مساعدة:تحقيق الصفحة

موسوعة المعرفة تستخدم وصلة FlaggedRevs (وتعرف أيضاً بإسم المراجعات المـُشـْهـَرة flagged revisions أو النسخ المستقرة stable revisions) لكي يتمكن المحررون editors و المراجعون reviewers من مراجعة تعديلات الصفحات لضمان الجودة. الصفحات المراجعة يقال أنها مستقرة.

This feature allows readers who are not logged in, or have set their stability preferences accordingly, to be served with stable versions for pages where they exist. This makes low activity books more resistant to vandalism.

Regular contributors are automatically given editor status by the software. Editors automatically review pages at the lowest setting (called sighting a page) when they save, so active books will usually have contributions by non-editors added shortly after they are committed.

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Quality criteria and levels

There are three criteria on which a module can be reviewed for quality; composition, accuracy and coverage. Each of these has four levels for which editors can rate by. The default rating is the lowest level: "Poor/unrated". The following sections describe the rest of the levels.

Reviewers can additionally rate modules at a fifth level, featured quality, required for a book to become featured.


The quality and suitability of prose. You should be familiar with the reading level of the module's target audience before grading its composition.

Correct spelling and grammar
Proofread for spelling, grammar, punctuation.
Good structure
Page is well written with good paragraph structure where ideas flow logically through the page.
Consistent style
Language is consistent rather than a patchwork of different contributors' tone and style. Fonts, tables, diagrams, illustrations and other elements on the page are used in a consistent way. Take the book's local manual of style into consideration when reviewing its style.


The degree to which concepts, theories, directions and other information presented is verifiably true. You should be familiar with a book's intended presentation and audience first. For example a book for amateur astronomers might oversimplify concepts and have lower accuracy demands than an astronomy book intended for experts.

Some explanations is presented which rules out obvious bias, assumptions, speculation, nonsense, etc.
Presented information is reasonably explained and seems to make good sense, possibly following up from another page.
Accuracy can be confirmed safely by following directions as outlined, by applying concepts as explained, or by checking sources that the book provides.

Some books discuss literary works, which may be harder to grade. As a general rule of thumb grade accuracy based on whether what is discussed can be verified to be true by reading the literary work in question. For example a fictional character's motives might be verifiable by describing and analogizing what the character says or does, or how the fictional character behaves.


How much depth and breadth the module spans. You should be familiar with the intended scope of a book, before rating a revision's coverage.

The page gives a brief overview of the subject it claims, but not much more then that, with no obvious omissions.
The page covers the intended material reasonably well, but may not have any examples, little discussion or relevant background, and no information about tangential subjects.
Covers the material well, and includes proper background, discussion, and examples. May include mention of tangential subjects or links to related books or resources for further reading.

Featured books

If most of the pages in a book have a revision that has been flagged as being of good quality in all 3 categories, the book can be nominated to be a featured book. If the Wikibooks community agrees that a book should become featured, a reviewer can flag all pages in the book as being of featured quality in all 3 categories.

Pages in a book can be considered featured quality if:

  1. The page is a model that other pages should follow,
  2. The material presented is undeniably true, you would use it to teach other people or teachers would use it in a classroom, and
  3. The page does a superb job of covering the material. Most common questions are answered or points readers to where they can find answers.

المحررون والمراجعون

المحرر و المراجع هما مصطلحان يستخدمان في وصلة FlaggedRevs للمستخدمين الذين بإمكانهم مراجعة نسخ صفحة ما. On Wikibooks, editors can review up to, but not including, the level which is required for Featured books. Marking modules for feature quality requires reviewer status.

If/When you can satisfy the editor criteria you should receive the editor flag automatically, otherwise you can request the editor or reviewer flag. If you could satisfy the editor criteria given enough time, please provide a reasonable argument for why you should be given the editor flag manually instead when requesting the editor flag. The criteria for reviewer has not been clarified yet. Administrators have reviewer tools.

مسوغات الحصول التلقائي على وضع "محرر"

ينبغي أن تحصل تلقائياً على أدوات المحرر عندما/إذا تلبي المواصفات التالية:

  • أن يكون لديك حساباً مسجلاً منذ ما لا يقل عن 30 يوماً، ويكون بريدك الإلكتروني سليم ومؤكد في خاص:تفضيلات.
  • لم تـُمنـّع من التحرير قط، ولم تـُنزع عنك أدوات التحرير أو المراجعة (بإمكانك طلب هذه الأدوات في تلك الحالة).
  • لديك على الأقل 100 تحرير منذ تسجيلك (باستثناء التحريرات الملغاة)، ويكون منها:
    • 70 تحرير أو أكثر لصفحات غير صفحات النقاش.
    • 50 تحرير أو أكثر ملخص التحرير استـُخدِموا.
    • 10 صفحات جديدةأو أكثر قد تم التحرير فيهم على الأقل لمرة واحدةمن قبلك.
    • 10 تحريرات منفصلين عن بعضهم البعض بيومين أو أكثر، (أي أن التحرير تم على مدى ما لا يقل عن 18 يوم، لو كان تحريرك كل يومين).
    • 10 تحريرات أو أكثر هم في أحدث التغييرات عندما يتم فحص أهلية المستخدم للترقي التلقائي لمحرر.
  • على ان يتم مراجعة ما لايقل عن10مقالات تمت مراجعتها من قبل المراجعين الجدد من قبل مراجع معتمد على ان يكون من اهل الاختصاص لتحديد مستويات المقالات المراجعة من قبل المراجعين الجدد
  • تتم نزع المراجعة من المراجعين الجدد اذا اكتشفت اخطاء في المقالات المراجعة بحيث لا تستهل ان يتم اعتمادها

Monitoring activity

There are two logs of page reviews:

Other related special pages:

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