يضغط، حضرموت

يضغط is located in اليمن
الإحداثيات: Coordinates: 14°55′40″N 50°04′07″E / 14.92778°N 50.06861°E / 14.92778; 50.06861
يضغط، حضرموت

يضغط هي إحدى قرى عزلة الديس بمديرية الديس التابعة لمحافظة حضرموت، بلغ تعداد سكانها 496 نسمة حسب تعداد اليمن لعام 2004.[1] ويوجد موقع أثري يبعد كيلومتر واحد شرق-بجنوب شرق القرية. وتقع على الحافة الشرقية لـوادي جربة في حضرموت، على بعد نحو 12 كم شمال ميناء شرمة، التي كانت تورِّد له الفخار في الأزمنة القديمة.[2][3]

The archaeological site, discovered in 2002, consists of about a dozen buildings visible above ground. The remaining walls of the settlement are just two courses of dry stone. The largest preserved buildings have a layout of three rooms. There is what appears to be a mosque with traces of a mihrab at the south of the site. The site was once much larger, but has been destroyed by agriculture and erosion. Today the site is very arid.[2]

Yadhghat was the site of pottery production during the Middle Ages, between about 980 and 1150.[4] Five heaps of refuse have been discovered. There is no trace of a built kiln, but evidence of firing ceramics in the open air. Pottery was handmade (not wheel-made) and unglazed redware decorated with incisions and paint. The paint may have been sourced from red clay mined nearby, where a shaft was found.[2][3] Pottery made at Yadhghat has been found at the site of Jerbah two kilometres northwest, at the seaports of al-Shihr and Sharma, at the "palace" of al-Ḥamr al-Sharqiya في ظفار، في وادي المسيلة وبعيداً حتى رأس الحد. Sharma was probably the port through which Yadhghat ware were exported.[4]

The end of the occupation of medieval Yadhghat is associated with the arrival of water kegs from the Dakhla Oasis at Sharma and Jerbah. Sharma may have been conquered by Egyptians who moved inland, forcing the abandonment of Yadhghat.[2]

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مراجع وروابط خارجية

  1. ^ "الدليل الشامل - محافظة حضرموت - مديرية الديس - عزلة الديس". www.yemenna.com. Archived from the original on 2019-11-22. Retrieved 2019-11-21.
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث Rougeulle 2007a.
  3. ^ أ ب Mahoney 2016, p. 136.
  4. ^ أ ب Rougeulle 2007b.


  • Mahoney, Daniel (2016). "Ceramic Production in the Central Highlands of Yemen During the Islamic Period". In Stephen McPhillips; Paul D. Wordsworth (eds.). Landscapes of the Islamic World: Archaeology, History, and Ethnography. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 129–142.
  • Rougeulle, Axelle (2007a). "Ceramic Production in Medieval Yemen: The Yadhghat Kiln Site". Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: 239–252.
  • Rougeulle, Axelle (2007b). "A Medieval Trade Entrepôt at Khor Rori? The Study of the Islamic Ceramics from al-Ḥamr al-Sharqiya". In Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A Port in Arabia Between Rome and the Indian Ocean, 3rd C. BC – 5th C. AD: Khor Rori Report 2. Rome: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider. pp. 645–667.

قالب:قرى مديرية الديس

قالب:بذرة محافظة حضرموت