تصنيف:مقاطعات إيطاليا

The provinces of Italy

For the purposes of local government, nineteen of Italy’s twenty regions are further divided into a total of 109 provinces. Three of these provinces were established in 2004 but will not be fully operative until 2009:

The autonomous region of Aosta Valley is an exception in that it has no provinces: the regional government itself retains those powers which elsewhere are devolved to the provincial level. It is sometimes therefore convenient to treat it as both a region and as Italy’s 110th province.

This category provides a list of articles on the 109 provinces, plus Aosta Valley.

التصنيفات الفرعية

هذا التصنيف يحوي التصنيف الفرعي، من إجمالي 1.

المقالات في التصنيف "مقاطعات إيطاليا"

الصفحات 103 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 103.