المستعمرات الرومانية في أفريقيا الأمازيغية

المدن الرومانية الرئيسية في أفريقيا الأمازيغية.

المستعمرات الرومانية في شمال أفريقبيا هي المدن المأهولة بالمواطنين الرومان التي أسستها الامبراطورية الرومانية في شمال أفريقيا الأمازيغية، وخاصة في الفترة بين حكم أغسطس وتراجان. تأسست هذه المستعمرات في المنطقة - التي يسميها الأمازيغ الآن باسم تامازغا- والتي تقع بين المغرب واقليم طرابلس الليبي.

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الخصائص المميزة

The Fossa regia (in pink the borders of Africa Proconsularis) marked the border between the original Roman province of Africa and Numidia.East of Fossa Regia there was full Latinization of the society


Christian mosaic with Latin sentence, from Roman veterans' Colonia Madauros (near Tipasa)

اختلاف أنواع المستعمرات

قائمة المستعمرات الرومانية الرئيسية

القائمة التالية تضم المستعمرات الرومانية الرئيسية والأكثر أهمية:

الاسم اللاتيني الاسم الفعلي صورة ملاحظات
Caesarea[1] Chercell (الجزائر) Amphithéâtre Cherchell.JPG Caesarea was made capital of Mauretania Caesariensis, when promoted to "Colonia Claudia Caesarea" in 48 AD by Claudius
Carthago[2] قرطاج (تونس) Tunisie Carthage Ruines 08.JPG On the soil of destroyed Carthage, Roman Carthage was founded as "Colonia Junona" in 122 BC and refounded by Caesar in 45 BC. It was the "capital" of Roman Africa, with more than 300,000 inhabitants, and was fully destroyed by Arabs in 698 AD (who later founded nearby actual "Tunis")
Cirta[3] قسنطينة (الجزائر) Constantine bridge 1899.jpg Cirta was renamed by Costantine I: "Civitas Constantina Cirtensium". It was surrounded by a "Confederation of free Roman cities" (Tiddis, Cuicul, etc.)
Hadrumetum[4] سوسة (تونس) Ruines archéologiques de Sousse, Tunisie 2013.JPG Hadrumetum was made by Trajan "Colonia Concordia Ulpia Trajana Augusta Frugifera Hadrumetina" and was the second biggest city in Berber Africa. It was destroyed -after a two months siege- by Arabs and only one century later recreated as "Sousse".
Hippo Regius[5] بونه (الجزائر) Hippone.JPG Hyppo Regius -called even Hippona- was the city of St' Augustine.It was very rich and fully Romanized.It was destroyed by Arabs who rebuilt nearby the actual city of "Bone" in the eighth century
Leptis Magna[6] Leptis Magna (ليبيا) Leptis Magna Arch of Septimus Severus.jpg Leptis magna was made Municipia by Trajan in 109 AD with the name "Ulpia Trajana" and Colonia by Septimius Severus in 200 AD
Sala Colonia[7] Chellah (المغرب) Chella Rabat Morocco roman street.jpg Sala Colonia was a Roman colony until the end of the third century. The city remained with a Roman garrison until the sixth century and now is part of metropolitan Rabat
Thamugadi[8] تيمقاد (الجزائر) Timgad, l'ensemble du site.jpg Timgad was founded by Trajan in 100 AD as "Colonia Marciana Ulpia Traiana Thamugadi"
Thysdrus[9] الجم (تونس) Eljem avion.jpg Thysdrus was made "colonia" in 244 AD by Gordian III
Volubilis[10] Volubilis (المغرب) Volubilis-Decumanus Maximus and Arc of Caracala.jpg Volubilis was made Colonia ("Municipium") by Claudius around 50 AD.It was abandoned by Romans in 285 AD, but survived autonomously until the eighth century.

لپتس ماگنا: مستعمرة رومانية خاصة

بازيليكا سڤرية في لپتس ماگنا.

انظر أيضاً



  • Adkins, L. and R.A. Adkins, “Coloniae”, in L. Adkins and R.A. Adkins, Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome, New York, 1994.
  • Bullo, Silvia. Provincia Africa: le città e il territorio dalla caduta di Cartagine a Nerone. Editore L'Erma di Bretschneider. Roma,2002 ISBN 8882651681
  • Bunson, M. “Colonies, Roman”, in M. Bunson, Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, New York, 1994.
  • De Ruggiero, Ettore. Dizionario epigrafico di antichita romane. Vol. I-IV. Ed. University of Michigan. Chicago, 1924 Vol. II
  • Gomez, Hilario. Ciudades de Bizancio. Las ciudades del Africa Romano-Bizantina. Editorial Sirius. Madrid, 2007
  • Laffi, Umberto. Colonie e municipi nello Stato romano Ed. di Storia e Letteratura. Roma, 2007 ISBN 8884983509
  • Lendering, Jona. Coloniae. Livius.org (2006) Coloniae
  • Mommsen, Theodore. The Provinces of the Roman Empire Section: Roman Africa. (Leipzig 1865; London 1866; London: Macmillan 1909; reprint New York 1996) Barnes & Noble. New York, 1996
  • Nacéra Benseddik. De Caesarea à Shershel, Actes du IIe Coll. Intern. sur l’Hist. et l’Arch. de l’Afrique du Nord, Grenoble 1983, C.T.H.S., 19b, 1983, p. 451-456.
  • Pringle D, Reginald. Sixth-century Fortifications in Byzantine Africa. An Archaeological and Historical Study Oxford university. Oxford,1978
  • Rogerson, Barnaby. History of North Africa (Traveller's edition). Interlink Books ed. New York, 2001 ISBN 1-56656-351-8
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