تاج الدين فيروز شاه

(تم التحويل من Taj ud-Din Firuz Shah)
تاج الدين فيروز شاه
Haft Gumbad.jpg
سلطان بهمان
العهد16 نوفمبر 1397 إلى 22 سبتمبر 1422 [1][2]
تبعهأحمد شاه الأول ولي
توفي1 أكتوبر 1422
الأبداوود شاه

تاج الدين فيروز شاه (توفي 1422)، ويُعرف أيضاً بإسم فيروز شاه بهماني، كان حاكم السلطنة البهمانية من 16 نوفمبر 1397 إلى 22 سبتمبر 1422. ويعتبر فيروز شاه حاكماً هاماً على السلطنة البهمانية، فقد وسّع مملكته، بل ونجح في هزيمة رايتشور دواب من ممالك ڤيجايانگرا.[3]

حارب فيروز شاه امبراطورية ڤيجايانگرا في العديد من المناسبات وتواصل التنافس بين الأسرتين الحاكمتين، بلا هوادة، طوال عهده، بانتصارات في 1398 و 1406، ولكن بهزيمة في 1419. أحد انتصاراته أسفرت عن زواجه من ابنة ديڤا رايا.[4]

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الخلفية والنشأة

كان ابن داوود شاه، رابع سلاطين بهمان وحفيد علاء الدين بهمان شاه، السلطان الأول.[5] He, along with his brother Ahmed, was raised by Muhammad Shah II. Muhammad II married his daughters off to the two brothers. Firuz was deemed the heir presumptive to the throne.

After the birth of Ghiyas-ud-din, Muhammmad deemed him the successor to the throne. Firuz swore fealty to the new sultan. However, Ghiyas-ud-din was blinded and imprisoned by a Turkish nobleman who installed Shams-ud-din as a puppet ruler. Firuz and Ahmed marched to Gulbarga and Firuz declared himself the sultan. Taghalchin was killed and Shams-ud-din was blinded.


فرمان من تاج الدين فيروز شاه من سلطنة بهمان.

At the beginning of his reign, Harihara II of the Vijayanagar Empire had advanced as far as the Raichur Doab and posed a threat to the Bahmanis. This threat was thwarted by a calculated and incisive attack by Firuz.[5]

In 1406, he defeated the Vijayanagara Empire. A peace treaty was signed and the daughter of Deva Raya was married off to him.[5]

Firuz led a successful expedition against Narsingh Rai of Kherla who had to surrender forty elephants and married his daughter to Firuz.[بحاجة لمصدر] In 1420, an attack on Pangal, which had been taken by Vijayanagar, proved disastrous. Firuz was trounced by Vijayanagar and he retreated, surrendering the southern and eastern districts of his kingdom. This defeat had a deep impact on his morale and he was henceforth a broken man. He spend his final two years in asceticism and piety.

During his reign, Firuz was successful in integrating Hindus into the Bahmani office and army. He also formed alliances with Telugu warriors.[6]

He was determined to make the Deccan region the cultural centre of India. Each year he sent ships from his kingdom’s two principal western seaports, Goa and Dabhol, to the Persian Gulf to recruit talented men of letters, administrators, soldiers, and artisans.[7]

With the raids of Timur ravaging Delhi, Firuz embarked on building a new city which was named Firozabad, a few kilometers south of Gulbarga.[8]

He abdicated the throne to his younger brother Ahmad, "considered a saint by both the Muslims and Hindus."[4]


Firuz Shah was particularly an intellectual king .He was compared to Muhammad Tughluk in this aspect. He was well versed in Quran and Islamic jurisprudence,took philosophical leanings in Sufism and proficient in several languages and took three days off in a week to give lectures on subjects like mathematics and Euclidean geometry. He was also a master of several languages like Persian, Arabic, Canarese, Telugu, Marathi and many other languages. He also was poet and wrote under the name of firozi. His interest in astronomy is quite evident when he instructs to build an observatory in Daulatabad which would get completed after his death.[9] He was also respectful of other faiths, and read the Christian and Jewish scriptures. He also maintained a vast harem consisting of inmates from different parts of the world. He would also contract temporary marriages known in the Shi'ah doctrine as mutāh so as to not conflict with his strict Islamic observerence.[10]

الوفاة والدفن

Firuz Shah died on 1 October 1422 in Gulbarga. He was buried in a large tomb in the Haft Gumbaz, that was constructed during his lifetime.[11]


  1. ^ Sherwani 1946, Tajuddin Firoz 163.
  2. ^ Eaton 2000, Death of Firoz Shah pp. 54.
  3. ^ Firoz Shah Bahmani, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, p. 254, https://archive.org/details/delhisultanate00bhar/page/254/mode/1up?view=theater 
  4. ^ أ ب Sen, Sailendra (2013). A Textbook of Medieval Indian History. Primus Books. pp. 106–108. ISBN 978-9-38060-734-4.
  5. ^ أ ب ت Prasad, Ishwari (1933). History Of Medieval India. pp. 423–428.
  6. ^ Eaton 2000, Firoz pp.48.
  7. ^ Eaton 2000, A Cultural symbiosis in the Deccan [1] pp.51.
  8. ^ Sherwani 1946, Firuzabad pp 169.
  9. ^ Eaton 2000, The Intellectual pursuits of the King 55.
  10. ^ Sherwani 1946, The Intellectual pursuits of the King [2] pp. 145.
  11. ^ Sherwani, Death pp. 170.
