
البروبيل ألين أبسط الألينات.

الألين Allenes هو أحد الهيدروكربونات, والتى فيه تكون أحد ذرات الكربون متصلة برابطتين مزدوجتين مع ذرتي كربون أخريتين.

وتواجد هاتين الرابطتين في الألين يجعله أكثر نشاطا من الألكين المقابل، فمثلا، نشاطيتهم للتفاعل مع الكلور الغازي أكثر من نشاطية الألكاينات.

وفى الشكل الموجود على اليسار، لو إستبدلت المجموعات "a" و "b" ذرات الهيدروجين على الجانب لأيمن والأيسر، يصبح الجزيء كايرال في حالة أن "a" لا تساوى "b". وهذا لأن المجموعتين سيكونا في حالة عمودية عل بعضهما البعض, وبذلك لا يكون للجزيء مستوى تماثل.

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البنية والرابط


3D view of propadiene (allene)

The central carbon atom of allenes forms two sigma bonds and two pi bonds. The central carbon is sp-hybridized, and the two terminal carbon atoms are sp2-hybridized. The bond angle formed by the three carbon atoms is 180°, indicating linear geometry for the central carbon atom. The two terminal carbon atoms are planar, and these planes are twisted 90° from each other. The structure can also be viewed as an "extended tetrahedral" with a similar shape to methane, an analogy that is continued into the stereochemical analysis of certain derivative molecules.


Allene symmetry.png

The symmetry and isomerism of allenes has long fascinated organic chemists.[1] For allenes with four identical substituents, there exist two twofold axes of rotation through the center carbon, inclined at 45° to the CH2 planes at either end of the molecule. The molecule can thus be thought of as a two-bladed propeller. A third twofold axis of rotation passes through the C=C=C bonds, and there is a mirror plane passing through both CH2 planes. Thus this class of molecules belong to the D2d point group. Because of the symmetry, an unsubstituted allene has no net dipole moment.

R and S configurations are determined by precedences of the groups attached to the axial section of the molecule when viewed along that axis. The front plane is given higher priority over the other and the final assignment is given from priority 2 to 3 (i.e. the relationship between the two planes).


Fucoxanthin, the most abundant of all carotinoids, is the light-absorbing pigment in the chloroplasts of brown algae, giving them a brown or olive-green color.


  • ويكيبيديا الإنجليزية.

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