اتفاقيات المتوسط (1887)

اتفاقيات المتوسط (إنگليزية: Mediterranean Agreements؛ بالألمانية Mittelmeerentente؛ بالفرنسية Entente de la Méditerranée) كانت سلسلة من المعاهدات وقعتها في 1887 بريطانيا العظمى مع إيطاليا في 12 فبراير (عبر وساطة ألمانيا)، ومع النمسا-المجر في 24 مارس ومع Spain on May 4. Further notes were exchanged between Britain, Italy and Austria-Hungary on 12 December.

On the face of it the treaties recognised the status quo in the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, one of the objectives was to halt the expansion of the Russian Empire في البلقان and her wish to control the straits of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles. From that perspective it also assured the survival of the Ottoman Empire. It also protected Italian interests against France. Thus it united forces hostile to Russia في البلقان ولفرنسا في شمال أفريقيا.

From the point of view of the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the benefit of these agreements to which Germany was not a party, was in bringing Britain closer to the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.

The treaty potentially conflicted with the Reinsurance Treaty of 1887, between Germany and Russia. In the secret protocol to the Reinsurance Treaty, Bismarck lent support to Russia's expansion efforts. Thus the Mediterranean Agreement, while not a de jure contradiction of the Reinsurance Treaty was at least contrary to its spirit.

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