قائمة آلهة الشمس

أپولو الشمسي بهالة مشعة لـ هليوس في فسيفساء أرضية، الجم، تونس، أواخر القرن الثاني الميلادي.

إله الشمس هو إله أو إلهة تمثل الشمس، أو أحد هيئاتها، عادة بقوتها الملحوظة. آلهة الشمس وعبادة الشمس تواجدت طوال التاريخ المسجل في أشكال متعددة. فيما يلي قائمة آلهة الشمس:

الأساطير الأفريقية
Australian Aboriginal mythology
  • Gnowee، solar goddess who searches daily for her lost son; the light of her torch is the sun
  • Wala، solar goddess
  • Wuriupranili، solar goddess whose torch is the sun
  • Yhi، Karraur goddess of the sun, light and creation
أساطير الآينو
  • Chup Kamui، a lunar goddess who switched places with her brother to become goddess of the sun
الأساطير العربية
أساطير الآزتك
أساطير البلطيق
  • Saulė، goddess of the sun and fertility
أساطير الباسك
  • Ekhi، goddess of the sun and protector of humanity
الأساطير البرازيلية
  • Marici، goddess of the heavens, sun and light
الأساطير الكنعانية
الأساطير الكلتية
  • Áine، Irish goddess of love, summer, wealth and sovereignty, associated with the sun and midsummer
  • Alaunus، Gaulish god of the sun, healing and prophecy
  • Belenos، Gaulish god of the sun
  • Étaín، Irish sun goddess
  • Grannus، god associated with spas, healing thermal and mineral springs, and the sun
  • Lugh، Irish deity sometimes regarded as a sun god
  • Mug Ruith، Irish deity sometimes regarded as a sun or storm god
  • Sulis، British deity whose name is related to the common Proto-Indo-European word for "sun" (and thus cognate with Helios، Sól، Sol، Usil and Surya) and who retains solar imagery, as well as a domain over healing and thermal springs.
الأساطير الصينية
تمثال الإلهة شي‌خى تقود عربة الشمس، التي يجرها تنين، في هانگ‌ژو
  • شي‌خى، إلهة الشمس وأم الشموس العشر
  • Zhulong، dragon deity of daylight.
الأساطير المصرية
  • باست، cat goddess associated with the sun
  • حورس، god of the sky whose right eye was considered to be the sun and his left the moon
  • أمون، creator deity sometimes identified as a sun god
  • آتوم، the "finisher of the world" who represents the sun as it sets
  • آتن، god of the sun, the visible disc of the sun
  • خپري، god of rebirth and the sunrise
  • نفرتم، god of healing and beauty, who represents the first sunlight
  • رع، god of the sun
  • سخمت، goddess of war and of the sun, and sometimes plagues and creator of the desert
  • سوپدو، god of war and the scorching heat of the summer sun
  • پتاح، god of craftsmanship, the arts and fertility, sometimes said to represent the sun at night
  • خنوم، god of sunset
الأساطير الإتروسكية
  • Albina، goddess of the dawn and protector of ill-fated lovers
  • Thesan، goddess of the dawn, associated with new life
  • Usil, etruscan equivalent of Helios
الأساطير الجرمانية
الأساطير اليونانية
  • Alectrona، goddess of the sun, morning and waking up
  • Apollo، Olympian god of light, the sun, prophecy, healing, plague, archery, music and poetry
  • Eos، Titan goddess of the dawn
  • Helios، Titan god of the sun
  • Heracles، the "solar hero", whose entire story has been interpreted as a sun myth, and whose labors are often associated with the Zodiac signs.
  • Hyperion، Titan god of light
  • Phanes، protogenoi of light and life, described with "golden wings", surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac and equated with Mithras.
  • Theia، a titan goddess associated with the sun
  • Agni، god of fire, associated with the sun
  • Aryaman، god of the sun
  • Mitra، god of honesty, friendship, contracts, meetings and the morning sun
  • Ravi، god of the sun
  • Saranyu، goddess of the dawn and clouds
  • Savitr، god of the sun at sunrise and sunset
  • Surya، god of the sun
الأساطير الحيثية
  • Arinna، goddess of the sun
  • Istanu، god of the sun and judgment
أساطير الإنكا
أساطير الإنويت
الأساطير اليابانية
Amaterasu emerging out of a cave, bringing sunlight back to the universe
Lusitanian mythology
  • Endovelicus، god of health and safety. Worshipped both as a solar deity and a chthonic one.
  • Neto، claimed to be both a solar and war deity.
أساطير الماوري
أساطير المايا
  • Ah Kin، god of the sun, bringer of doubt and protector against the evils associated with darkness
  • Kinich Ahau، god of the sun
  • Hunahpu، one of the Maya Hero Twins; he transformed into the sun while his brother transformed into the moon
  • Tohil، god associated with thunder, lightning and sunrise
أساطير بلاد الرافدين
  • Shamash، Akkadian god of the sun and justice
  • Utu، Sumerian god of the sun and justice
Native American mythology
أساطير النورس
  • Baldr، god associated with light, beauty, love and happiness
  • Dagr، personification of the daytime
  • Freyr، god of fertility, sexuality, peace and sunlight
  • Sól، de facto solar goddess.
الأساطير الفارسية
Polynesian mythology
الأساطير الرومانية
  • Apollo، the Greco-Roman god of light, music, knowledge, and the sun
  • Sol
Sami mythology
  • Beiwe، goddess of the sun, spring, fertility and sanity
الأساطير السلاڤية
  • Belobog، reconstructed deity of light and the sun who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
  • Dažbog، god of the sun
  • Hors، god of the sun
  • Radegast، god of hospitality, fertility and crops, associated with war and the sun, who may or may not have been worshipped by pagan Slavs
  • Zorya، two daughters of Dažbog
    • Zorya Utrennyaya, the morning star, who openes the palace gates each dawn for the sun-chariot's departure
    • Zorya Vechernyaya, the evening star, who closes the palace gates each night after the sun-chariot's
الأساطير التوركية