أحمد جواد پاشا

Ahmed Cevad
Ahmed Djevad Pasha.jpg
Military Governor of Crete
في المنصب
24 July 1897 – 10 October 1898
Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
في المنصب
4 September 1891 – 8 June 1895
العاهل عبد الحميد الثاني
سبقه Mehmed Kamil Pasha
خلفه Mehmed Said Pasha
Ottoman Governor of Crete
في المنصب
سبقه Shakir Pasha
خلفه Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha
تفاصيل شخصية
وُلِد 1851
Istanbul, Ottoman Empire
توفي 10 August 1900
Istanbul, Ottoman Empire
المهنة Statesman

أحمد جواد پاشا أو أحمد شقير پاشا تركية: Kabaağaçlızade Ahmed Cevad Paşa or "Shakir Pasha"، (و. اسطنبول 1851 - دمشق 1900)، كان رجل دولة عثماني ومؤلف، تلقى تعليمه في بورصة، ثم في المدرسة العسكرية بالأستانة، اشترك في عدة معارك ضد الصرب وروسيا واليونان، عين والياً على جزيرة كريت، وأصبح صدراً أعظمفي الفترة من 4 سبتمبر 1891 - 8 يونيو 1895، اعتزل الحكم، وعاد إلى خدمة الجيش، ألف تاريخاً عسكرياً لتركيا.[1]

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سنواته المبكرة

He is the son of Kabaağaçlızade Mustafa Asım Bey from Afyon , a member of the Council of the Military Council , and Zehra Hanım, the daughter of Hattatzade Hüseyin Efendi, one of the prominent families of the Syrian Turkmen [1] . He lost his parents when he was just 12 years old. Later, he was protected by his family friends, Rumeli kazasker Atıfzade Ömer Hüsamettin Efendi , who also served as sheikh al-Islam [1] . After completing his primary education in Bursa and Istanbul, he entered Harbiye [2] . He was a very successful student. After graduating from the Mekteb-i Harbiye in 1869, he was taken to the Military Academy and graduated in 1871 with the first place.

السيرة المهنية

In 1871 he was promoted to the rank of Kolağası. In addition to his military duties, he wrote a work called "El-Ma'lûmâtü'l-Kâfiye fî Ahvâl-il-Memâlik-il-Osmâniyye" and presented it to Sultan Abdülaziz and was promoted to the rank of major because of this work.

الحرب الروسية العثمانية (1877-1878)

He served in the Danube Army in the 93 War . He was rewarded with various decorations for his achievements at the front and was promoted to the rank of mirala in February 1878 [1] .


In 1880, he started to work in the Sixth General Communications Branch of the Erkan-ı Harbiye Office. He was the editor-in-chief of Ceride-i Askeriye , the official army newspaper ; His own articles were also published in the magazine. On the other hand, he started to publish a magazine called "Yadigâr" as of October 1879. This magazine, which is published every fortnight; He was publishing articles on subjects such as science, industry, geography, history and ethics [1] .

المشاركة في لجنة ترسيم الحدود

بالإضافة لمسئولياته كمحرر في 1881، فطبقاً لمعاهدة برلين الموقعة بعد حرب 93، فقد شارك في المفوضية المشكّلة لتعيين الحدود بين الدولة العثمانية واليونان وصربيا وروسيا.

سفارة چتين (الجبل الأسود)

After the 93 War , he was appointed as an ambassador to Montenegro , which gained its independence with the Berlin Treaty, in 1884, and on his way to this mission, he was promoted to the rank of Mirliva and became Pasha. Pasha, who stayed here for four years, took part in country tours with the permission of Sultan Abdulhamid, at the invitation of Prince Nikola. He presented his observations and travelogue to Sultan Abdulhamid as a phrasing after a month-long travel in May 1884 [3] . During his tenure, he made a great contribution to the Ottoman- Montenegrin relations. [4] Although he asked permission to go to Vienna due to illness during his duty, he was invited to come to Istanbul to be appointed to a new mission.

نائب حاكم وقائد في كريت العثمانية

Sultan II. Attracting the attention and appreciation of Abdülhamid , he was appointed as a member of the Military Inspection Commission in Istanbul after his return. Upon the turmoil in Crete, he was appointed as an extraordinary commander and deputy governor of Crete . When he took office, he prepared a statement about the historical, geographical and social situation of the island, and the sultan II. Abdulhamid, he showed the excessive privileges given to the Christian people as the reason for the rebellion. During his two-year governorship, he worked hard to create an atmosphere of peace between the Muslim and Christian people on the island. In return for his success here, he was promoted to the rank of Mushir at the age of 40.

الصدر الأعظم

He was appointed as the grand vizier in 1891 upon his success as the governor of Crete and continued this duty for four years.

The policy he followed during his 3 years as grand vizier was to preserve internal and external peace. During his tenure, he mostly dealt with the Armenian events and the diplomatic problems created by these events. Pasha [1] , who was extremely insistent on the acceptance of his own decisions , was dismissed from the grand viziership in 1894 and was forced to reside in his house in Nişantaşı .

قيادة كريت العثمانية

When the unrest broke out in Crete again, he was appointed as the commander of the "Crete Fırka-i Askerîye" and was sent to the island in 1897. It was understood that a special management style would be imposed by European states in Crete , and meanwhile, German Emperor Kaiser II. When it became clear that Wilhelm would travel to Syria and Palestine , Cevat Şakir Pasha was appointed as the host of the Kaiser ; Ferik Osman Nuri Pasha was appointed instead.

ضيافة الامبراطور الألماني

Emperor II, who will come to Istanbul and travel as far as Jerusalem. My Wilhelm has been tasked with taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of his voyage. He successfully fulfilled this task; The emperor completed his journey on 16 November 1898. He was not allowed to return to Istanbul after his duty and was assigned as the 5th Army Commander.


He became ill in Damascus, where he served as the Commander of the 5th Army. He came to Istanbul with the report given by the doctors and died in 1900. He was buried in the Emir Buhari Mosque burial ground in Fatih , where his parents' graves are located [1] . In 1901, a mausoleum was built by the architect Kemaleddin on the site of his grave.

مكتبة جواد باشا

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  • Ma‛lumatu’l-Kafiye fi-Memaliki’l-Osmaniye: Osmanlı Devletinin kara ve deniz kuvvetleri, coğrafyası, yeryuzu sekilerli gibi konularda bilgiler içerir. Askeri liselerde Abdülaziz devrinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmuştur.
  • Tarih-i Askeri Hulasası: 1700 yılına kadar gerçekleşen ünlü savaşlar hakkında bilgiler içerir.
  • Fabre, Sema yahut kozmoğrafya: yeryuzunun olculmesi, aya seyahat, yeryuzunun aydan gorunusu gibi konular içeren çeviri bir eserdir.
  • Tarih-i Osmani: Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluşundan Niğbolu Savaşı’na kadar geçen olaylar
  • Mısır Mesalihine Dair İradat-ı Seniyye: Mısır işlerine dair 1839-1894 arasında çıkmış irade-i seniyyeler.
  • Mecmu’atu’s-Sanayi: Kimyanın Sanayiye uygulanması ile ilgili bir eser.
  • Yadigâr: 15 günde bir çıkan Yadigar dergisinde yayımlanmış yazıların biraraya getirildiği eserdir
  • Tarih-i Askeri Osmânî: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda meydana getirilimiş çeşitli askeri kurumlar, 1826 yılına kadarki önemli savaşlar hakkında bilgi veren eser. Ahmet Cevat Paşa, 10 cilt içinde 20 eser yazmayı planlamıştı. 3 cilt içinde 5 kitap yazabildi, bunlardan yalnız Yeniçeriler e ait olan birinci cildi basılmıştır. Ayrıca kıyafetleri ve o devrin silah ve teçhizatını gösterir bir albümü Paris’te basılmıştır.

علاقته بعائلة شاكر باشا


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