روبرت ددلي، إرل لستر الأول

Robert Dudley
Robert Dudley Leicester.jpg
Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, c. 1564. In the background are the devices of the Order of Saint Michael and the Order of the Garter; Robert Dudley was a knight of both.
وُلِد24 June 1532
توفي4 September 1588 (aged 56)
Cornbury, Oxfordshire
المدفنCollegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick
اللقبEarl of Leicester
ألقاب أخرىبارون دنباي
مبعث الشهرةمحظي إليزابث الأولى
الإقامةKenilworth Castle, Warwickshire
لستر هاوس، لندن
وانستد، إسكس
المحلWest Midlands
North Wales
الحروب والمعاركKet's Rebellion
Campaign against ماري تيودور، 1553
Battle of St. Quentin, 1557
Dutch Revolt
Spanish Armada
المناصبMaster of the Horse
Lord Steward of the Royal Household
Privy Councillor
الحاكم العام على المقاطعات المتحدة
الزوجإيمي روبسار
لتيس نوليز
الأنجالSir Robert Dudley (illegitimate)
Robert Dudley, Lord Denbigh (died as a child)
الوالدانJohn Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland
Jane Guildford

روبرت ددلي، إرل لستر الأول Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester، KG (24 June 1532 or 1533[note 1] – 4 September 1588) was an English nobleman and the favourite and close friend of إليزابث الأولى from her first year on the throne until his death. The Queen giving him reason to hope, he was a suitor for her hand for many years.

Dudley's youth was overshadowed by the downfall of his family in 1553 after his father, the Duke of Northumberland, had unsuccessfully tried to establish Lady Jane Grey on the English throne. Robert Dudley was condemned to death but was released in 1554 and took part in the Battle of St. Quentin under Philip II of Spain, which led to his full rehabilitation. On Elizabeth I's accession in November 1558, Dudley was appointed Master of the Horse. In October 1562 he became a privy councillor and in 1587 was appointed Lord Steward of the Royal Household. In 1564 Dudley became Earl of Leicester and from 1563 one of the greatest landowners in North Wales and the English West Midlands by royal grants.

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, was one of Elizabeth's leading statesmen, involved in domestic as well as foreign politics alongside William Cecil and Francis Walsingham. Although he refused to be married to Mary, Queen of Scots, Dudley was for a long time relatively sympathetic to her until from the mid-1580s he strongly advocated her execution. As patron of the Puritan movement he supported non-conforming preachers, but tried to mediate between them and the bishops within the Church of England. A champion also of the international Protestant cause, he led the English campaign in support of the Dutch Revolt from 1585–1587. His acceptance of the post of Governor-General of the United Provinces infuriated Queen Elizabeth. The expedition was a military and political failure and ruined the Earl financially. Leicester was engaged in many large-scale business ventures and a main backer of Francis Drake and other explorers and privateers. During the Spanish Armada the Earl was in overall command of the English land forces. In this function he invited Queen Elizabeth to visit her troops at Tilbury. This was the last of many events he organised over the years, the most spectacular being the festival at his seat Kenilworth Castle in 1575 on occasion of a three-week visit by the Queen. Dudley was a principal patron of the arts, literature, and the Elizabethan theatre.[1]

Robert Dudley's private life interfered with his court career and vice versa. When his first wife, Amy Robsart, fell down a flight of stairs and died in 1560, he was free to marry the Queen. However, the resulting scandal very much reduced his chances in this respect. Popular rumours that he had arranged for his wife's death continued throughout his life, despite the coroner's jury's verdict of accident. For 18 years he did not remarry for Queen Elizabeth's sake and when he finally did, his new wife, Lettice Knollys, was permanently banished from court. This and the death of his only legitimate son and heir were heavy blows.[2] Shortly after the child's death in 1584, a virulent libel known as Leicester's Commonwealth was circulating in England. It laid the foundation of a literary and historiographical tradition that often depicted the Earl as the Machiavellian "master courtier"[3] and as a deplorable figure around Elizabeth I. More recent research has led to a reassessment of his place in Elizabethan government and society.

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Quartered arms of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester

التعليم والزواج

Robert Dudley was the fifth son of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and his wife Jane, daughter of Sir Edward Guildford.[4] John and Jane Dudley had 13 children in all and were known for their happy family life.[5] Among the siblings' tutors figured John Dee,[6] Thomas Wilson, and Roger Ascham.[7] Roger Ascham believed that Robert Dudley possessed a rare talent for languages and writing, regretting that his pupil had done himself harm by preferring mathematics.[8] The craft of the courtier Robert learnt at the courts of Henry VIII, and especially Edward VI, among whose companions he served.[9]

In 1549 Robert Dudley participated in crushing Kett's Rebellion and probably first met Amy Robsart, whom he was to wed on 4 June 1550 in the presence of the young King Edward.[10] She was of the same age as the bridegroom and the daughter and heiress of Sir John Robsart, a gentleman-farmer of Norfolk.[11] It was a love-match, the young couple depending heavily on both their fathers' gifts, especially Robert's. John Dudley, who since early 1550 effectively ruled England, was pleased to strengthen his influence in Norfolk by his son's marriage.[12] Lord Robert, as he was styled as a duke's son, became an important local gentleman and a Member of Parliament. His court career went on in parallel.[13]

المحظي الملكي

موكب تتويج إلزابث: روبرت ددلي على صهوة جواد في أقصى اليسار، يقود palfrey الشرف.

Robert Dudley was counted among Elizabeth's special friends by Philip II's envoy to the English court a week before Queen Mary's death.[14] On 18 November 1558, the morning after Elizabeth's accession, he witnessed the surrender of the Great Seal to her at Hatfield. He became Master of the Horse on the same day.[4] This was an important court position entailing close attendance on the sovereign. It suited him, as he was an excellent horseman and showed great professional interest in royal transport and accommodation, horse breeding, and the supply of horses for all occasions. Dudley was also entrusted with organising and overseeing a large part of the Queen's coronation festivities.[15]

مصرع إيمي ددلي

اللورد روبرت ددلي ح. 1560

الحياة في البلاط

Robert Dudley, dressed partly in tilting armour, 1575[16]

الزملاء والسياسة

Robert Dudley in 1576, aged 44, as is stated in the margin. Miniature by Nicholas Hilliard[4]

رعايته للعلوم والثقافة

الاستكشاف والأعمال

السير فرانسيس دريك. كان لستر سعيداً بالاستثمار في مغامراته وكان يدعوه للعب الكوتشينة.[17]

Robert Dudley was a pioneer of new industries; interested in many things from tapestries to mining, he was engaged in the first joint stock companies in English history.[18] The Earl also concerned himself with relieving unemployment among the poor.[19] On a personal level, he gave to poor people, petitioners, and prisons on a daily basis.[20] Due to his interests in trade and exploration, as well as his debts, his contacts with the London city fathers were intense.[20] وكان مستثمراً متحمساً في شركة موسكوڤي والمغامرين المتاجرين.[21] العلاقات الإنگليزية مع دول الساحل البربري وخصوصاً المغرب كان يديرها لستر. This he did in the manner of his private business affairs, underpinned by a patriotic and missionary zeal (commercially, these relations were a losing business).[22] وقد أبدى اهتماماً بالغاً بأعمال جون هوكنز وفرانسيس دريك منذ البداية، وكان الداعم الرئيسي لدريك في الابحار حول العالم. كما كان روبرت وأمبروز ددلي الراعيين الرئيسيين لـمارتن فروبيشر في بحثه عام 1576 عن الممر الشمالي الغربي.[23] ولاحقاً اشترى لستر سفينة، Galleon Leicester، والتي شغـّلها في تجريدة غير موفقة بقيادة إدوارد فنتون، وكذلك تحت قيادة دريك. وفيما يتعلق بالربح، فقد كانت قوة إنگلترة البحرية ماثلة في ذهنه، ولذلك فقد أصبح لستر صديقاً وداعماً رئيسياً لدم أنطونيو، المطالب بالعرش البرتغالي المنفي بعد 1580.[24]

التعلم، المسرح، الفنون، والأدب

الملكة إلزابث في وانستد هاوس. The figures in the garden may include representations of Robert and Lettice Dudley.[25] Painting by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder

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الحاكم العام للمقاطعات المتحدة

During the 1570s Leicester built a special relationship with Prince William of Orange, who held him in high esteem. The Earl became generally popular in the Netherlands. Since 1577 he pressed for an English military expedition, led by himself (as the Dutch strongly wished) to succour the rebels.[26] In 1584 the Prince of Orange was murdered, political chaos ensued, and in August 1585 Antwerp fell to the Duke of Parma.[27] An English intervention became inevitable; it was decided that Leicester would go to the Netherlands and "be their chief as heretofore was treated of", as he phrased it in August 1585.[28] He was alluding to the recently signed Treaty of Nonsuch in which his position and authority as "governor-general" of the Netherlands had only been vaguely defined.[29] The Earl prepared himself for "God's cause and her Majesty's" by recruiting the expedition's cavalry from his retainers and friends, and by mortgaging his estate to the sum of £25,000.[30]

Leicester as Governor-General, 1586. Engraving by Hendrik Goltzius
The Armada Portrait of Elizabeth I, painted after Leicester's death. She possibly wears the necklace of six hundred pearls the Earl bequeathed to her in his will.[31]

الأرمادا ووفاته

In July 1588, as the Spanish Armada came nearer, the Earl of Leicester was appointed "Lieutenant and Captain-General of the Queen's Armies and Companies".[32] At Tilbury on the Thames he erected a camp for the defence of London, should the Spaniards indeed land. Leicester vigorously counteracted the disorganisation he found everywhere, having few illusions about "all sudden hurley-burleys", as he wrote to Walsingham.[33] When the Privy Council was already considering to disband the camp to save money, Leicester held against it, setting about to plan with the Queen a visit to her troops. On the day she gave her famous speech he walked beside her horse bare-headed.[34]


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انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ There is a popular tradition that Robert Dudley was the same age as إليزابث الأولى; however, in a letter to William Cecil he denotes 24 June as his birthday, and a 1576 portrait miniature by Nicholas Hilliard gives his age as 44, "so 1532 is the most likely year of his birth" (Adams 2008b).


  1. ^ Haynes 1992 p. 12; Wilson 1981 pp. 151–152
  2. ^ Adams 2002 pp. 145, 147
  3. ^ Adams 2002 p. 52
  4. ^ أ ب ت Adams 2008b
  5. ^ Adams 2002 p. 133
  6. ^ Wilson 1981 p. 16
  7. ^ Chamberlin 1939 pp. 55–56
  8. ^ Chamberlin 1939 p. 55; Adams 2008b
  9. ^ Wilson 1981 pp. 23, 28–29; Adams 2008b; Loades 1996 p. 225
  10. ^ Wilson 1981 pp. 31, 33, 44
  11. ^ Adams 2002 pp. 135, 159
  12. ^ Loades 1996 pp. 179, 225, 285; Haynes 1987 pp. 20–21
  13. ^ Loades 1996 pp. 225–226; Wilson 1981 pp. 45–47
  14. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Adams 2002 p. 134
  15. ^ Wilson 1981 pp. 78, 83–92
  16. ^ Watkins 1998 p. 163
  17. ^ Gristwood 2007 p. 292
  18. ^ Wilson 1981 p. 146; Adams 2002 p. 337
  19. ^ Adams 2002 pp. 142, 337
  20. ^ أ ب خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Adams: At Home
  21. ^ Wilson 1981 p. 165
  22. ^ Haynes 1987 pp. 88–94
  23. ^ Wilson 1981 pp. 164–165; Gristwood 2007 p. 198
  24. ^ Haynes 1987 pp. 145–149
  25. ^ Morris 2010 p. 34; Wilson 1981 illustration caption
  26. ^ Strong and van Dorsten 1964 pp. 7–15; Wilson 1981 p. 238; Haynes 1987 p. 158
  27. ^ Strong and van Dorsten 1964 pp. 20, 24
  28. ^ Adams 2002 p. 147
  29. ^ Strong and van Dorsten 1964 p. 25
  30. ^ Gristwood 2007 pp. 307–308; Hammer 2003 p. 125
  31. ^ Watkins 1998 p. 167; Gristwood 2007 p. 337
  32. ^ Haynes 1987 p. 191
  33. ^ Jenkins 2002 pp. 349–351
  34. ^ Haynes 1987 pp. 191–195


  • Adams, Simon (ed.) (1995): Household Accounts and Disbursement Books of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1558–1561, 1584–1586 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-55156-0
  • Adams, Simon (1996): "At Home and Away. The Earl of Leicester" History Today Vol. 46 No. 5 May 1996 Retrieved 2010-09-29
  • Adams, Simon (2002): Leicester and the Court: Essays in Elizabethan Politics Manchester University Press ISBN 0-7190-5325-0
  • Adams, Simon (2008a): "Dudley, Lettice, countess of Essex and countess of Leicester (1543–1634)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. Jan 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-04
  • Adams, Simon (2008b): "Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester (1532/3–1588)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. May 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-03
  • Adams, Simon (2008c): "Dudley, Sir Robert (1574–1649)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. Jan 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-03
  • Adams, Simon (2008d): "Sheffield, Douglas, Lady Sheffield (1542/3–1608)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. Jan 2008 (subscription required) Retrieved 2010-04-03
  • Adams, Simon (2011): "Dudley, Amy, Lady Dudley (1532–1560)" Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online edn. Jan 2011 (subscription required) Retrieved 2012-07-04
  • Alford, Stephen (2002): The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis, 1558–1569 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-89285-6
  • Bossy, John (2002): Under the Molehill: An Elizabethan Spy Story Yale Nota Bene ISBN 0-300-09450-7
  • Bruce, John (ed.) (1844): Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, during his Government of the Low Countries, in the Years 1585 and 1586 Camden Society
  • Burgoyne, F.J. (ed.) (1904): History of Queen Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leicester, being a Reprint of "Leycesters Commonwealth" 1641 Longmans
  • Chamberlin, Frederick (1939): Elizabeth and Leycester Dodd, Mead & Co.
  • Collinson, Patrick (ed.) (1960): "Letters of Thomas Wood, Puritan, 1566–1577" Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research Special Supplement No. 5 November 1960
  • Collinson, Patrick (1971): The Elizabethan Puritan Movement Jonathan Cape ISBN 0-224-61132-1
  • Collinson, Patrick (2007): Elizabeth I Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0-19-921356-6
  • Doran, Susan (1996): Monarchy and Matrimony: The Courtships of Elizabeth I Routledge ISBN 0-415-11969-3
  • Fraser, Antonia (1972): Mary Queen of Scots Panther Books ISBN 0-586-03379-3
  • Freedman, Sylvia (1983): Poor Penelope: Lady Penelope Rich. An Elizabethan Woman The Kensal Press ISBN 0-946041-20-2
  • Girouard, Mark (1979): Life in the English Country House. A Social and Architectural History BCA
  • Gristwood, Sarah (2007): Elizabeth and Leicester: Power, Passion, Politics Viking ISBN 978-0-670-01828-4
  • Hammer, P.E.J. (1999): The Polarisation of Elizabethan Politics: The Political Career of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, 1585–1597 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-01941-9
  • Hammer, P.E.J. (2003): Elizabeth's Wars: War, Government and Society in Tudor England, 1544–1604 Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 0-333-91943-2
  • Haynes, Alan (1987): The White Bear: The Elizabethan Earl of Leicester Peter Owen ISBN 0-7206-0672-1
  • Haynes, Alan (1992): Invisible Power: The Elizabethan Secret Services 1570–1603 Alan Sutton ISBN 0-7509-0037-7
  • Hearn, Karen (ed.) (1995): Dynasties: Painting in Tudor and Jacobean England 1530–1630 Rizzoli ISBN 0-8478-1940-X
  • Henderson, Paula (2005): The Tudor House and Garden: Architecture and Landscape in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Yale University Press ISBN 0-300-10687-4
  • Historical Manuscripts Commission (ed.) (1911): Report on the Pepys Manuscripts Preserved at Magdalen College, Cambridge HMSO
  • Hume, Martin (ed.) (1892–1899): Calendar of ... State Papers Relating to English Affairs ... in ... Simancas, 1558–1603 HMSO Vol. I Vol. III Vol. IV
  • Hume, Martin (1904): The Courtships of Queen Elizabeth Eveleigh Nash & Grayson
  • Ives, Eric (2009): Lady Jane Grey: A Tudor Mystery Wiley-Blackwell ISBN 978-1-4051-9413-6
  • Jenkins, Elizabeth (2002): Elizabeth and Leicester The Phoenix Press ISBN 1-84212-560-5
  • Loades, David (1996): John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland 1504–1553 Clarendon Press ISBN 0-19-820193-1
  • Loades, David (2004): Intrigue and Treason: The Tudor Court, 1547–1558 Pearson/Longman ISBN 0-582-77226-5
  • Lovell, M.S. (2006): Bess of Hardwick: First Lady of Chatsworth Abacus ISBN 978-0-349-11589-4
  • MacCulloch, Diarmaid (2001): The Boy King: Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation Palgrave ISBN 0-312-23830-4
  • Molyneaux, N.A.D. (2008): "Kenilworth Castle in 1563" English Heritage Historical Review Vol. 3 2008 pp. 46–61
  • Morris, R.K. (2010): Kenilworth Castle English Heritage ISBN 978-1-84802-075-7
  • Nicolas, Harris (ed.) (1847): Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton Richard Bentley
  • Owen, D.G. (ed.) (1980): Manuscripts of The Marquess of Bath Volume V: Talbot, Dudley and Devereux Papers 1533–1659 HMSO ISBN 0-11-440092-X
  • Porter, Linda (2007): Mary Tudor: The First Queen Portrait ISBN 978-0-7499-5144-3
  • Read, Conyers (1936): "A Letter from Robert, Earl of Leicester, to a Lady" The Huntington Library Bulletin No. 9 April 1936
  • Rickman, Johanna (2008): Love, Lust, and License in Early Modern England: Illicit Sex and the Nobility Ashgate ISBN 0-7546-6135-0
  • Rosenberg, Eleanor (1958): Leicester: Patron of Letters Columbia University Press
  • Skidmore, Chris (2010): Death and the Virgin: Elizabeth, Dudley and the Mysterious Fate of Amy Robsart Weidenfeld & Nicolson ISBN 978-0-29-784650-5
  • Starkey, David (2001): Elizabeth: Apprenticeship Vintage ISBN 0-09-928657-2
  • Strong, R.C. and J.A. van Dorsten (1964): Leicester's Triumph Oxford University Press
  • Warner, G.F. (ed.) (1899): The Voyage of Robert Dudley to the West Indies, 1594–1595 Hakluyt Society
  • Watkins, Susan (1998): The Public and Private Worlds of Elizabeth I Thames & Hudson ISBN 0-500-01869-3
  • Wilson, Derek (1981): Sweet Robin: A Biography of Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester 1533–1588 Hamish Hamilton ISBN 0-241-10149-2
  • Wilson, Derek (2005): The Uncrowned Kings of England: The Black History of the Dudleys and the Tudor Throne Carroll & Graf ISBN 0-7867-1469-7

وصلات خارجية

  • "Dudley, Robert (DDLY564R)". A Cambridge Alumni Database. University of Cambridge.
  • Archival material relating to روبرت ددلي، إرل لستر الأول listed at the UK National Register of Archives
  • Lord Robert Dudley at The Internet Movie Database
مناصب سياسية
Sir Henry Jernyngham
Master of the Horse
The Earl of Essex
شاغر Lord Steward
Lord St John of Basing
Chamberlain of the county palatine of Chester
Chamberlain of Anglesey, Caernarvonshire and Merioneth
شاغر Lord Lieutenant of Norfolk
مع: Henry Radclyffe, 2nd Earl of Sussex
شاغر Lord Lieutenant of Warwickshire and Worcestershire
مع: Sir Ambrose Cave
شاغر Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire
مع: Sir Ambrose Cave
شاغر Lord Lieutenant of Leicestershire
شاغر Lord Lieutenant of Essex and Hertfordshire
The Lord Burghley
Sir John Salusbury
Custos Rotulorum of Denbighshire
bef. 1573–1588
Thomas Egerton
John Griffith
Custos Rotulorum of Flintshire
bef. 1584–1588
Sir Ambrose Cave
Custos Rotulorum of Warwickshire
bef. 1573–1588
Sir Fulke Greville
Maurice Wynn
Custos Rotulorum of Caernarvonshire
bef. 1579–1588
William Maurice
Ellis Price
Custos Rotulorum of Merionethshire
bef. 1579–1588
Sir Robert Salusbury
Sir Richard Bulkeley
Custos Rotulorum of Anglesey
bef. 1584–1588
Sir Richard Bulkeley
مكاتب القصر
Chief Carver
إرل واريك
Master of the Buckhounds
مناصب أكاديمية
High Stewart of Cambridge University
كريستوفر هاتون
John Mason
Chancellor of the University of Oxford
مع: Sir Thomas Bromley as deputy 1585–1588
كريستوفر هاتون
مناصب قانونية
The Earl of Bedford
Justice in Eyre
south of the Trent

The Lord Hunsdon
نبيل إنگليزي
منصب مستحدث إرل لستر

خطأ لوا في وحدة:Authority_control على السطر 278: attempt to call field '_showMessage' (a nil value).

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