جيان پاولو لومازو

Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo, Madonna and Saints, Church of San Marco in Milan
Gian Paolo Lomazzoجيان پاولو لومازو ( أبريل 1538-27 يناير 1592 ); ", رسام الإيطالي أكثر ما يذكر له كتاباته على نظرية الفن , ينتمي إلى الجيل الثاني التي تألق في الفن والهندسة المعمارية الإيطالية.
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- Kemp, M.: 'Equal Excellences': Lomazzo And The Explanation of Individual Style in the Visual Arts, in Renaissance Studies vol 1.1, March 1987.
- Lomazzo, Gian Paolo: Trattato dell'arte della pittura, scoltura et architettura [Milano 1584] in Scritti sulle arti Vol. II, Roberto Paolo Ciardi, Florence 1974.
- Romano, G., Giovan paolo Lomazzo, in Gaudenzio Ferrari e la sua scuola: i cartoni cinquecenteschi dell'Accademia Albertina, Torino 1982
- J. Lynch, Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo’s self portrait in the Brera, in «Gazette des Beaux Arts», LXIV, 1964, pp. 189 ss.
- Manegold, C.: Wahrnehmung - Bild - Gedächtnis. Studien zur Rezeption der aristotelischen Gedächnistheorie in den kunsttheoretischen Schriften des Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo; Ph.D. thesis. Published as Studien zur Kunstgeschichte vol. 158; Olms 2004. ISBN 3-487-12675-3. In German.
- Lomazzo, G. P. Rabisch, edited by D. Isella, Torino 1993
- Rabisch. Il grottesco nell’arte del Cinquecento. L’Accademia della Val di Blenio, Lomazzo e l’ambiente milanese, edited by M. Kahn-Rossi and F. Porzio, Milano 1998
- Isella, D., Lombardia stravagante, Torino 2005
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وصلات خارجية
Media related to Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo at Wikimedia Commons
- Vita of Gian Paolo Lomazzo.
- Brief description (in Italian).
- Another description, (in Italian).
- Lomazzo, Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane (Biblioteca Ambrosiana) An exercise in dramatic lighting of a nocturnal subject. (description in Italian).
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