نقاش المستخدم:Sfinx

مرحبا بكم في المعرفة موسوعتكم الحرة. معًا نبني ونجمع المحتوى العربي!

للتأكد من طلب التسجيل في المعرفة ترسل المعرفة رسالة إلى بريدكم الإلكتروني (تأكد أن بريدك لم يضعها في ملف الرسائل غير المطلوبة Junk Mail). رد على تلك الرسالة بالنقر على الرابط فيها لكي تستطيع تحرير المقالات.

نتمنى لكم مشاركة طيبة. وهاهي بعض الوصلات التي قد تكون مفيدة لك:

أرجوا ألا تترددوا بطرح الأسئلة عند الحاجة، استعملوا صفحات النقاش لذلك. ولا تنسوا التوقيع بعد ترك رسالتكم بكتابة ~~~~.

--Oxydo 16:30, 15 ابريل 2006 (UTC)

Hi Oxydo i do speak arabic .. im new here thought ! i just checked your page you seems to be a pro and an old user in here so in case i need something i will ask you for sure .. or maybe you can explain for me some stuff like how do things go and so on--Sfinx 16:43, 15 ابريل 2006 (UTC) ..

Hello Sfinx, no problem we are here to help, just ask. We were all beginners one day and then after experimenting here and there on Wikipedia, we gained some experience. I hope you enjoy your stay here and we hope to see you always.Welcome once again. Regards, --Oxydo 16:47, 15 ابريل 2006 (UTC)

thank you .. im sure things will get better i was looking at other wiki's and i was shocked to see that the arabic wiki have less articles than alot of small countries and i wasnt rally willing to post anything on the arabic wiki but when i saw that even unknown languages have more articles than us i thought i have too the only problem is im not used to the arabic keyboard so know im trying to get used to it :) anyway ive seen these blocks on your page like this user can speak english this can speak italian and so on what is it about ? am i supposed to contact these users if i wanna translate something or what exactlly does it mean ? and thanx again --Sfinx 16:53, 15 ابريل 2006 (UTC)

Len Tak

Ahoj! Áno som Slovák dúfam že nemáš nič proti Smilie6.png  Odkiaľ ti vieš po slovensky? dosť si ma s tým prekvapil!!! Mimochodom neviem prečo si ma oslovil Abu Slajman ?? lebo tu používam meno Hakeem alebo

حكيم دمشق

--Hakeem 22:10, 15 ابريل 2006 (UTC)

Nazdar!! No hádaš dobre som z Damašku.  Smilie8.png  Že by si bol aj ty zo Sýrie?  Smilie9.png 

Píšem iba v arabskej wikipedii, lebo potrebuje viac roboty než slovenská, ktorá je dosť slušne rozbehnutá a je 2x väčšia než tá arabská. Smilie7.png  Ale aj tak to ma neospravedlňuje že som nič o Sýrií nenapísal. Smilie13.png  Tvoja slovenčine je celkom dobrá a s písaním majú občas problémy aj samotní Slováci. Smilie3.png  Hakeem 12:57, 16 ابريل 2006 (UTC)


About the infoboxes: it's almost the same, mainly these stuff are called "Templates". They are HTML codes withing the main HTML page. Templates are one of the most complicated stuff in the software Wikipedia is using. Before going into details, I suggest that you take a look at this page.

As for looking for a person who checks your work and correct the HTML mistakes, I suggest that you just publish them, and then there are a lot of people out there who will do the rest for you, don't worry. Mainly Wikipedia is based on this idea, that the people integrate each other, not to forget that we all work here voluntarily and that one cannot expect people to do all the work needed. I hope I tried to answer all your questions, if not tell me....Regards, -Oxydo 15:43, 20 ابريل 2006 (UTC)