صفحة بمليون دولار

The Million Dollar Homepage
The Million Dollar Homepage.png
The Million Dollar Homepage (اعتبارا من 8 فبراير 2009 (2009-02-08))
URL milliondollarhomepage.com
ترتيب ألكسا 42,735 (اعتبارا من 9 مايو 2009 (2009-05-09))
تجاري؟ Yes
نوع الموقع Pixel advertising
التسجيل none
المالك Alex Tew
صنعه Alex Tew
تاريخ الإطلاق 26 August 2005
الدخل $1,037,100
الوضع الحالي Active

صفحة بمليون دولار هو موقع إليكترونى وضع تصوره في 2005 أليكس تو , طالب من ويلت شاير, إنجلترا, لجمع المال للإسهام في نفقات التعليم الجامعى. تحتوى الصفحة الرئيسية على مليون نقطة مرتبة 1000 × 1000 نقطة شبكة ; و كانت الروابط المبنية على الصور قد بيعت $ 1 لكل نقطة 10 × 10 مربع. المشترون للمربعات النقطية أعطوا صورا دقيقة لكى تظهر في تلك المربعات, وكان عنوان الموقع (URL) الذى ترتبط به الصور , هو شعار لعرضها عندما تحلق المؤشر فوق الوصلة. الهدف من الموقع هو بيع كل نقطة في الصورة, مما يولد مليون دولار دخلا للمبدع مبتكر الموقع. وول ستريت جورنال علق بأن الموقع أدى أن تستلهم مواقع أخرى أن تبيع نقاط.[1][2]

بدأت في 26 أغسطس 2005 ، في موقع على شبكة الإنترنت وأصبحت ظاهرة الموقع المعجزة. أليكسا تصنف ويب ترافيك وصلت إلى ذروتها عند حوالي 127 ؛ , وتكون40,044.[3] في 1 يناير 2006, الأخيرة 1,000 نقطة تم وضعها طرحت للبيع في المزاد العلني على ebay. إغلاق المناقصة في 11 كانون الثاني / يناير مع محاولة الفوز من 38،100 $ ان العطاء الفائز من 38،100 $ إلى أن النتيجة النهائية ل1.037.100 دولار من إجمالي الإيرادات. خلال مزاد 2006, كان الموقع عرضة distributed denial-of-service attack وطلب فدية, الذي ترك مغلقا أمام الزائرين لمدة أسبوع في حين تم تحديث نظام الضمان. إن ومكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي و قوة الشرطة المحلية لويلتشاير تحرتا واقعة الهجوم ومحاولة الإبتزاز.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


منذ البداية كنت أعرف أن الفكرة محتملة , ولكنها كانت واحدة من تلك الأشياء التي يمكن ان تسير في اي من إتجاهين. و كان تفكيرى أنى لاأملك شيئا لأخسره (فضلا عن 50 يورو او هكذا تكلفة تسجيل النطاق والإعداد للإستضافة).و قد كنت أعلم أن الفكرة كانت ملتوية بدرجة كافية لخلق الإهتمام بالانترنت وهو وسط مؤثر جدا وفوى ...

Alex Tew, 22 February 2006.[4]

اليكس Tew ، وهو طالب من Cricklade في ويلتشير ، إنجلترا, تصور موقع المليون دولار في آب / أغسطس 2005 عندما كان يبلغ21 عاما .[5] كان على وشك أن يبدأ ثلاث سنوات في دراسة إدارة الأعمال وبطبيعة الحال في جامعة نوتنجهام , وكان قلقا من أنه سيترك مع القروض الطلابية و التى سيستغرق سنوات في سدادها .[5] ونتيجة لهذه الفكرة لجمع الأموال ، وقرر Tew بيع مليون بيكسل على موقع$1 لكل نقطة(بيكسل) ; المشترون سيضيفون الصور الخاصة بهم, الشعار أو الإعلان, ولديهم الخيار لوضع رابط متشعبة hyperlink الى موقعهم. و بيعت النقاط بالدولار بدلا من جنيه استرليني المملكة المتحدة ؛ الولايات المتحدة لديها عدد أكبر من مستخدمي الإنترنت من المملكة المتحدة ، و إعتقد تو أن عددا أكبر من الناس سوف يشترون نقاطه بالعملة الأميريكية .[6] في 2005, الجنيه الإسترلينىقوية فيما يقارن بالدولار: £1 كان يوازى تقريبا $1.80,[7] وأن التكلفة حسب النقطة, يمكن أن تكون عالية, للمشترى العادى .[6] تكلفة إعدادات تو كانت€50, التى أنفقت لتسجيل الدخول على النطاق ,وتكلفة حزمة الإستضافة على الموقع,Sitelutions, و أضحى الموقع يعمل في 26 أغسطس 2005 .[8] وكانت الصفحة الرئيسية تتميز بوجود شريط ويب تتضمن إسم الموقع, عداد للنقاط, تبين عدد النقاط المباعة , شريط التجول يحتوى على 9 نقاط صغيرة تشير إلى صفحة الموقع الداخلية صفحة الموقع, ومربع شبكى فارغ مكون من من 1,000,000 النقاط مقسمة إلى 10,000 100-مربع نقاط.[9] وعد تو الزبائن أن الموقع سيظل عاملا لمدة 5 سنوات – ويعنى ذلك حتى , على الأقل 26 أغسطس 2010.[10][11]

بيع النقاط

ولأن النقاط المفردة كانت من الصغر بحيث لاترى بسهولة , فإن النقاط كانت تباع كمربعات 100-نقطةin 100-pixel "blocks" و قياسها 10 × 10 نقطة; و كان أقل سعر هكذا $100.[12][13] The first sale, three days after the site began operating, was to an online music website operated by a friend of Tew's. He bought 400 pixels in a 20 × 20 block. After two weeks, Tew's friends and family members had purchased a total of 4,700 pixels.[5][14] The site was initially marketed only through word of mouth;[2] however, after the site had made $1,000, a press release was sent out that was picked up by the BBC.[5][14] The technology news website The Register featured two articles on The Million Dollar Homepage in September.[15][16] By the end of the month, The Million Dollar Homepage had received $250,000 and was ranked Number 3 on Alexa Internet's list of "Movers and Shakers" behind the websites for Britney Spears and Photo District News.[17] On 6 October, Tew reported the site received 65,000 unique visitors; it received 1465 Diggs, becoming one of the most Digged links that week.[18] Eleven days later, the number had increased to 100,000 unique visitors. On 26 October, two months after the Million Dollar Homepage was launched, more than 500,900 pixels had been sold to 1,400 customers.[19] By New Year's Eve, Tew reported that the site was receiving hits from 25,000 unique visitors every hour and had an Alexa Rank of 127,[19] and that 999,000 of the 1,000,000 pixels had been sold.[2]

On 1 January 2006, Tew announced that because the demand was so great for the last 1,000 pixels, "the most fair and logical thing" to do was auction them on eBay rather than lose "the integrity and degree of exclusivity intrinsic to the million-pixel concept" by launching a second Million Dollar Homepage.[19] The auction lasted ten days and received 99 legitimate bids. Although bids were received for amounts as high as $160,109.99, many were either retracted by the bidders or cancelled as hoaxes.[20][21] "I actually contacted the people by phone and turns out they weren't serious, which is fairly frustrating, so I removed those bidders at the last minute", said Tew.[20] The winning bid was $38,100,[22][23] placed by MillionDollarWeightLoss.com, an online store selling diet-related products.[24] Tew remarked that he had expected the final bid amount to be higher due to the media attention.[20] The Million Dollar Homepage made a gross total of $1,037,100 in five months.[21][25] After costs, taxes, and a donation to The Prince's Trust, a charity for young people, Tew expected his net income to be $650,000–$700,000.[2]

Pixel purchasers included Bonanza Gift Shop, Panda Software, the producers of Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, British Schools Karting Championship, Book of Cool, Orange, The Times, Cheapflights.com, Schiffer Publishing, Rhapsody, Tenacious D, GoldenPalace.com, 888.com and other online casinos, Independiente Records, Yahoo!, small privately owned businesses, and companies offering get-rich-quick schemes, online dating services, personal loans, free samples, website designs and holidays.[26]

Media attention

Following the September press release that first brought attention to the site, The Million Dollar Homepage was featured in articles on BBC Online,[5] The Register,[15] The Daily Telegraph,[27] and PC Pro.[28] Tew also appeared on the national breakfast television programmes Sky News Sunrise and BBC Breakfast to discuss the website.[29][30]

The crucial thing in creating the media interest was the idea itself: it was unique and quirky enough to stand out. I only had to push the idea a bit in the first few days by sending out a press release which essentially acted as a catalyst. This interest coupled with traditional word-of-mouth created a real buzz about the homepage, which in turn created more interest.

Alex Tew, 22 February 2006.[4]

By November the website was becoming popular around the world, receiving attention from Financial Times Deutschland in Germany,[31] TVNZ in New Zealand,[32] Terra Networks in Latin America,[33] the China Daily,[34] and especially in the United States where it was covered in Adweek,[35] Florida Today,[36] and Wall Street Journal.[1] Tew hired a US-based publicist to help with the attention from the American media and made a week-long trip to the US, where he was interviewed on ABC News Radio,[37] the Fox News Channel,[38] Attack of the Show!,[39] and local news programmes.[40][41]

The concept was described as "simple and brilliant",[36] "clever",[42] "ingenious",[14] and "a unique platform [for advertising] which is also a bit of fun".[27] Professor Martin Binks, director of the Nottingham University Institute for Entrepreneurial Innovation, said, "It is brilliant in its simplicity ... advertisers have been attracted to it by its novelty ... the site has become a phenomenon."[14] Popular Mechanics said, "There's no content. No cool graphics, giveaways or steamy Paris Hilton videos for viewers to salivate over. Imagine a TV channel that shows nothing but commercials, a magazine with nothing but ads. That's The Million Dollar Homepage. An astonishing example of the power of viral marketing".[43] Don Oldenburg of the Washington Post was one of the few without praise for the site, calling it a "cheap, mind-bogglingly lucrative marketing monstrosity, an advertising badlands of spam, banner ads and pop-ups."[13] Oldenburg continues, "it looks like a bulletin board on designer steroids, an advertising train wreck you can't not look at. It's like getting every pop-up ad you ever got in your life, at once. It's the Internet equivalent of suddenly feeling like you want to take a shower."[13]

As the final pixels were being auctioned, Tew was interviewed on Richard & Judy,[44] and profiled in the online BBC News Magazine.[8] The Wall Street Journal wrote about The Million Dollar Homepage and its impact on the Internet community. "Mr. Tew himself has taken on celebrity status in the Internet community ... the creative juice ... paints an interesting picture of online entrepreneurship".[2]

DDoS attack

On 7 January 2006, three days before the auction of the final 1,000 pixels was due to end, Tew received an e-mail from an organisation called The Dark Group, and was told The Million Dollar Homepage would become the victim of a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) if a ransom of $5,000 was not paid by 10 January.[45][46] Believing the threat to be a hoax, he ignored it, but a week later received a second e-mail threat: "Hello u website is under us atack to stop the DDoS send us 50000$."[45] Again, he ignored the threat, and the website was flooded with extra traffic and e-mails, causing it to crash. "I haven't replied to any of them as I don't want to give them the satisfaction and I certainly don't intend to pay them any money. What is happening to my website is like terrorism. If you pay them, new attacks will start," Tew said.[47]

The website was inaccessible to visitors for a week until the host server upgraded the security system, and filtered traffic through anti-DDoS software.[46][47] Wiltshire Constabulary's Hi-Tech Crime Unit and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were called to investigate the extortion and attack; they believed it originated in Russia.[47][48]

Similar websites

Many other sites sell advertising by pixels.[2][13] Tew said of the sites, "[they] popped up almost immediately; now there are hundreds of Web sites selling pixels. The copycats are all competing with each other."[1] "They have very little ads, therefore I guess it’s not going too well for them. The idea only works once and relies on novelty. Any copy-cat sites will only have pure comedy value, whereas mine possibly has a bit of comedy plus. So I say good luck to the imitators."[49]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب ت Bounds, Gwendolyn (22 November 2005). "How Selling Pixels May Yield a Million Bucks". Wall Street Journal. p. B1. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح Bounds, Gwendolyn (10 January 2006). "Pixel-Ad Entrepreneur Closes With an Auction". Wall Street Journal. p. B8. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  3. ^ "milliondollarhomepage.com Site Information". Alexa Internet. Archived from the original on 9 May 2009. Retrieved 9 May 2009.
  4. ^ أ ب "Ask the expert: How to make a million". FT.com. 22 February 2006. Retrieved 2 February 2009.
  5. ^ أ ب ت ث ج "Student's cash-raising net scheme". BBC News. 22 September 2005. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  6. ^ أ ب Tew, Alex (26 August 2005). "The Million Dollar Homepage FAQ". Million Dollar Homepage. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  7. ^ "Current and Historical Rate Tables". XE.com. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  8. ^ أ ب Geoghegan, Tom (6 January 2006). "The million-dollar student". BBC News. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  9. ^ Tew, Alex (15 September 2005). "The Million Dollar Homepage". The Million Dollar Homepage. Archived from the original on 15 September 2005. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  10. ^ Kawamoto, Dawn (18 January 2006). "Blackmailers try to black out Million Dollar Homepage". CNET. Retrieved 19 February 2009.
  11. ^ Evans, Tara (21 November 2007). "Million dollar homepage: Alex Tew". This is Money. Retrieved 19 February 2009.
  12. ^ Pierce, Sarah (13 January 2006). "The المليون-Dollar Home Page". Entrepreneur Magazine. Retrieved 19 February 2009.
  13. ^ أ ب ت ث Oldenburg, Don (11 January 2006). "A Million to One". Washington Post. p. C1. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
  14. ^ أ ب ت ث Boggan, Steve (14 October 2005). "Million dollar boy". The Times. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  15. ^ أ ب Richardson, Tim (8 September 2009). "Student flogs pixels to fund education". The Register. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  16. ^ Richardson, Tim (20 September 2009). "Million pixel student makes £32k". The Register. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  17. ^ "Movers & Shakers". Alexa Internet. Archived from the original on 26 September 2005. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  18. ^ "The Million Dollar Home Page". Digg. 12 October 2009. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  19. ^ أ ب ت Tew, Alex. "Blog Archive". The Million Dollar Homepage. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  20. ^ أ ب ت Bounds, Gwendolyn (11 January 2006). "Pixel-Ad Entrepreneur Expected to Reach Goal". Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on 13 January 2006. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  21. ^ أ ب Tew, Alex. "Blog". The Million Dollar Homepage. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  22. ^ Tew, Alex (2006). "Own The Last 1,000 Pixels on MillionDollarHomepage.com". eBay. Archived from the original on 27 January 2009. Retrieved 1 February 2009. {{cite web}}: |archive-date= / |archive-url= timestamp mismatch; 27 يناير 2006 suggested (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)
  23. ^ Alfano, Sean (11 January 2006). "Pixel Perfect, 21-Year-Old Brit Makes A Million With Simple Sales Plan For Online Ads". CBS Evening News. Retrieved 18 February 2009.
  24. ^ Fontanella, James (19 January 2006). "Student faces legal threat after $1m website crashes". Financial Times. Retrieved 18 February 2009.
  25. ^ Richardson, Tim (12 January 2006). "Pixel-flogging student makes a million". The Register. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  26. ^ Tew, Alex. "Pixel List". The Million Dollar Homepage. Retrieved 30 January 2009.
  27. ^ أ ب Savill, Richard (24 September 2005). "Student solves debt fear as website earns £56,000 in a month". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  28. ^ Aughton, Simon (22 September 2005). "UK student makes pixels pay". PC Pro. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  29. ^ Sky News Sunrise. Presenter: Eamonn Holmes. Sky News. 6 October 2005.
  30. ^ BBC Breakfast. Presenters: Dermot Murnaghan, Natasha Kaplinsky. BBC One. 20 October 2005.
  31. ^ Kwasniewski, Nicolai (29 September 2005). "Der Weg zur ersten Million - Ein Pixel, ein Dollar". Financial Times Deutschland (in German). Retrieved 4 February 2009.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  32. ^ "Web review: Topical site of the week". Television New Zealand. 21 October 2005. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  33. ^ "Estudante quer juntar US$ 1 milhão vendendo pixels" (in Portuguese). Terra Networks. 26 September 2005. Retrieved 4 February 2009.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  34. ^ "Cash pours in for student with $1m Web idea". China Daily. Reuters. 31 December 2005. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  35. ^ Nudd, Tim (10 October 2005). "The King Of The Pixels". Adweek. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  36. ^ أ ب Kridler, Chris (4 October 2005). "Student cashes in on brilliant, simple idea". Florida Today. Archived from the original on 10 December 2005. Retrieved 4 February 2009.
  37. ^ News interview. Interviewer: Jim Hickey. ABC News Radio. 14 November 2005.
  38. ^ Your World with Neil Cavuto. Presenter: Neil Cavuto. Fox News Channel. 14 November 2005.
  39. ^ Attack of the Show!. Presenter: Kevin Pereira. Fox News Channel. 15 November 2005.
  40. ^ NBC 11 News. Interviewer: Cary Berglund. NBC. KNBC, Los Angeles, California. 16 November 2005.
  41. ^ Channel 4 News. Interviewer: Scott Budman. NBC. KNTV, San Jose, California. 22 November 2005.
  42. ^ Guevin, Jennifer (13 September 2005). "A million-dollar home page". CNET News. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  43. ^ Ross, James (30 September 2005). "Million-Dollar Brainstorm". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
  44. ^ Richard & Judy. Presenters: Richard Madeley, Judy Finnigan. Channel 4. 9 January 2006.
  45. ^ أ ب Fontanella, James (18 January 2006). "Hackers blackmail milliondollar site". FT.com. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
  46. ^ أ ب Savill, Richard (20 January 2006). "Blackmailers target student's $1m website". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
  47. ^ أ ب ت "Blackmailers target $1m website". BBC News. 18 January 2006. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
  48. ^ "Million dollar pixel site targeted by hackers". MSNBC. Associated Press. 18 January 2006. Retrieved 5 February 2009.
  49. ^ Fontanella, James (11 January 2006). "Dollar-per-pixel ad site nets student $1m". FT.com. Retrieved 5 February 2009.

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