ^ "沖縄県下八重山群島ノ北西ニ位スル久場島魚釣島ヘ標杭ヲ建設ス". Japan Center for Asian Historical Records. Retrieved 2010-10-04.
  41. ^ "China's Diaoyu Islands Sovereignty is Undeniable," People's Daily. May 25, 2003.
  42. ^ "古賀辰四郎". The Asahi Shimbun Company. Retrieved 2010-10-03.
  43. ^ "楽天が運営するポータルサイト : 【インフォシーク】Infoseek". Akebonokikaku.hp.infoseek.co.jp. 2000-01-01. Retrieved 2012-08-20.[dead link]
  44. ^ أ ب "「尖閣は日本の領土」 遭難救助の中国政府感謝状に明記". Ryūkyū Shimpō. 2005-06-15.
  45. ^ أ ب Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Q&A, Senkaku Islands, Q4/A4.3. "In addition, an article in the People's Daily dated 8 January 1953, under the title of "Battle of people in the Ryukyu Islands against the U.S. occupation", made clear that the Ryukyu Islands consist of 7 groups of islands including the Senkaku Islands."; retrieved 29 Jan 2011.
  46. ^ Representative Office of Japan to PNA, Newsletter #2, November 2010; see Item 3; "... an article in the People’s Daily dated January 8, 1953, under the title of “Battle of people in the Ryukyu Islands against the U.S. occupation”, made clear that the Ryukyu Islands consist of 7 groups of islands including the Senkaku Islands"; accord Embassy of Japan in Israel, Newsletter #2, October 2010 see Item 4.
  47. ^ Suganuma, Unryu (2001). Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations: Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. University of Hawaii Press. p. 127. ISBN 0-8248-2493-8. To make matters worse, when on January 8, 1953, Renmin Ribao [People's Daily], the official propaganda organ for the Communist Party, criticized the occupation of Rukyu Islands(or Okinawa Prefecture) by the United States, it stated that "the Ryukyu Islands are located northeast of our Taiwan Islands...including Senkaku Shoto. According to this statement, the PRC recognized that the Diaoyu (J:Senkaku) Islands were a part of Liuqiu Islands (or Okinawa Prefecture). In other words, the Diaoyu Islands belonged neither to Taiwan nor to mainland China, but to Japan.
  48. ^ Shaw, Han-yi (1999). The Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands dispute: its history and an analysis of the ownership claims of the P.R.C., R.O.C., and Japan, Issue 3. University of Maryland. p. 34. ISBN 0-925153-67-2. With respect to the PRC, a front page news report that appeared on the October 3, 1996 edition of the Sankei Shimbun, reported that the PRC government evidently recognized the disputed islands as Japanese territory as revealed in a government sponsored publication. This particular publication is identified as the January 8, 1953 edition of The Peoples' Daily, China's official party newspaper, in which an article entitled " The People of the Ryukyu Islands Struggle Against American occupation" noted the Senkaku Islands as one of the subgroups of islands that constituted the Ryukyu Islands.
  49. ^ "Why Japan claims the Senkaku Islands". Asahi shimbun. 2010-09-25.[dead link]; "In his book "Gendai Chugoku Nenpyo" (Timeline on modern China), Masashi Ando referred to a People's Daily article dated Jan. 8, 1953, which makes reference to the "Senkaku Islands in Okinawa".
  50. ^ Ando, Masashi (2010). (in Japanese). Iwanami shoten. p. 88. ISBN 978-4-00-022778-0. 「人民日報」が米軍軍政下の沖縄の尖閣諸島(当時の中国の呼び方のまま. 現在中国は「釣魚島」という)で日本人民の米軍の軍事演習に反対する闘争が行われていると報道. 「琉球諸島はわが国台湾の東北および日本九州島の西南の間の海上に散在し、尖閣諸島、先島諸島、大東諸島、沖縄諸島、大島諸島、吐噶喇諸島、大隅諸島など7つの島嶼からなっている」と紹介(新華月報:1953-7) {{cite book}}: Missing or empty |title= (help); Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link); read Google Chinese-English translation
  51. ^ "Maehara: People's Daily described Senkaku Islands as Japan's in 1953". The Japan Times. Sept. 29, 2010. The People's Daily described the Ryukyu Islands as "dispersed between the northeastern part of our country's Taiwan and the southwestern part of Japan's Kyushu Island" and as including the Senkaku Islands as well as the Sakishima Islands, Maehara said. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  52. ^ أ ب Suganuma, Unryu (2001). Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations: Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. University of Hawaii Press. p. 126. ISBN 0-8248-2493-8. Furthermore, the first volume of Shijie Dituji (The World Atlas), published by the Taiwan Defense Ministry and the Institute of Physical Geology in 1965, records the Diaoyu Islands with Japanese names: Gyochojima (Diaoyu Islands), Taishojima (Chiwei Island), and Senkaku Gunto. In addition, a high school textbook in Taiwan uses Japanese name to identify Diaoyu Islands. In the late 1970s, the government of ROC began to recall these books, but it was too little too late -- the damage was already done.
  53. ^ Lee, p. 11., p. 11, في كتب گوگل
  54. ^ Lee, p. 11., p. 11, في كتب گوگل; excerpt: "Further support for Japan's claim is the fact that in the World Atlas, Volume 1, East Asia Nations, 1st edition, published in October 1965, by the National Defense Research Academy and the China Geological Research Institute of Taiwan, and in the People's Middle School Text-book.
  55. ^ 「国民中学地理教科書・第四冊(Geography textbook for national junior high schools)」January, 1970
  56. ^ أ ب Hiraoka, Akitoshi (2005). "The Advancement of Japanese to the Senkaku Islands and Tatsushiro Koga in the Meiji Era". Japanese Journal of Human Geography. The Human Geographical Society of Japan. 57 (5): p.515. In 1908, the reclaimed area reached to 60 chōbu (595,000m2). The number of residents is two hundred forty some. The number of houses is as many as ninety nine. {{cite journal}}: |page= has extra text (help)
  57. ^ Nakauchi, Yasuo (2010.12). [Issues "on Senkaku Islands"]. [Legislation and Reseerach] (in Japanese). Diplomatic and Defense Committee Research Office, The House of Councilors of Japan (311): 29. August 1978: A Japanese political group constructed a lighthouse on Uotsurijima. (Later 1988, a new lighthouse was constructed on the same island.) February 2005: The political group relinquished the ownership of the lighthouse, Japanese government nationalized it. {{cite journal}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  58. ^ "Japanese Coast Guard commenced the administration of the "Uotsurijima lighthouse" in Senkaku Islands" (in Japanese). Japan Coast Guard. February 2005.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  59. ^ Miles, Edward L. (1982). The Management of Marine Regions: the North Pacific, p. 217., p. 217, في كتب گوگل
  60. ^ MIT faculty web page, M. Taylor Fravel, "Publications": "Explaining Stability in the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands Dispute," pp. 145-167, 157 in Gerald Curtis et al. (2010). Getting the Triangle Straight: Managing China-Japan-US Relations; compare 这个问题可以把它放一下,也许下一代比我们更聪明些,会找到实际解决的方法 in 邓小平文选第三卷 (Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Volume III)
  61. ^ Pan, Junwu. Toward a New Framework for Peaceful Settlement of China's Territorial and Boundary Disputes. p. 144., p. 144, في كتب گوگل
  62. ^ "Q&A: China, Japan and the East China Sea gas dispute," Reuters, May 20, 2010; citing U.S. Energy Information Administration report, China+China Energy Profile; compare Selig S. Harrison ed., Seabed Petroleum in Northast Asia," Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
  63. ^ Yamada, Takao. "Keeping the big picture in sight in Senkaku Islands dispute," Mainichi Shimbun (Tokyo). October 4, 2010, citing 1972 book by Kiyoshi Inoue, 釣魚列島的歷史和主權問題 (Diaoyu dao: li shi yu zhu quan, Historical Facts of Senkaku Islands/Diaoyu Islands, 1972)
  64. ^ "Renho refers to Senkakus as territorial issue, but later retracts remark,"[dead link] Japan Today. September 15, 2010; Fackler, Martin and Ian Johnson. "Arrest in Disputed Seas Riles China and Japan," The New York Times. 19 September 2010; retrieved 2011-05-29
  65. ^ Koo, Min-gyo. (2010). Island Disputes and Maritime Regime Building in East Asia, p. 2., p. 2, في كتب گوگل; "Japan's Senkaku Islands--what's all the fuss about?" Yomiuri Shimbun. September 10, 2010; retrieved 2011-05-29
  66. ^ http://www.cewp.fudan.edu.cn/attachments/article/68/Pan%20Zhongqi,%20Sino-Japanese%20Dispute%20over%20the%20DiaoyuSenkaku%20Islands%20The%20Pending%20Controversy.pdf
  67. ^ Pan, Zhongqi. "Sino-Japanese Dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands: The Pending Controversy from the Chinese Perspective," Journal of Chinese Political Science, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2007; retrieved 2011-05-29
  68. ^ Chellaney, Brahma. "India-China: Let facts speak for themselves," The Economic Times (Mumbai). 17 September 2010; "Mismatched intentions end up intensifying Japan-China row over islands," Asahi Shimbun (Japan). September 22, 2009; retrieved 2011-05-29
  69. ^ Feng Zhaoku. "Diaoyu dispute sowed by US," China Daily (Beijing). September 15, 2010; Tow, William T. (2001). Asia-Pacific strategic relations: seeking convergent security, p. 68., p. 68, في كتب گوگل; retrieved 2011-05-29
  70. ^ Fackler, Martin and Ian Johnson. "Arrest in Disputed Seas Riles China and Japan," The New York Times. 19 September 2010; retrieved 2011-05-29
  71. ^ "Fisherman's arrest in Asia: China and Japan must not trawl for trouble," Christian Science Monitor (US). September 21, 2010; retrieved 2011-05-29
  72. ^ Lohmeyer, Martin. "The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Dispute: Questions of Sovereignty and Suggestions for Resolving the Dispute," University of Canterbury (NZ), 2008, Contents, pp. 1-8; Koo, pp. 103-134., p. 103, في كتب گوگل
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  • Curtis, Gerald, Ryosei Kokubun and Wang Jisi. (2010). Getting the Triangle Straight: Managing China-Japan-US Relations. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press. 10-ISBN 488907080X/13-ISBN 9784889070804; OCLC 491904160
  • Shaw, Han-yi. (1999). The Diaoyutai/Senkaku Islands Dispute: Its History and Analysis of the Ownership Claims of the P.R.C., R.O.C., and Japan. Baltimore, Maryland: University of Maryland School of Law. OCLC 608151745
  • Lee, Seokwoo, Shelagh Furness and Clive Schofield. (2002). Territorial disputes among Japan, China and Taiwan concerning the Senkaku Islands. Durham: University of Durham, International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU). 10-ISBN 1897643500/13-ISBN 9781897643501; OCLC 249501645
  • Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea. (2000). International Organizations and the Law of the Sea. London : Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff. OCLC 16852368
  • Pan, Junwu. (2009). Toward a New Framework for Peaceful Settlement of China's Territorial and Boundary Disputes. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff. 10-ISBN 9004174281/13-ISBN 9789004174283; OCLC 282968950
  • Suganuma, Unryu. (2000). Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 10-ISBN 0824821599/13-ISBN 9780824821593; 10-ISBN 0824824938/13-ISBN 9780824824938; OCLC 170955369

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