جيمي ويلز

(تم التحويل من جيمس ويلز)
جيمي ويلز
Jimmy Wales
Jimmy Wales Fundraiser Appeal edit.jpg
جيمي ويلز في ديسمبر 2008
Jimmy Donal Wales

8 أغسطس 1966 (العمر 57 سنة)[note]
الجنسيةالولايات المتحدة
أسماء أخرىجيمبو Jimbo (كنيته اونلاين)[1]
المدرسة الأمجامعة أوبورن
جامعة ألباما
جامعة إنديانا بلومنگتن
المهنةرجل أعمال على الإنترنت
اللقبأحد مؤسسي ويكيبيديا
العنوانرئيس ويكيا (2004–الحاضر)
رئيس مجلس ادارة مؤسسة ويكيميديا
الفترةيونيو 2003 – أكتوبر 2006
اللاحقفلورنس دڤوار
عضو مجلس ادارةمؤسسة ويكيميديا, المشاع المشترك، Socialtext, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence (مجلس الناصحين)
الجوائزEFF Pioneer Award (2006), الإكونومست's Business Process Award (2008), The Global Brand Icon of the Year Award (2008)
الموقع الإلكترونيمدونته الشخصية
صفحته في ويكيبيديا

جيمي دونال "جيمبو" ويلز (ولد 8 أغسطس 1966[2]) هو رجل أعمال مبادر على الإنترنت أمريكى وشريك في إنشاء ويكيپيديا[3][4]

ولد ويلز في هنتسڤيل, ألباما، الولايات المتحدة. وتلقى تعليمه في مدرسة خاصة صغيرة، ثم حصل على البكالوريوس والماجستير في التمويل. وبينما كان في الدراسات العليا بالجامعة، قام بالتدريس في جامعتين. حصل ويلز لاحقاً على وظيفة في التمويل، وعمل كمدير للأبحاث في شركة للبيع الآجل والمضاربة في شيكاغو لعدة سنوات. وفي 1996، قام مع شريكين بتأسيس بوميس، البوابة الإلكترونية الإباحية وأكبر محرك بحث إباحي في العالم. بوميس، كملجأ ضريبي، قامت باستضافة وتمويل موسوعة نوپيديا المراجـَعة (2000–2003) وكذلك لاحقتها ويكيپيديا.

وفي 2001، بالتشارك مع لاري سانگر وغيره، ساعد ويلز على اطلاق ويكيبيديا، موسوعة المحتوى المفتوح المجانية التي تمتعت بنمو وشعبية فائقتان. ومع نمو أهمية ويكيبيديا، أصبح ويلز المروج للمشروع والمتحدث باسمه. ويـُذكر ويلز تاريخياً بأنه أحد مؤسسي ويكيبيديا، بالرغم من أنه يدعي أنه المؤسس الوحيد.[5][6] يجلس ويلز في مجلس أمناء مؤسسة ويكيميديا، المؤسسة الخيرية غير الربحية التي تدير ويكيبيديا. ويشغل منصب "مؤسس المجتمع" الذي أقره مجلس الأمناء. وفي 2004، شارك في تأسيس ويكيا، ذات الملكية الخاصة، وهي خدمة استضافة على الوب، وكان ذلك بالتشارك مع زميلته في أمانة ويكيميديا أنجلا بيزلي.

تزوج ويلز مرتين وله ابنة من كريستين، زوجته الثانية، التي انفصل عنها. ويصف نفسه بأنه Objectivist و، مع تحفظات، libertarian. دوره في خلق ويكيبيديا، التي أصبحت أكبر موسوعة في العالم، دفع مجلة تايم لتختاره في قائمة أكثر الأشخاص تأثيراً في العالم، عام 2006. ويعتبر ويلز الزعيم الفعلي لويكيبيديا.[4][7]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


بالرغم من عدم التيقن من تاريخ مولده الذى نص على أنه 8 أغسطس 1966 كما هو مدون برخصة قيادة السيارة.[8] His father, Jimmy,[9] عمل مديرا لمستودع بقالة بينما والدته, دوريس, و جدته, إرما, أدارت مدرسة خاصة,حسب التقليد مدرسة من فصل واحد منزل, حيث تلقى ويلز تعليمه الأولى.[10] هو وأربعة أطفال فقط,وضعوا بنفس الصف , حيث ترتبت المدرسة من الصفوف الأول حتى الرابع مرحلة الطلاب والمرحلة الخامسة حتى الثامنة .[1]

After eighth grade, Wales attended Randolph School,[11] a university-preparatory school in Huntsville. Wales has said that the school was expensive for his family, but that "Education was always a passion in my household … you know, the very traditional approach to knowledge and learning and establishing that as a base for a good life."[1] He received his bachelor's degree in finance from Auburn University and entered the Ph.D. finance program at the University of Alabama before leaving with a Master's degree.[1][10] He then took courses offered in the Ph.D. finance program at Indiana University. He taught at both universities during his postgraduate studies, but did not write the doctoral dissertation required for a Ph.D., something which he has ascribed to boredom.[1][10]

حياته العملية

شركة بوميس

في 1994، أخذ ويلز وظيفة في شركة شيكاغو اوپشنز أسوشييتس، وهي شركة مضاربة وبيع آجل في شيكاغو, Illinois.[1][12][13] By "speculating on interest rate and foreign-currency fluctuations," he had soon earned enough to "support himself and his wife for the rest of their lives," according to Daniel Pink of Wired magazine.[14] Wales has described himself as having been addicted to the Internet from an early stage and used to write computer code as a pastime.[15] During his studies in Alabama, he became an obsessive player of Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs)—a type of virtual role-playing game—and thereby experienced the potential of computer networks to foster large-scale collaborative projects.[16][17]

Inspired by the remarkable initial public offering of Netscape in 1995, he decided to become an internet entrepreneur,[16] and in 1996 founded the web portal Bomis with two partners.[14][18] The website featured user-generated webrings and for a time sold erotic photographs.[19] Wales described it as a "guy-oriented search engine" with a market similar to that of Maxim magazine;[1][10][20] and according to The Atlantic Monthly it "found itself positioned as the Playboy of the Internet".[18] Bomis did not become successful, but in March 2000 hosted and provided the initial funding for the Nupedia project.[10][14][21]

Philosopher Larry Sanger, whom Wales hired as editor-in-chief of Nupedia

نوپيديا وويكيپيديا

اقرأ نصاً ذا علاقة في

Jimmy Wales' lecture at Stanford University on 2/9/2005

In March 2000, Wales started a peer-reviewed, open-content encyclopedia, Nupedia ("the free encyclopedia"), and hired Larry Sanger to be its editor-in-chief.[1] Nupedia was characterized by an extensive peer-review process designed to make its articles of a quality comparable to that of professional encyclopedias.[22] After Sanger publicly proposed on January 10, 2001, the idea of using a wiki to create an encyclopedia, Wales installed wiki software on a server and authorized Sanger to pursue the project under his supervision. Sanger dubbed the project "Wikipedia" and, with Wales, laid down the founding principles and content, establishing an Internet-based community of contributors during that year. Wikipedia was initially intended to be a wiki-based site for collaboration on early encyclopedic content for submission to Nupedia, but Wikipedia's rapid growth quickly overshadowed Nupedia's development.[12] Sanger worked on and promoted both the Nupedia and Wikipedia projects until Bomis discontinued funding for his position in February 2002[23]; Sanger resigned as editor-in-chief of Nupedia and as "chief organizer" of Wikipedia on March 1.[24][25] Wales has said that he initially was so worried with the concept that he would wake up in the middle of the night, wanting to check the site for vandalism.[26] In the early years, Wales supplied the financial backing for the project.[27] In a 2004 interview with Slashdot, Wales explained his motivations about Wikipedia, "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing."[28]

مؤسسة ويكيميديا

In mid-2003, Wales set up the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), a non-profit organization founded in St. Petersburg, Florida, and now based in San Francisco, California.[29][30] Originally chairman of the foundation, Wales has held the honorary title of Chairman Emeritus since 2006. He is now one of eight directors who make up its Board of Trustees.[31] The work he carries out for the foundation has always been unpaid, including his appearances to promote the organization at computer and educational conferences.[19] In a 2007 interview, Wales said that he thought that "donating" Wikipedia to the foundation was both the "dumbest and the smartest" thing he'd done. On the one hand, he noted, Wikipedia was worth US$3 billion (by his estimation); on the other, donating it made possible the success he achieved.[32]

In March 2008, Wales was accused by former Wikimedia Foundation employee Danny Wool of subsidizing personal expenditures with foundation funds. Wool also stated that Wales had his Wikimedia credit card taken away in part because of his spending habits, though Wales denied this claim.[33] Foundation Chair Florence Devouard and former foundation interim Executive Director Brad Patrick denied any wrongdoing by Wales or the foundation, saying that Wales accounted for every expense and that, for items for which he lacked receipts, he paid out of his own pocket.[34] Later in March 2008, it was alleged by Jeffrey Vernon Merkey that Wales had edited Merkey's Wikipedia entry to make it more favorable in return for donations to the Wikimedia Foundation, an allegation Wales dismissed as "nonsense."[35][36]


In 2004, Wales and then-fellow member of the WMF Board of Trustees Angela Beesley founded the for-profit company Wikia, Inc.[12] Wikia is a wiki farm—a collection of individual wikis on different subjects, all hosted on the same website.[37] Its most popular wikis include Memory Alpha (devoted to Star Trek), WoWWiki (World of Warcraft) and Wookieepedia (Star Wars).[38] Another service offered by Wikia is an open source web search engine named Wikia Search, intended to challenge Google and introduce transparency and public dialogue about how it's created into the search engine's operations.[39] Wales stepped down as Wikia CEO to be replaced by angel investor Gil Penchina, a former vice president and general manager at eBay, on June 5, 2006.[40]

قضايا السير وويكيبيديا

الفيلسوف لاري سانگر, whom Wales hired as editor-in-chief of Nupedia

أدوار مؤسسي ويكيبيديا

Wales has asserted that he is the sole founder of Wikipedia[6] and has publicly disputed Larry Sanger's designation as a co-founder of Wikipedia, describing the claim as "preposterous" to The Boston Globe in 2006[41] and calling "the whole debate silly" in an April 2009 interview.[42] Sanger was identified as co-founder at least as early as September 2001 by The New York Times[43] and was referred to as a founder alongside Wales in Wikipedia's first press release in January 2002.[44] In August of that year, Wales identified himself as "co-founder" of Wikipedia.[45] In addition to developing Wikipedia in its early phase and guiding the project,[27][5] Sanger was responsible for the idea of applying the wiki concept to the building of a free encyclopedia, and for the name "Wikipedia".[5][13] In a 2005 memoir for Slashdot, Sanger nevertheless ascribed the broader idea to Wales: "To be clear, the idea of an open source, collaborative encyclopedia, open to contribution by ordinary people, was entirely Jimmy's, not mine, and the funding was entirely by Bomis. … The actual development of this encyclopedia was the task he gave me to work on."[46] In response to Wales' view,[47] Sanger posted on his personal webpage many links which appear to confirm his role in founding Wikipedia, all of which described Wales and Sanger as the co-founders.[5][48] In a discussion in March 2007 with Brian Bergstein of the Associated Press, Wales said: "When you write this up please do not uncritically repeat Sanger's absurd claim to be the co-founder of Wikipedia." He added: "I am not bent out of shape about it. The facts are on my side, which is why I bother so little about it."[5] Wales' role in the Wikipedia community has been described as benevolent dictator, constitutional monarch and spiritual leader.[49]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wikipedia biography

In late 2005, Wales edited his own biographical entry on the English Wikipedia. Writer Rogers Cadenhead drew attention to logs showing that in his edits to the page, Wales had removed references to Sanger as the co-founder of Wikipedia.[50] Sanger commented that "having seen edits like this, it does seem that Jimmy is attempting to rewrite history. But this is a futile process because in our brave new world of transparent activity and maximum communication, the truth will out."[20][51] Wales was also observed to have modified references to Bomis in a way that was characterized as downplaying the sexual nature of some of his former company's products.[20] In an article in the July 31, 2006, issue of The New Yorker magazine, Stacy Schiff expanded on this topic, stating that Wales was "caught airbrushing his Wikipedia entry—eighteen times in the past year" and that he was "sensitive about references to the porn traffic on his Web portal".[13] In both cases, Wales argued that his modifications were solely intended to improve the accuracy of the content.[20] He apologized for editing his own biography, a practice generally frowned upon at Wikipedia. Wales said in the Wired interview, "People should not do it, including me. I wish I had not done it."[20]

الحياة الشخصية

Jimmy Wales with his second wife Christine

His first wife, Pam, was quoted in a September 2008 W magazine article as saying that Wales, because he believed altruism was evil, discouraged her from pursuing a nursing degree when they were married: "His whole 'Mr. Save the World' is so contrary to what he said every day for seven years."[52] Late in March 1997, Wales married his second wife, Christine, in Monroe County, Florida.[53] They have a daughter named Kira and are separated.[34] اعتبارا من 2007, Wales resided in the St. Petersburg, Florida, area.[54]

Wales had a brief relationship with Canadian journalist Rachel Marsden in 2008 that began after Marsden contacted Wales about her Wikipedia biography.[55] After accusations that Wales' relationship constituted a conflict of interest, Wales announced in March 2008 on his Wikipedia user page (and later on his personal blog) that there had been a relationship but that it was over and claimed that it had not influenced any matters on Wikipedia.[56][57] Marsden claimed to have learned about the breakup by reading about it on Wikipedia.[56][58]


Wales is a self-avowed "Objectivist to the core", and named his daughter Kira after the heroine in Ayn Rand's debut novel We the Living,[39] although he has said "I think I do a better job—than a lot of people who self-identify as Objectivists—of not pushing my point of view on other people."[59] He ran an electronic mailing list on "Moderated Discussion of Objectivist Philosophy".[60] When asked about Rand by Brian Lamb in his appearance on C-SPAN's Q&A in September 2005, Wales cited "the virtue of independence" as important to him personally. When asked if he could trace "the Ayn Rand connection" to having a political philosophy at the time of the interview, Wales reluctantly labeled himself a libertarian, qualifying his remark by referring to the United States Libertarian Party as "lunatics" and citing "freedom, liberty, basically individual rights, that idea of dealing with other people in a matter that is not initiating force against them" as his guiding principles.[1] An interview with Wales served as the cover feature of the June 2007 issue of the libertarian magazine Reason, in which Wales cited Austrian School economist Friedrich von Hayek's work on price theory and decentralised information The Use of Knowledge in Society as "central" to his thinking about "how to manage the Wikipedia project".[10]


Jimmy Wales receiving the Quadriga award on October 3, 2008

أعمال منشورة

  • Brooks, Robert (1994). "The Pricing of Index Options When the Underlying Assets All Follow a Lognormal Diffusion". Advances in Futures and Options Research. 7. {{cite journal}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)


  1. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر Lamb, Brian (September 25, 2005). "Q&A: Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder". C-SPAN. Retrieved 2006-10-31.
  2. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Birthdate
  3. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة WMF PR 2004-04-25
  4. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Economist2008
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج Bergstein, Brian (March 25, 2007). "Sanger says he co-started Wikipedia". MSNBC. Associated Press. Retrieved 2007-03-26. The nascent Web encyclopedia Citizendium springs from Larry Sanger, a philosophy Ph.D. who counts himself as a co-founder of Wikipedia, the site he now hopes to usurp. The claim does not seem particularly controversial—Sanger has long been cited as a co-founder. Yet the other founder, Jimmy Wales, is not happy about it.
  6. ^ أ ب Olson, Parmy (October 18, 2006). "A New Kid On The Wiki Block". Forbes. Retrieved 2009-03-28.
  7. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Holden Frith
  8. ^ Rogoway, Mike (July 27, 2007). "Wikipedia & its founder disagree on his birth date". Silicon Forest. The Oregonian. Retrieved October 31, 2008.. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  9. ^ Kazek, Kelly (August 11, 2006). "Geek to chic: Wikipedia founder a celebrity". The News Courier. Doris Wales' husband, Jimmy, wasn't sure what she was thinking when she bought a World Book Encyclopedia set from a traveling salesman in 1968.[dead link]
  10. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة reasonmag
  11. ^ Brown, David (2007-12-11). "Jimmy Wales '83". Alumni Profiles. Randolph School. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  12. ^ أ ب ت McNichol, Tom (May 1, 2007). "Building a Wiki World". Business 2.0. CNN. Retrieved 2007-10-31.
  13. ^ أ ب ت Schiff, Stacy (2006-07-31). "Know It All". The New Yorker. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
    b "Even Wales has been caught airbrushing his Wikipedia entry—eighteen times in the past year. He is particularly sensitive about references to the porn traffic on his Web portal. 'Adult content' or 'glamour photography' are the terms that he prefers, though, as one user pointed out on the site, they are perhaps not the most precise way to describe lesbian strip-poker threesomes. (In January, Wales agreed to a compromise: 'erotic photography')."
  14. ^ أ ب ت خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة bookstopshere
  15. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة karasz
  16. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة trend
  17. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة am 2006 p93
  18. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة am 2006 p88
  19. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة accessforall
  20. ^ أ ب ت ث ج Hansen, Evan (December 19, 2005). "Wikipedia Founder Edits Own Bio". Wired News. Retrieved October 31, 2008.
  21. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة roy
  22. ^ Gouthro, Liane (March 14, 2000). "Building the world's biggest encyclopedia". PCWorld. CNN. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  23. ^ Sanger, Larry (January 18, 2002). "What Wikipedia is and why it matters". meta.wikimedia.org. Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  24. ^ Sanger Larry (March 5, 2007). "My resignation--Larry Sanger". meta.wikimedia.org. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  25. ^ Terdiman, Daniel (January 6, 2006). "Wikipedia's co-founder eyes a Digital Universe". CNET News. Retrieved on October 31, 2008.
  26. ^ "In Search of an Online Utopia". msnbc.msn. February 1, 2007. Archived from the original on 2007-04-18. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  27. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Michael Singer
  28. ^ Miller, Rob "Roblimo" (July 28, 2004). "Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds". Slashdot. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  29. ^ Twist, Jo (November 5, 2005). "Open media to connect communities", BBC News. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  30. ^ Wikimedia foundation bylaws. Wikimedia. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  31. ^ Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Wikimedia. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  32. ^ Marks, Paul (February 3, 2007). "Interview with Jimmy Wales: Knowledge to the people" (Video). New Scientist. Reed Business Information Ltd. 193 (2589): 44. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  33. ^ Moses, Asher (March 5, 2008). "Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales accused of expenses rort", Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  34. ^ أ ب Kim, Ryan (March 5, 2007). "Allegations swirl around Wikipedia's Wales". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  35. ^ Moses, Asher (March 11, 2008). More woes for Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved on 2008-03-11.
  36. ^ Wiki boss 'edited for donation'. BBC News (March 12, 2008). Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  37. ^ Wikia homepage. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  38. ^ wikia.com - Traffic Details from Alexa
  39. ^ أ ب Deutschman, Alan (March 2007). "Why Is This Man Smiling?". Fast Company. Retrieved 2008-10-31. "Wales revealed that Wikia, his for-profit Silicon Valley startup, was working on Search Wikia, which he touted as "the search engine that changes everything ... Just as Wikipedia revolutionized how we think about knowledge and the encyclopedia, we have a chance now to revolutionize how we think about search."
  40. ^ "Wikia taps eBay exec as CEO". San Francisco Business Times. Retrieved 2006-06-05.
  41. ^ Mehegan, David (February 12, 2006). "Bias, sabotage haunt Wikipedia's free world". The Boston Globe. The New York Times Company. p. 4. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  42. ^ Paoletto, William (April 2, 2009). "Interview with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales". Big Oak Blog. Retrieved 2009-04-02.
  43. ^ Meyers, Peter (September 20, 2001). "Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Retrieved 2008-10-31. I can start an article that will consist of one paragraph, and then a real expert will come along and add three paragraphs and clean up my one paragraph. —Larry Sanger.
  44. ^ "Free Encyclopedia Project, Wikipedia, Creates 20,000 Articles in a Year (Wikipedia 2002 Press release)". Wikipedia. January 15, 2002. Retrieved 2009-04-04.
  45. ^ Wales, Jimmy (August 06, 2002). "3apes open content web directory". Yahoo! Tech Groups forum post. WebCite. Archived from the original on 2009-04-01. Retrieved 2009-04-03. I'm Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Nupedia and Wikipedia, the open content encyclopedias. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  46. ^ Sanger, Larry (April 18, 2005). "The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia: A Memoir". Slashdot. Retrieved 2005-10-31.
  47. ^ Mitchell, Dan (December 24, 2005). "Insider Editing at Wikipedia". The New York Times. Retrieved 2007-10-31.
  48. ^ Cohen, Noam (2008-03-17). "Open-Source Troubles in Wiki World". The New York Times. p. 1C. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
  49. ^ Cadenhead, Rogers (December 19, 2005). "Wikipedia Founder Looks Out for Number 1". cadenhead.org. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  50. ^ Blakely, Rhys (December 20, 2007). "Wikipedia founder edits himself". Times Online. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  51. ^ Lipsky-Karasz, Alisa (September 2008). "Mr. Know-It-All". W magazine. Retrieved 2008-10-31. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |work= (help)
  52. ^ Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001 (Requires paid membership to view). Ancestry.com. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  53. ^ Lewine, Edward (November 18, 2007). "The Encyclopedist's Lair". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-03-07.
    C "Greatest misconception about Wikipedia: We aren’t democratic. Our readers edit the entries, but we’re actually quite snobby. The core community appreciates when someone is knowledgeable, and thinks some people are idiots and shouldn’t be writing."
  54. ^ The Canadian Press (March 2, 2008). "Canadian pundit, Wikipedia founder in messy breakup". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  55. ^ أ ب Moses, Asher (March 4, 2008). "Ex takes her revenge on Mr Wikipedia". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  56. ^ Bergstein, Brian (March 5, 2008). "Wikipedia's Wales defends breakup, expenses". USA Today. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  57. ^
  58. ^ Sirius, R.U. (July 29, 2007). "Jimmy Wales Will Destroy Google". 10 Zen Monkeys. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  59. ^ قالب:Cite newsgroup
  60. ^ "Jimmy Wales Joins Socialtext Board of Directors; Wikipedia Founder to Advise Leader in Enterprise Wiki Solutions" (Press release). SocialText. October 3, 2005. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  61. ^ Garlick, Mia (March 30, 2006). "Creative Commons Adds Two New Board Members". Creative Commons. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
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  67. ^ "Participants > Speakers > Jimmy Wales". iCommonsSummit.org. 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  68. ^ "Corum announces Jimmy Wales as The Global Brand Icon of the Year Award". MattBaily.ca. September 14, 2008. Retrieved 2008-10-31.
  69. ^ "Die Quadriga Award for 'A Mission of Enlightenment' – 2008", loomarea.com. Retrieved on 2008-10-31.
  70. ^ "The Economist Innovation Awards and Summit". economist.com. October 30, 2008. Retrieved 2008-11-08.

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