
(تم التحويل من ساكي)
Sake bottle, Japan, ca. 1740
Sake served in a clear glass
Sake barrel offerings at the Shinto shrine Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū in Kamakura

الساكي (نيهونشو Nihonshu) شراب كحولي ياباني يصنع من الأرز المخمر ومكوناته الأرز والماء ويقدم عادة وهو ساخن.

وهو قديم العهد حيث كان يتم استخراجه من الأرز منذ قديم العصور في اليابان.

الساكي مشابه لمشروب البوظة المعروف في مصر.

Special Designation Ingredients Rice Polishing Ratio Percentage of Kōji rice
Junmai Daiginjō-shu (純米大吟醸酒, Pure rice, Very Special brew) Rice, Kōji rice Below 50% At least 15%
Daiginjō-shu (大吟醸酒, Very Special brew) Rice, Kōji rice, Distilled alcohol[note 1] Below 50% At least 15%
Junmai Ginjō-shu (純米吟醸酒, Pure rice, Special brew) Rice, Kōji rice Below 60% At least 15%
Ginjō-shu (吟醸酒, Special brew) Rice, Kōji rice, Distilled alcohol[note 1] Below 60% At least 15%
Tokubetsu Junmai-shu (特別純米酒, Special Pure rice) Rice, Kōji rice Below 60% or produced by special brewing method At least 15%
Tokubetsu Honjōzō-shu (特別本醸造酒, Special Genuine brew) Rice, Kōji rice, Distilled alcohol[note 1] Below 60% or produced by special brewing method At least 15%
Junmai-shu (純米酒, Pure rice) Rice, Kōji rice Regulations do not stipulate a rice polishing ratio[1] At least 15%
Honjōzō-shu (本醸造酒, Genuine brew) Rice, Kōji rice, Distilled alcohol[note 1] Below 70% At least 15%
  1. ^ أ ب ت ث The weight of added alcohol must be below 10% of the weight of the rice (after polishing) used in the brewing process.

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Ceremonial use

A cask of sake before the kagami biraki
Decorative sake containers in a Nakatsugawa shop

See also


  1. ^ WSET Level 3 Award in Sake Study Guide
  • Bamforth CW. (2005) "Sake". Food, Fermentation and Micro-organisms. Blackwell Science: Oxford, UK: 143–153.
  • Kobayashi T, Abe K, Asai K, Gomi K, Uvvadi PR, Kato M, Kitamoto K, Takeuchi M, Machida M. (2007). "Genomics of Aspergillus oryzae". Biosci Biotechnol. Biochem. 71(3):646–670.
  • Suzuki K, Asano S, Iijima K, Kitamoto K. (2008). "Sake and Beer Spoilage Lactic Acid Bacteria – A review". The Inst of Brew & Distilling; 114(3):209–223.
  • Uno T, Itoh A, Miyamoto T, Kubo M, Kanamaru K, Yamagata H, Yasufuku Y, Imaishi H. (2009). "Ferulic Acid Production in the Brewing of Rice Wine (Sake)". J Inst Brew. 115(2):116–121.


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