
this is a propagnda and hate web site, any unbiased reader can notice that immediately, in case this website and similar continue, all arabic and otherlanguages pages would be a candidate for re-editing

Ladeeni.net propagtes for secularism, freedom of thought and humanism. Harsh critique on Religion is not "hate" as thought of as a racial discriminatory practise. However, obviously a lot of users there "hate" Religious thinking which is a totally different issue.

Disagreeing with them does not mean u should make untrue claims about the website.

تسجيل اعتراض على الموضوع المنحاز والمطابق تماما لمقالة اخرى حول الألحاد. كل كاتب مطالب باكتابة من وجهة نظر حيادية وليس من وجهة تظر دينية منحازة.

Samirukas 02:12, 9 مايو 2006 (UTC)