قالب:جدول بلد سابق/doc

Important notes

This infobox is a part of WikiProject Former countries.

  2. Almost all fields are optional, some fields are more optional than others. It is not expected that you fill in every single field that is shown here.
  3. Some fields are hidden but necessary for infobox functionality. Not all fields are displayed here.
  4. If a state has a high number of leaders (>5), do not modify this template to fit them all in. It is not the intention of this infobox to do them all - that makes the infobox way too big (any extra slots added here without previous discussion will be reverted). Instead, list only the first and last title holder, with (first) or (last) placed after the person's name.
  5. Some fields place the article into certain categories: see list of supported categories.
  6. Area (in km2) and population statistics must be given without spaces, commas or other code.
  7. Keep event text as short as possible - ideally only 1 line in length.
  8. For many entries, the infobox has been implemented by one of the main developers. Other users are welcome to implement the infobox themselves, but developers might make modifications later on - largely for functionality reasons.
  9. If you are unsure about the usage of this template, or if you want to know why a certain modification was made, let us know via the template talk page. Your comments and questions assist the developers in creating, improving and documenting infobox features.

Empty syntax

Most fields are optional.

{{Infobox Former Country
|native_name            = <!--- Name in native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. 
                                Separate with line breaks<br> If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. --->
|conventional_long_name = <!--- Full name in English --->
|common_name            = <!--- Used to resolve location within categories and name of flags and coat of arms --->
|continent              = <!--- Generates categories of the type "Former countries in Europe" --->
|region                 = <!--- Reserved for generating categories on subregions of continents --->
|country                = <!--- The country, to which this historic entity belongs today --->
|era                    = <!--- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. --->
|status                 = <!--- Status: see Category list on template page --->
|status_text            = <!--- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. --->
|empire                 = <!--- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency --->
|government_type        = <!--- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories --->
|<!--- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --->
|<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->
|year_start             = <!--- Year of establishment --->
|year_end               = <!--- Year of disestablishment --->
|year_exile_start       = <!--- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government - status="Exile") --->
|year_exile_end         = <!--- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile)--->
|event_start            = <!--- Default: "Established" --->
|date_start             = <!--- Optional: Date of establishment, enter dates in this format [[1 January]], [[1801]]--->
|event_end              = <!--- Default: "Disestablished" --->
|date_end               = <!--- Optional: Date of disestablishment --->
|event1                 = <!--- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" --->
|date_event1            = 
|event2                 = 
|date_event2            = 
|event3                 = 
|date_event3            = 
|event4                 = 
|date_event4            = 
|event_pre              = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start"--->
|date_pre               = 
|event_post             = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end"--->
|date_post              = 
|<!--- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --->
|p1                     = <!--- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1-5 --->
|flag_p1                = <!--- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) --->
|image_p1               = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --->
|p2                     = 
|flag_p2                = 
|p3                     = 
|flag_p3                = 
|p4                     = 
|flag_p4                = 
|p5                     = 
|flag_p5                = 
|s1                     = <!--- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 --->
|flag_s1                = <!--- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) --->
|image_s1               = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --->
|s2                     = 
|flag_s2                = 
|s3                     = 
|flag_s3                = 
|s4                     = 
|flag_s4                = 
|s5                     = 
|flag_s5                = 
|image_flag             = <!--- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg --->
|flag                   = <!--- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} --->
|flag_type              = <!--- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" --->
|image_coat             = <!--- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg --->
|symbol                 = <!--- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} --->
|symbol_type            = <!--- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" --->
|image_map              = 
|image_map_caption      = 
|capital                = 
|capital_exile          = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= 
|national_motto         = 
|national_anthem        = 
|common_languages       = 
|religion               = 
|currency               = 
|<!--- Titles and names of the first and last leaders an their deputies --->
|leader1                = <!--- Name of king or president --->
|leader2                = 
|leader3                = 
|leader4                = 
|year_leader1           = <!--- Years served --->
|year_leader2           = 
|year_leader3           = 
|year_leader4           = 
|title_leader           = <!--- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President"--->
|representative1        = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor)--->
|representative2        = 
|representative3        = 
|representative4        = 
|year_representative1   = <!--- Years served --->
|year_representative2   = 
|year_representative3   = 
|year_representative4   = 
|title_representative   = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
|deputy1                = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
|deputy2                = 
|deputy3                = 
|deputy4                = 
|year_deputy1           = <!--- Years served --->
|year_deputy2           = 
|year_deputy3           = 
|year_deputy4           = 
|title_deputy           = <!--- Default: "Prime minister" --->
|<!--- Legislature --->
|legislature            = <!--- Name of legislature --->
|house1                 = <!--- Name of first chamber --->
|type_house1            = <!--- Default: "Upper house"--->
|house2                 = <!--- Name of second chamber --->
|type_house2            = <!--- Default: "Lower house"--->
|<!--- Area and population of a given year --->
|stat_year1             = <!--- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both --->
|stat_area1             = <!--- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --->
|stat_pop1              = <!--- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given --->
|stat_year2             = 
|stat_area2             = 
|stat_pop2              = 
|stat_year3             = 
|stat_area3             = 
|stat_pop3              = 
|stat_year4             = 
|stat_area4             = 
|stat_pop4              = 
|stat_year5             = 
|stat_area5             = 
|stat_pop5              = 
|footnotes              = <!--- Accepts wikilinks --->

Example syntax

Please read the instructions before use and before reporting any problems

An example from German Empire:

{{Infobox Former Country
|native_name            = Deutsches Kaiserreich
|conventional_long_name = German Empire
|common_name            = Germany
|continent              = Europe
|region                 = Germany
|country                = Germany
|year_start             = 1871
|year_end               = 1918
|date_start             = January 18
|date_end               = November 9
|event_start            = 
|event_end              = [[German Revolution|Abolition]]
|p1                     = North German Confederation
|flag_p1                = Flag of the German Empire.svg
|s1                     = Weimar Republic
|flag_s1                = Flag of Germany (2-3).svg
|image_flag             = Flag of the German Empire.svg
|image_coat             = Reichsadler_1888-1918.jpg
|image_map              = German_Empire%2C_Wilhelminian_third_version.png.PNG
|image_map_caption      = Territory of the German Empire in 1914, prior to World War I
|national_motto         = ''Gott mit Uns''<br>([[German language|German]]: "God with us”)
|national_anthem        = [[Heil dir im Siegerkranz]] (unofficial)
|capital                = Berlin
|common_languages       = [[German language|German]]
|government_type        = Constitutional monarchy
|title_leader           = [[List of German monarchs|Emperor]]
|leader1                = [[Wilhelm I of Germany|Wilhelm I]]
|year_leader1           = 1871-1888
|leader2                = [[Wilhelm II of Germany|Wilhelm II]]
|year_leader2           = 1888-1918
|title_deputy           = [[Chancellor of Germany|Chancellor]]
|deputy1                = Otto von Bismarck
|year_deputy1           = 1871-1890
|deputy2                = [[Prince Maximilian of Baden|Max von Baden]]
|year_deputy2           = 1918
|stat_year1             = 1871
|stat_pop1              = 41058792
|stat_year2             = 1890
|stat_pop2              = 49428470
|stat_year4             = 1910
|stat_pop4              = 64925993
|stat_area4             = 540766
|population_density3    = 120
|currency               = [[German gold mark|Goldmark]]

See also